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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Looks like Kidd and Cesaro are a tag team now.



What if the anonymous GM booked Sting in an 80s sitcom?

What if the Ascension debuts and Sting beats them up for using Jesus language?


maybe this'll lead to a renewed Cesaro p- ahahahaha i can't even type that out with a straight face
Cesaro needs a personality and character. His lack of spotlight is because he's not compelling outside the ring.

Remember Bryan before winning the WHC.


That Blackhawks one is dogshit. "Yeah let's cater to people who love CM Punk AND the National FloorSweeping League"

Hockey sucks so bad, I've never seen sweeping the kitchen have such a rabid fanbase. Ranks up there with throwing pieces of trash in a wastebasket, but putting it on a court.
Still pissed about the Whalers moving to Carolina I see.


This is why I don't want guys out of NXT.

Kidd there is great. He has a great character and delivers on the ring. It's put on Raw, given nothing to do and now random tag team jobber.


SlaterGator getting berried, again!
Not everyone can match the star power of Rose & Dude in Bunny Outfit.

This is why I don't want guys out of NXT.

Kidd there is great. He has a great character and delivers on the ring. It's put on Raw, given nothing to do and now random tag team jobber.
Why would you expect the creativity of NXT in the main brand?
Of course he's just going to go through the motions doing the same empty random shit everyone else does.
If he did something exciting, he could steal Cena's spot.
People calling Kidd a jobber. He's lost once since he's been back on the main roster, and that was in a great IC title match in which he was made to look great. And while a lot of his wins are flukey, he's still winning which is more than most mid-carders can say.


People calling Kidd a jobber. He's lost once since he's been back on the main roster, and that was in a great IC title match in which he was made to look great. And while a lot of his wins are flukey, he's still winning which is more than most mid-carders can say.

Plus he's got an excellent gimmick with Nattie who isn't big on his heelish tactics, but loves him anyway.


This is why I don't want guys out of NXT.

Kidd there is great. He has a great character and delivers on the ring. It's put on Raw, given nothing to do and now random tag team jobber.

Except for the Ascension of course. We can be glad those guys are gone and buried on the main roster within a year.

That's too bad! I'm really loving it so far, mostly because I haven't seen much Japanese wrestling before 2009-ish. Seems like there's a pretty good amount of stuff to watch! At the very least they can only add more, right?

Exactly, the service isn't even a day old yet and we have no idea at what rate they'll be adding content. Every PPV from the last four years, plus a further 500+ matches from New Japan's 40 year past is a pretty good start, in my estimation. Personally, I'm loving it. Watched Nishimura vs Suzuki, which I've been wanting to see for ages, got to see the Tanahashi vs Tanaka match from 2012 that never made it online (it's seriously awesome) and just got done watching Dick Murdoch and Adrian Adonis tear it up in a singles match.
People calling Kidd a jobber. He's lost once since he's been back on the main roster, and that was in a great IC title match in which he was made to look great. And while a lot of his wins are flukey, he's still winning which is more than most mid-carders can say.

He's had a random loss to Swagger too, but yeah I see what you mean


I'll admit it, WWE was better when they had 3 separate rosters.

I think 3 was too much but 2 strong brands, with independent wrestlers,bookers and shows would really help them cater to the widest possible audience without stretching themselves too thin like they are doing now.

They have the same (more actually) amount of hours per week but instead of different tones and stories for each show they just stretch every story too thin.

NXT really stands out since they have their own wrestlers and stories and tone but then they are called up and Kidd and Bo happen.


Exactly, the service isn't even a day old yet and we have no idea at what rate they'll be adding content. Every PPV from the last four years, plus a further 500+ matches from New Japan's 40 year past is a pretty good start, in my estimation. Personally, I'm loving it. Watched Nishimura vs Suzuki, which I've been wanting to see for ages, got to see the Tanahashi vs Tanaka match from 2012 that never made it online (it's seriously awesome) and just got done watching Dick Murdoch and Adrian Adonis tear it up in a singles match.

You need to create like a must watch list. A Google doc or something.
His matches with Fujinami, Muta and Inoki are easily some of the best of his career, plus there's a few good tag matches and a match with Andre from '83 when Andre was a bit more mobile.

Sweet thanks for that, added to the list!

There are like 7 Star Wars threads on the first page of OT. Bean, you need to make more wrestling threads.

Gaming side has like 3 threads going at the same time the other day too

"Why aren't there more Star Wars game?"

"Which Star Wars games were the most awesome?"

"Last generation was terrible for Star Wars games"

etc, etc

All these threads have been made a thousand times in the past, just fucking bump one up to the top and quote all the relevant posts that say everything that would be written in the new threads ffs.

I don't know what Christian CLB is.

Anyway, the one Uso is married to the one Funkadactyl and apparently he has a superhuman sex drive. So everything he says on the show is a direct appeal to and for sex and almost everything she says with regards to him has to do with cookie.

She got a stripper pole for the guy and he went into violent spasms because it would take away from his valuable sex time.

That was brilliant, I laughed my arse off.

The Total Divas writers should start taking over Raw. Would be more entertaining at least.
Okada says he's made a new finisher, which he won't yet reveal - it's apparently a suplex, for use "when I can't use the rainmaker".

You need to create like a must watch list. A Google doc or something.

Yeah, I should be able to do that - it'll be a work in progress though, there's a lot of stuff to get through.


John cena with fan

Kobashi always looks so damn happy, dude's awesome.


NXT really just needs to be it's own thing. A place where guys can have full careers in a product under the WWE name, but without the pressure to advance to the main roster. If that happened, there could be more room for NXT Showcase matches on PPVs, bigger guest superstar appearances, but NXT would be otherwise left alone to do it's own thing with the WWE machine behind it.


Yeah, I should be able to do that - it'll be a work in progress though, there's a lot of stuff to get through.

Just update it over time whenever you have seen something really cool. I decided to watch Inoki vs. Hogan earlier. Was actually pretty good.
NXT really just needs to be it's own thing. A place where guys can have full careers in a product under the WWE name, but without the pressure to advance to the main roster. If that happened, there could be more room for NXT Showcase matches on PPVs, bigger guest superstar appearances, but NXT would be otherwise left alone to do it's own thing with the WWE machine behind it.

That's like saying that the NBA should make the D-League the place to be.
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