I keep reading OwensisNow's caustic posts, not recognizing the avatar, and going "who the hell is the new horse's ass"
Omega is a pretend-cool tryhard. He is the Jarrett of this generation.
Omega is not a good ol' boy in any fashion. That is the answer I'd expect from him. He is of the new era "liberal nerd" variety, like an Xavier Woods. And those two are friends.He never gives a concrete answer and likes to play with it:
I don't know what the hell I am.
Bonus gay community question:
That's news to me to be honest, I had no idea! But in any case, I'm very happy and proud that I'm able to reach so many different walks of life through what I do and how I do it. It's just me being me, so if that's accepted on some level, I'm happy for any and all fans
Way better than the answer AJ gave q:
Watching this series and noticed Kenny Omega says "boyfriend" in this clip. Is he gay? As a gay Omega fan, this might kill me.
What?!Someone created an ROH archive
And it's exactly what you think it is
I've often wondered about it too. It wouldn't surprise me at the end of the day.
My straight friend still carries on shipping Ibushi and Omega, hehe.
Darren Young is not a very good singles wrestler, or a good wrestling personality. He's just not very good in general. But coming out like he did was a pretty important step for this backwards ass business.Man, no offense to Darren Young, but if someone like Omega could carry the mantle for gay/bi wrasslers (while active, sorry Patterson) that would be so dope.
Anyways, I've taken this thread on a tangent. I'll draw hearts around waifu Omega on my own time.
Darren Young is not a very good singles wrestler, or a good wrestling personality. He's just not very good in general. But coming out like he did was a pretty important step for this backwards ass business.
It's too bad that poor dude got handed a gimmick that was built entirely around a Donald Trump slogan. Vince can go fuck himself in Linda's Whitehouse restroom.
But certainly someone like Omega would have a much larger impact since he's one of the top talents in the world.
I still don't know why Creative didn't push a gay heel character onto Young. Well, I do: we must think of the children! But molding a character after Jafar or any Disney villain, really, would be so cool. Cunning, dastardly, pure malice...just someone so flamboyantly over the top (not flamboyant in a prissy way, but in a sorta early Goldust way). It would be perfection. It would need to be done right, though, and given how WWE's treating Lana and the fact that Jinder Mahal is a bad guy because he wears a turban makes me think that shit ain't happening any time soon.
You might like Dalton Castle, the only wrestler worth something in ROH.
Surprisingly, I hate him. We get RoH at like 2 in the morning in Nashville and I watch bits and pieces of it and he irritates the shit out of me. My buddy's been trying to push him onto me for a year or so now and not one match has stuck.
2am? Damn so that's 3 here. I know in Knoxville they show ovw on Saturdays.Surprisingly, I hate him. We get RoH at like 2 in the morning in Nashville and I watch bits and pieces of it and he irritates the shit out of me. My buddy's been trying to push him onto me for a year or so now and not one match has stuck.
Big fan. The bruiser element of exoticos is great. I'd love to see something like that minus the tired gender stereotypes. When an exotico lets loose in-ring and hit shard, that shit gets me YES'ing (YAS'ing?) like no one's business.
Ahhh 99-2000. Great timesI still remember the video vividly. The song was forgettable even though I was a big fan of mya. I remember saving all of my nickles, quarters, and dimes to buy fear of flying. I tell you back in 98-2001 every Saturday I was up stairs recording the Saturday mega mix and playing either ps1 or n64. Good times. Usually my recordings got more heavy in 99-2000 so I always associate no mercy, attitude, and wm 2000 with it.
Wrestle Kingdom 11 |OT| What WrestleMania Used to Be LikeSo guys, I'll probably get started with my Wrestle Kingdom 11 topic Monday night. Anybody got good ideas for an OT title?
So guys, I'll probably get started with my Wrestle Kingdom 11 topic Monday night. Anybody got good ideas for an OT title?
Sensitivity classes with Enzo.What happened to Darren Young? Has been absent for months.
My local indie is bringing some really interesting talent. First they announce Broken Matt and Brother Nero, then AR Fox (eww), and now:
The Juice is in the house!!!
What happened to Darren Young? Has been absent for months.
My local indie is bringing some really interesting talent. First they announce Broken Matt and Brother Nero, then AR Fox (eww), and now:
The Juice is in the house!!!
AJ vs Miz title for title in main event
John Cena vs Undertaker career vs career
Goldberg vs Lesnar
Cruiserweight multiman ladder match
Seth Rollins vs Triple H
Sasha vs Charlotte vs Bayley Raw Womens title
Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton vs American Alpha Smackdown tag titles
Roman Reigns vs Braun Stroman Last Man Standing match for US title
Mania should be pretty fun this year.
The more I watch of WWE Hardy's the more I hate them. Jeff Hardy with the dumbest entrance hand things, the dumb music, the hands.
The more I watch of WWE Hardy's the more I hate them. Jeff Hardy with the dumbest entrance hand things, the dumb music, the hands.
This is a personal attack on my youth. The first TLC match is incredible.
I'm not denying the significance of that match, but the Hardy's evolved into goth bros.
The hell is this:
They evolve *from* goth bros, technically.
And their aesthetic worked for the time period. It aged the longer they clung to it, but you've gotta remember people like Too Cool were over as hell then. Also, their original theme is amazing.
Is there anything this loser can do rightTJ Perkins
Finally saw Rogue One. Disney is a solid 0-2 for Star Wars in my book. Just can't get into them at all. Lacks the charm of 1-6. Needs Lucas.
Is there anything this loser can do right
someone on wooo discovered something
I guess TNA aren't the only ones ripping off themes
Is there anything this loser can do right