Professor Beef
I do love seeing people make fun of Tuna Meltz.

Barrett's not gainfully employed and certainly wasn't featured regularly, neither is Ryback and he never won titles, ditto Sandow (arguably worse because he's in TNA), same with Riley, and it's a stretch to say any of them had great careers at any point (adding Bray to that fold), regardless of whether it was deserved in some cases
Making a big stink about "contributing in some meaningful way" and then pretty clearly not even reading an example when it comes. lmfao
Go on, next write an essay about JTG's book being a masterpiece he should thank Cena for giving him inspiration to do.
La Luchadora seems to be the Jane Ellsworth jobber from a few weeks ago. I suppose we just wait to see if they intend for her to be a character or if she's just filling in for the role and they'll reveal it's Mickie or Eva.
Also from the whole infamous Summerslam 2010 thing is it that Vince booked Team Cena to go over but Cena wanted the ridiculous comeback from the DDT on the concrete which really hammered in how fucking dumb the thing was or Vince wanted the Nexus to win but Cena used his creative power to give himself the win?
The DDT comeback was Cena's idea entirely, and the story goes he apologized for it when he went backstage because he almost immediately after the act happened to conclusion realized it was fucking stupid
Sounds about right. It really was a dumb thing to do. Just beating them clean would have been bad but taking a move that would kill a normal man and coming back to win without a hassle was worse.The DDT comeback was Cena's idea entirely, and the story goes he apologized for it when he went backstage because he almost immediately after the act happened to conclusion realized it was fucking stupid
AJ sold that super kick like a champ, jesus can he sell well. Also corbin with the fuck up and not breaking the count, good thing AJ was paying attention
So was La Luchadora tonight?Natalya
I gotta go with Bray. Dude was white fucking hot. And after Cena got done with him, he had a shitty feud with Jericho and then off TV for 2 months.Rusev is still the worst case of a Cena burial. He could have been a fucking star if he not only won but made Cena tap with the Accolade.
No. Hair color was wrong.
Cena didn't bury rusev, I doubt that any point in his career did Vince think that he would be a main eventer. I mean his gimmick was a evil foreign in 2015.Rusev is still the worst case of a Cena burial. He could have been a fucking star if he not only won but made Cena tap with the Accolade.
Sounds about right. It really was a dumb thing to do. Just beating them clean would have been bad but taking a move that would kill a normal man and coming back to win without a hassle was worse.
At least the Shield were successful enough to have the power (and Triple H's protection) to refuse to do any jobbing for basically the entirety of their run.
It seems to be the jobber Alexa beat up a couple weeks ago. Although she might just be filling the role in and it could be revealed to be Mickie or something after Becky wins the belt back.So was La Luchadora tonight?Natalya
I'll always thank Cena for burying Riley's career, thanks Cena.
I dunno. Rusev went from an undefeated monster pre-Cena to being in a love square angle post-Cena.Cena didn't bury rusev, I doubt that any point in his career did Vince think that he would be a main eventer. I mean his gimmick was a evil foreign in 2015.
He built to lose to Cena, at no point did Cena politic his way into winning.Alex Riley mistaking a Push Rage sign a fan made as a joke over his CAW for being something for him will never not be funny and also a bit sad.
I dunno. Rusev went from an undefeated monster pre-Cena to being in a love square angle post-Cena.
Granted the engagement being leaked killed Vince's chances of ever giving him a proper world title push.
Ryback's story about Triple H back when Ryback was getting surgeries is just...*sigh* I can't believe I'm saying this in 2016, but...
...fuck Triple H.
Also, Ryback wasn't buried by Cena, he was put into a no-win situation by Creative thanks to CM Punk's winning streak and his own winning streak.
What plans are "set for Mania" according to Meltzer aside of the obvious build for Seth vs. Triple H?Not sure if this was mentioned here, but Meltzer did mention last night that WM plans for Roman are not set yet. He hinted that Strowman is a possibility and also said that none of the plans are a "another coronation moment".
He also mentioned that there was a "pretty surprising" option for Roman on the table, but he doesn't expect that one to happen.
My favorite Riley memory is when I worked NXT and he for some odd reason didn't use the men's locker room to change into his gear, but came into the promo room and hid behind a set of prop lockers and changed.
What plans are "set for Mania" according to Meltzer aside of the obvious build for Seth vs. Triple H?
It seems to be the jobber Alexa beat up a couple weeks ago. Although she might just be filling the role in and it could be revealed to be Mickie or something after Becky wins the belt back.
Deonna Purrazzo? She's been used a few times in NXT too, debuting in Stardom next month.
What plans are "set for Mania" according to Meltzer aside of the obvious build for Seth vs. Triple H?
The obvious answer to the surprising option is Rock.
Does Rock do a 3-4 month heel run just to get his cousin over?
Also, Shane vs Brock Lesnar was locked in until Goldberg proved he's a god damn draw.
Shane vs fucking Brock Lesnar....
Would they seriously do Goldberg vs. Brock AGAIN?!?The only things that seem 100% set right now (that we know of) are Seth vs. Triple H and Goldberg vs. Brock.
Looking strong trumps everything when it comes to getting pushed. Even selling merch is secondary.Does Roman sell high merchandise? I still don't understand why he is a face.
Why would they seriously do Goldberg vs. Brock AGAIN?!?
Do we really need to rehash the 30-second Survivor Series match again?
Seems like a waste of Brock's time. (Which, naturally, means he loves the idea. Getting a Mania payday for a nothing match is what he loves the most.).
Does Roman sell high merchandise? I still don't understand why he is a face.
I thought it had some cool spots but as a match, yeah, it was sort of all over the place. I hope they don't have them fight each other until the rumble, because they fear hitting Charlotte-Sasha levels of repetitiveness (although they will hopefully not have as many title changes) and I say this as someone who likes the feud.You couldn't pay a crowd to boo The Rock in 2016, especially not over Roman and especially not at Mania. I would hope they'd be smarter than to consider that.
Sidebar: Tonight was the worst Alexa vs Becky match. Alexa's inexperience really showed.
Also peep these shoots..
Kung Fu Panda is a GOAT movie.
I thought it had some cool spots but as a match, yeah, it was sort of all over the place. I hope they don't have them fight each other until the rumble, because they fear hitting Charlotte-Sasha levels of repetitiveness (although they will hopefully not have as many title changes) and I say this as someone who likes the feud.
I'm sure it means nothing, didn't Samoa Joe injure Tyson before a main event taping? Probably just want to give them match ups with more experienced people.Liv Morgan is on Raw house shows teaming with Sasha and Bayley. Why they are even considering her yet is weird. NXT isn't even being used to let people shake the green off anymore.
Because they are all inept.Does Roman sell high merchandise? I still don't understand why he is a face.