Using my original list because fuck it why not
Best Male WWE Wrestler: Reigns
Best New Japan Wrestler: Naito
Best Other Wrestler: Hero
Best Female Wrestler: Alternating between Charlotte and Becky honestly
Best Team: The Jimmyz in Dragon Gate
Worst Wrestler: Dean Ambrose
WWE MOTY: Goldberg/Br*ck
New Japan MOTY: Naito/Omega
MOTY Other: Tie between Ospreay, Ricochet and Sydal vs Cole and the Bucks in PWG, and Total Nonstop Deletion tag Apocalypto in TNA
Worst MOTY: TNA One Night Only gauntlet battle royal between Kong, Rebel, Deonna, Chelsea, Marti, Jade, and Rayne (gifs were on Twitter, full match went up on Youtube, holy fucking god to both)
Promotion: PWG, but I can hear arguments for New Japan
PPV of the Year: PWG BOLA Night 2, but I can hear arguments for Wrestle Kingdom
Best on the Mic: Sheamus
Best Gimmick: The Jimmyz
Worst Gimmick: Zayn
Angle of the Year: Broken Matt
Moment of the Year: Reigns winning the belt and getting Redemption at Mania
Worst Moment: Tie between Dean Ambrose: World Champ and HHH: World Champ AND Rumble Winner
Carny of the Year: The McMahon family, especially HHH
Shooter of the Year: DMczaf
Most Overrated: Cody R
Most Underrated: Naito
Comeback: Goldberg
Most Improved: Charlotte, could also hear arguments for Naito
Move of the Year: Del Rio to the unemployment line
Please Retire: HHH and Dean
Worst McMahon: HHH