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I'm going to guess that Sting and AJ Styles will be heavily featured in their best of 2014 show tonight to leech as much as possible off their debut and success elsewhere.


Crazy ass heel Truth was fucking amazing though, shame he only got one PPV to prove his worth.
Wait a minute. Was there an episode of Lucha Underground today? This schedule has me all confused. It says 8 but I was on that channel at the time but they aint show shit. Also Saturday's? Guys help me out here. I'm so confused.

There was a new ep on today indeed on El Rey, no idea what time over there. I think they run the spanish version on Saturdays on another channel? Aii probably knows more about the schedule.

Either way the episode will be up somewhere by the time I'm ready for it tonight.
Don't worry RR, I'll buy the blu ray once the first series is done, this is good shit
I watched Bloodsport for the 3rd time in my life today. Couple of things

1. Bolo Yeung is always that motherfucker whenever I see him

2. Ray Jackson is cinema's greatest character
3.Did you know?




NeoGAF's smiling token!
No "I choppy choppy your pee pee"?

To be fair to Vince, he doesn't JUST make racist jokes.

He also likes to insult people with medical conditions... what a funny guy!

It's about having fun. For example: pushing someone into the pool is the funniest thing you could ever do. This business is about fun.


Pretty fun 'n playful episode of Lucha Underground tonight. Johnny Mundo is coming off like a big-time star, and Drago has established himself as one of my personal faves despite losing two weeks in a row.


His backstory? He's a fucking DRAGON. The reincarnation of one at least. LU gives no fucks about your idea of "real" and "fake." They have a REINCARNATED DRAGON on their roster.

My review is here:

I don't remember the comedy bits in the beginning of Way of the Dragon. Bruce Lee scares a little boy, takes like 3 shits, and runs away from a chick who randomly wants to have sex with him (also, full frontal nudity)

It's a bit surreal

because we are tna and we must be relevant

Here's a recap

-Dixie is under the weather

-Talks about the changes they've made this year, says it was def a transitional year and how she was working on the tv deal for the past few months.

-She was happy fans voted so strongly on the 6 sided ring returning (80%), cause it was a tough choice for her.

-Says SpikeTV was great to TNA in every way and wants to keep working with Bellator. But she didn't want to just have a 2 hr show anymore, she wanted a partner that would help TNA grow.

-She felt bad about the past few months how it relates to talent, but she simply couldn't talk about anything until the deal was finally made. Very stressful times for her but since she's made the announcement, everything has been great.

-Borash mentioned how one wrestler asked her straight up, "will we have a tv deal?" and Dixie said without hesitation said yes (not sure when this happened, guessing within the past few months).

-She says all of the talent is excited and there are a lot of announcements coming soon and a lot of changes.

-She can't talk about any changes to how they tape shows, etc, but again they're will be tons of announcements about that kind of stuff soon.

-She loves how certain talent came back this year and says she always does whatever possible to leave the door open for that. Says we could see more returns like that. The roster could be changing a bit, they could be bringing in brand new names.

-Talking about the younger guys, how excited she is about them and how they actually challenge the veterans. Says Gaburick has done a great job with those guys and creative in general.

-Laughs when she hears that Angle announced he resigned on Russo's show. Puts Angle over for a while and says she'd love to have him work backstage at some point when he retires. But he's also in amazing shape right now and this could be the year of Kurt Angle.

-Talks about the Hardy's and how great they've been, how Jeff is in such a great place right now because of his daughter among other things.

-Dest. America is obv a smaller ch and at first glance she looks crazy for losing so many households. But they are now a part of Discovery Communications and Dest America is a huge priority for them. Dest America is one of the top 5 fastest growing cable networks on tv right now.

-How TNA is such a priority within that network now, they've gotten a huge amount of support from them already. They are the #1 pay tv programmer in the world. This is a global deal and they haven't even begun to scratch the surface on what they can do together. Like new international markets that TNA has never been in.

-More programming, changes to programming, which we'll find out about soon. It's so much bigger than an Impact deal on another network. It's a huge deal, she says there is no bigger deal they could have done and it's her intention to make Dest. America a household name.

-Talks about Sheera and his incredibly story, then British Boot Camp. Ratings have doubled this year, and they were already great the first year. Hopeful to do a Bootcamp 3.

-Puts over Spud, how much she loves him, how hard he works, how the next winner has such huge shoes to fill. Says "there's no clear standout this year".

-She's excited to go back to NY, talks about how she really did break her back in 3 places, even though most people thought it was fake.

-Again, tons of announcements coming.


I unironically love everything in that gif. No joke. I also loved Okada's anime-ass giant sword with dinossaur entrance, so...yeah

Goto / Shibata v Nakamura / Ishii?

ould be excellent

I unironically love Lucha Underground and its characters. Badass weekly wrestling show.
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