A shoot: I really like Corbin's lanky tall dude build. It kind of reminds me of Vampiro's. It wouldn't work if he wasn't tall but I think it's more interesting than if he was tll and buff
Conversely, Big Cass just looks like a shitty stretched out jobber.
Remember to keep the PROGRESS cameramen and editors in ur thoughts and prayers.
Merry Christmas Wrestling NeoGAF
Remember to keep the PROGRESS cameramen and editors in ur thoughts and prayers.
A shoot: I really like Corbin's lanky tall dude build. It kind of reminds me of Vampiro's. It wouldn't work if he wasn't tall but I think it's more interesting than if he was tll and buff
Conversely, Big Cass just looks like a shitty stretched out jobber.
I'm happy with this being a PROGRESS gif page. Best promotion.
A license to WORKIs this real?
Can I get one?!
Happy holidays
I'ma roll up Santa
License. To work
You know what's gross?
Body shaming in 2016.
I think that with Andrade now heel he's one great takeover performance from getting him out of the shithole he's been since the debut, not saying he'll become a success all of a sudden but it'll be enough to try the whole thing again.
And when I say Takeover I mean a show where he's the fuck away from the shit Full Sail crowd who only give a shit about getting themselves over and doing "funny" chants on camera for their darlings