He'll be like Dynamite Kid
Ishii will just be dead
Was it Dynamite Kid who threatened his ex-wofe with a shotgun then in an interview years later was all 'it wasn't actually loaded, I was just messing about' as if that makes it OK? Can't remember if it was him or someone else.
Thise headbut spots will surely take their toll.
Lol, even Kotaku covering the #BlackExcellence pic now. Anyone who has issues with that pic or hashtag are beyond ridiculous.
Lol, even Kotaku covering the #BlackExcellence pic now. Anyone who has issues with that pic or hashtag are beyond ridiculous.
I love it. I hope Rich, New Day, and Sasha keep on making 'em fucking mad.
Been off the interwebs all day. Can I get summary?
http://kotaku.com/pro-wrestlers-get-people-talking-about-black-excellence-1790109178Been off the interwebs all day. Can I get summary?
Yeah that does suck. It'd be nice if we could keep it going until at least the Rumble, but eh.Another unfortunate aspect of this is the timing. Sunday's a PPV where at least one of them will likely lose the gold, and now the asshole bigots get to feel like they were part of the reason why when it happens
Big E posted this picture on Twitter, with #BlackExcellence
Racists got mad, seemingly.
Backstage segment with Vince incoming get the Do-Rag ready.
So Del Rio is a dick who steals luchadors masks and no shows promotions.
Welp, as hinted at by all the scuttlebutt on twitter and his lack of bookings in 2017, it appears that the rumours about Hero being resigned by the WWE are true;
What a crazy year he's had though, one of the best in-ring years any performer has had in a good long while. Glad I got to see him perform live and in some goddamn amazing matches.
Pretty sure Del Rio unmasked Sin Cara #1, Hunicara, and Kalisto all on Raw at one point or another. Dude hates masks.
Oh yes, do-rag Vince...
Next year is in the Triple H wins at WM part of the cycle, so I think you're right.HHH will pin Seth clean with a pedigree in hour 7 of the 10 hour Mania
oops, for some reason my spoiler key isn't working
Basically, Big E posted that picture with New Day, Sasha, and Rich holding their belts with the caption #BlackExcellence. The "all lives matter" types got mad and have been coming at them all day. The very first response E got for the picture was someone going on about how if he posted about White Excellence, he'd be racist or some such. Some outlets have been picking it up.
Yeah that does suck. It'd be nice if we could keep it going until at least the Rumble, but eh.
Yes!Next year is in the Triple H wins at WM part of the cycle, so I think you're right.
Sounds like the MRI didn't go well https://twitter.com/ZackRyder/status/809200571077033984
Damn...Also that first comment the fuck?
Sounds like the MRI didn't go well https://twitter.com/ZackRyder/status/809200571077033984
Thats sucks. Wonder what they will do now. Usos vs Wyatts or Alpha vs Wyatts.
Thats sucks. Wonder what they will do now. Usos vs Wyatts or Alpha vs Wyatts.
Their inability to get the channel/program into more households has been poison for the show. Itunes just isn't sufficient.Has LU lost its popularity on here? Damn good match taking place on here at the moment
Sounds like the MRI didn't go well https://twitter.com/ZackRyder/status/809200571077033984
Has LU lost its popularity on here? Damn good match taking place on here at the moment