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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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One thing I never got as a kid and still don't get rewatching is Sunny. I just don't think she's that attractive. Like she's better looking than 98 Sable but that's not a hard accomplishment. She's not as attractive as returning sexy grandma Sable or anything.

She just had that little something, something. You know?

Sure, GILF Sabel is underrated. I agree.
So it's pretty much confirmed we're getting Anderson/Gallows vs. Shibata/Goto in the Dome. Pretty much saw it coming a mile away but still good to see.

Hopefully we get some other matches finalized as well. Still expecting to see AJ vs. Naito and Tenzan vs. Kojima, career vs. career announced. Yoshitatsu vs. Jarrett was rumored but with Yoshi's neck injury it looks like that won't be happening. Also rumor is the ROH title will be defended so it'll be interesting to see who they pick as Elgin's opponent

I like that gif, now show me what you are capable of. You cookie cutter mother fucker, you're just like the rest of these dudes safe moist as dudes.


Unpopular Shoot Opinion:

While Enzo Amore is decent on the mic, the gimmick is tired and annoys me. Big Cass may be 7 feet tall, but it's a waste of height. He's worse than Test. Carmella is in the same boat, she annoys the fuck out of me too. Is it supposed to be like a Jersey Shore type gimmick? I just can't identify with it. Also, there is a reason that cutting promos as you walk to the ring died with Mr. Kennedy.....they don't get the pop they got when Road Dogg and DX did them.

Bada bing bada boom. Realest shoot in the room.


Unpopular Shoot Opinion:

While Enzo Amore is decent on the mic, the gimmick is tired and annoys me. Big Cass may be 7 feet tall, but it's a waste of height. He's worse than Test. Carmella is in the same boat, she annoys the fuck out of me too. Is it supposed to be like a Jersey Shore type gimmick? I just can't identify with it. Also, there is a reason that cutting promos as you walk to the ring died with Mr. Kennedy.....they don't get the pop they got when Road Dogg and DX did them.

Bada bing bada boom. Realest shoot in the room.

Well, they don't need to do the SAME thing every time they come to the ring. I also don't really care for Carmella in the ring. I liked the vignettes, though. Cas is weird because he sure doesn't seem that tall. I think he should wear pants or something.

They're fun as shit, even though Enzo definitely isn't worth a shit in the ring, but he doesn't need to be. He should be full time manager to Cas.


Unpopular Shoot Opinion:

While Enzo Amore is decent on the mic, the gimmick is tired and annoys me. Big Cass may be 7 feet tall, but it's a waste of height. He's worse than Test. Carmella is in the same boat, she annoys the fuck out of me too. Is it supposed to be like a Jersey Shore type gimmick? I just can't identify with it. Also, there is a reason that cutting promos as you walk to the ring died with Mr. Kennedy.....they don't get the pop they got when Road Dogg and DX did them.

Bada bing bada boom. Realest shoot in the room.

I agree with most of this actually. Enzo's gimmick hasn't tired on me though, fun and playful, etc. Cass doesn't impress me in the ring and Carmella, while probably too soon to really judge, annoys me too. Enzo's the only guy out of those 3 who's going to go anywhere primarily because he's entertaining as hell on the mic and in backstage stuff.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Real Talk: New Generation era Razor Ramon is the sexiest man to ever wrestle. Yes, even sexier than Rude. How's that for a Rude Awakening?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Scott Hall in WCW is sexier than Razor. Better hair, leaner and more vascular in WCW.

I actually prefer his WWF hair and think his outfit is also leagues better in the fed. Also because of merch selling he spends way more time in WCW wearing a shirt.


Enzo easily has the best walk-to-the-ring microphone gig since Road Dogg, absolutely without question. I'd actually argue Enzo's is more entertaining than the D-o-double-g's


Unpopular Shoot Opinion:

While Enzo Amore is decent on the mic, the gimmick is tired and annoys me. Big Cass may be 7 feet tall, but it's a waste of height. He's worse than Test. Carmella is in the same boat, she annoys the fuck out of me too. Is it supposed to be like a Jersey Shore type gimmick? I just can't identify with it. Also, there is a reason that cutting promos as you walk to the ring died with Mr. Kennedy.....they don't get the pop they got when Road Dogg and DX did them.

Bada bing bada boom. Realest shoot in the room.

Enzo, for me, could talk for three hours on RAW and I'd never get bored. Same with Bray Wyatt. If Enzo was a beast in the ring as well he'd already be on RAW, alas...

Cass will find his groove. So will Carmella. But the three are golden. Hope they stay together.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Cass will look better with pants and a haircut. Enzo is perfect as-is and I never want him to change ever.
So I just found out what the hell a Z pack is. I thought it was a patch that dispensed antibiotics over time.

Turns out it is a antibiotic regime that follows a pyramid style of dispense being the heaviest dosage on day one then graddually wanning off them a lower dose at a time day after day.


Also, real talk, I hope Robbie E and Brooke win this season on The Amazing Race. That million would be the biggest payday they've had in years.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
did scott hall just hit the gym constantly between drink binges to stay in shape like he did in the 90s?

Triple H said when he first met Scott he was like the frail looking dude and then he came through the curtains looking like a Greek God. So apparently he just flipped it on whenever he had to perform.


Enzo, for me, could talk for three hours on RAW and I'd never get bored. Same with Bray Wyatt. If Enzo was a beast in the ring as well he'd already be on RAW, alas...

Cass will find his groove. So will Carmella. But the three are golden. Hope they stay together.

Carmella is too heel for me. I would like it more if she ends up F'ing with Enzo and Big Cass and breaks off at some point.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's not tough to get laid, as long as you are wearing clothing. Sometimes without.
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