I wish they made Ember into a female Randy Orton/crazy person but it looks like they still dont know what to do with her
The Rumble(itself) in 89 was fun
that doesn't rhyme
The fans have acknowledged AJ as their hero even if Vince and company won't do it during a time of season they perceive matters. AJ will take a step back for Mania season - I won't take it to the bank that either Styles or Owens will get singles matches on that card even though AJ had one with Jericho last year - but he'll be right back in the main event picture once the part-timers go away and Cena decides to take another 6-month break to film movies and his reality series.Crazy that people here think he'll go midcard when he loses the title to Cena.
AJ IS Smackdown. He's the Smackdown Six all rolled into one.
I'm convinced anyone worth watching at Mania will be hid away in some multi-man match for some mid-card belt nobody gives a rat's ass about while Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and the part-timers all get 30-minute matches filled with restholds and overbooking.And let not fool ourselves, Miz will be in a multi man match for the IC title.
Honestly, I think the Rumble was better before they threw the automatic world title shot at WrestleMania into the mix in 1993, which eventually made shit way more predictable as to who would win.
Because Goldberg vs Brock no matter how bad it will be is the biggest money they can do, and Brock gonna get his win back.What makes people think Goldberg is going to WM?
The SS match was fun, but do you really want a real 20min match with those two?
He'll be eliminated from the Rumble and retire for good.
Mania isn't about wanting quality matches any more.What makes people think Goldberg is going to WM?
The SS match was fun, but do you really want a real 20min match with those two?
He'll be eliminated from the Rumble and retire for good.
50/50 booking at its finest. And if that's the biggest money they can do, then there's something royally fucked up in this business.Because Goldberg vs Brock no matter how bad it will be is the biggest money they can do, and Brock gonna get his win back.
Hana isn't under contract yet and JWP and Stardom both have been building angles and shows around her.
It's pretty obvious but I imagine William Regal or Triple H will 'discover' her in the next 5 years
Mania isn't about wanting quality matches any more.
It's about wanting quality WrestleMania moments. Goldberg hasn't had his yet.
The WrestleMania that delivers great matches and not half-assed spectacle is next Wednesday.
50/50 booking at its finest. And if that's the biggest money they can do, then there's something royally fucked up in this business.
Because mooching off the nostalgia train while leaving the current product to die can only carry you for so long.
Hana isn't under contract yet and JWP and Stardom both have been building angles and shows around her.
It's pretty obvious but I imagine William Regal or Triple H will 'discover' her in the next 5 years
Rumble 90
Tony Schiavone!!!!
Only thing I remember about the 90 rumble is the crowd going apeshit when DiBiase is all alone in the ring and then the buzzer goes off and it's Jake Roberts.
So when AJ drops the title to Cena at the Rumble, where does he go from there?
Miz? Talk about a step down (title wise, nothing against Miz, quite the contrary in fact). At least we know KO has a Jericho feud ready after he drops to Roman.
Only thing I remember about the 90 rumble is the crowd going apeshit when DiBiase is all alone in the ring and then the buzzer goes off and it's Jake Roberts.
This is WWE we are talking about.Cena is only on for 6 months next year, right?
In many, many ways Smackdown is built around AJ. It is hard seeing them do something too foolish.
Right now when it comes to WrestleMania while there are a lot of rumors and directions being stated, there are only three matches locked in, which are Brock Lesnar vs. Bill Goldberg, HHH vs. Seth Rollins and Big Show vs. Shaquille ONeal.
John Cena vs. Undertaker is a probable, but Vince McMahon was not locked on it. Also probable was a multiple person womens championship match on the Raw side. Right now when it comes to Undertaker, while it is likely Cena, the other opponent considered is Roman Reigns with the idea that Reigns is the future, Cena vs. Undertaker doesnt build the future, and this may be Undertakers last match. If they dont do Reigns this year, they may never be able to do it. Either way, if Cena and Reigns leave San Antonio as champions, it looks like Undertaker will challenge one of them in the main event.
I'm sure the San Antonio crowd will love Reigns and Cena winning the world title on the same night to set up yet another VinceMania shoved down everyone's throats.WM news from Meltzer
This is WWE we are talking about.
Hana isn't under contract yet and JWP and Stardom both have been building angles and shows around her.
It's pretty obvious but I imagine William Regal or Triple H will 'discover' her in the next 5 years
That is true.
And fuck at that Meltzer news. They want Reigns vs Undertaker for Undertaker's potential last match. Fucking hell, that'll get Reigns over /s
WM news from Meltzer
Ambrose and Styles have been carrying SD on their backs hell this damn company on their backs the entire year and they'll probably be in tag matches or multi-man matches. Why the fuck is Taker gonna take on Reigns potentially when he said he's a SD guy? Why is Cena going to-it's Cena and all but shit.
I said before and I'll say it again, watch. It'll be Ambrose and Styles vs Wyatt and Orton. Why will Ambrose and Styles team up?
They don't have any matches for them so they'll have to.
Hana isn't under contract yet and JWP and Stardom both have been building angles and shows around her.
It's pretty obvious but I imagine William Regal or Triple H will 'discover' her in the next 5 years
The official announcement of the Money In the Bank show being 6/18 in St. Louis was made at the 12/27 house show at the Scottrade Center. It was also announced as being a Smackdown exclusive show this year.
While they havent made an official offer (or at least hadnt as of last week), WWE is more open to Matt Riddle than a few months ago. Everyone knows hes one of the best prospects to come along in the sense not many in modern history have ever gotten so good in so few matches. Riddle is under contract to Evolve, but that means nothing as Evolves policy is always to release guys if WWE wants them. I have no idea why New Japan doesnt go after him now although it probably is inevitable than hell be in WWE and probably a major star, at some point.
More stuff from the Observer. Money In The Bank will be a SD PPV.
And WWE is now open to signing Riddle
Why does Meltzer say dumb shit like "I don't know why NJPW doesn't sign him" knowing Riddle is a major pothead?
Ambrose will be in Renee's corner as she faces Maryse with Miz in her corner on the Pre-Show.
Its pretty sad its gonna be Part-TimerMania again. HHH having a guaranteed match at Mania is the worst. FUCK HHH
If Joe does come up in the Rumble (which seems like a near-certainty at this point) he'll probably go with either AJ or Dean at WM depending on whether they bring him up as a face or heel.
if they pair joe against dean, even as a heel joe is going to be the face to the audience after a short period of time (talking a month at most until it happens)
Fuck HHH
I'm sure the San Antonio crowd will love Reigns and Cena winning the world title on the same night to set up yet another VinceMania shoved down everyone's throats.
Saddening note from Alvarez. He said tonight on F4D that he's heard that Vince loves Jason Jordan but isn't high on Chad Gable, so most internally suspect the team to break up much sooner than anyone would expect.
Of course it is Alvarez, so take it with a grain of salt. Still, it'a baffling considering the only thing that got Jason Jordan over in NXT was Chad Gable.