Jimmy King
Bryan's got another good heel turn left in him. Assuming he still has a career.
The dirty dirt sheetz are reporting that THE Brian Kendrick was backstage at NXT tonight.
No one is good in WWE when doing the "WWE Top Face" template everyone gets. Even Punk, one of the best mic workers in the last decade, was lame as a "WWE Top Face".
Even Cena sucks at that template, and he IS the template.
I think Cena is fine at it. And pretty much only him.
Stang, hilariously enough, would have pulled it off perfectly even ten years ago. Better yet, twenty years ago. Stang was like Vince's wet dream of a top star.
Bryan's got another good heel turn left in him. Assuming he still has a career.
Pretty much. Meltzer even said in his recap the women's match was very Japanese influenced. Which is no surprise because Sasha is a big joshi fan.
Honestly, the crowd would pretty much reject any real attempt to turn him heel at this point.
Honestly, the crowd would pretty much reject any real attempt to turn him heel at this point.
Honestly, the crowd would pretty much reject any real attempt to turn him heel at this point.
I don't know, maybe a tweener then? I just want him to be an intense ass kicker but I know that's not the "WWE way" or whatever fucking excuse there is for it.
I don't know, maybe a tweener then? I just want him to be an intense ass kicker but I know that's not the "WWE way" or whatever fucking excuse there is for it.
Kofi Kingston can't talk for shit and has no charisma.
You can turn Hogan, Austin, and Rock heel. You could easily turn Bryan. All you'd need is another strong face who wasn't shoved down peoples throats by WWE Creative.
Why are we even talking about Bryan?
Cena's got a big match this Sunday and Reigns was a highlight of the NXT event. Stay focused, friends.
Bryan is Turing heel . You think Vince wants competition for King roman
Why are we even talking about Bryan?
Cena's got a big match this Sunday and Reigns was a highlight of the NXT event. Stay focused, friends.
Eventually maybe, but two of those had the fans starting to turn on them and Austin had to work extremely hard not to get cheered.
Angle was another one who had to put in serious fucking work to not be cheered like crazy.
Bryan's got another good heel turn left in him. Assuming he still has a career.
personally i can't wait for Big Show vs "Big Red" Rowan
Only guys in the past 20 years who can do it good-great are Austin, Rock, and Angle. Bret would be on the next level. Jericho and Guerrero could have been but they weren't at the top, really.No one is good in WWE when doing the "WWE Top Face" template everyone gets. Even Punk, one of the best mic workers in the last decade, was lame as a "WWE Top Face".
Even Cena sucks at that template, and he IS the template.
Shawn Michaels pre-spinal injruy might be the worst babyface of all time.
Early HBK was pretty much current day Dolph Ziggler.
was roman reigns on that nxt event?
what happened and why was he in it? How did the crowd take it?
anybody who watched fill me in pls.
was roman reigns on that nxt event?
what happened and why was he in it? How did the crowd take it?
anybody who watched fill me in pls.
The only bad part of the NXT show was when the "WWE Superstar of the Year" showed up.
Even coked out of his mind he was better at promos. ZIggler does have the occasional inspirational speech in him that's quite good but day in and day out he is not good at all on the mic.
Sometimes I think the only reason Bret was over as a face was because they saw Shawn as their other option when they were both faces. And everyone who wasn't a female or a child was like 'fuck that, get behind Bret.' Though apparently Bret had a large female and children demo too.
There's definitely a reason why they always went back to Bret. Fans never did stop liking him even after the turn. They just liked Austin more.
That's what makes it the best 'heel/face turn at the same time' of all time though. Because there is no blatant turn. Austin was getting cheered as a 'heel' and Bret was getting booed as a face, but neither character changed. To this day, I think it's the best turn in wrestling. And there's two of them. Austin being an unwilling hero, Bret doing what he always did but being frustrated at being left behind by his fans for not being some loudmouth, abrasive guy. It's awesome.
It's been confirmed that Alberto El Patron will be at ROH's next live televised PPV on March 1st in Las Vegas.
I just realized that NXT's PPV schedule follows NWA/WCW where the last PPV of the year is the culmination of storylines
Triple h, you smarky ass territory fanboy.
Within a year of Vince dying there will be a Wargames PPV, daddy.
I just realized that NXT's PPV schedule follows NWA/WCW where the last PPV of the year is the culmination of storylines
Triple h, you smarky ass territory fanboy.
what the fuck is that![]()
Marked the fuck out.
Excellent NXT PPV, and Azz Bizz updates
Thursday is great
Motherfucker been keeping them in the back.