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Just put my nominations in for the WrassleGAF awards. It took me nearly half an hour to think of a good angle...

Also, (R)Evolution was awesome.


Kendrick returning would make me so happy that I can't even find an appropriate gif.

He was horrific with London. Rushing so much that they did nothing but fuck everything up during the course of a match. I hated how sloppy they were as a team. But hey maybe second time around would work better.


He was horrific with London. Rushing so much that they did nothing but fuck everything up during the course of a match. I hated how sloppy they were as a team. But hey maybe second time around would work better.

Oh I'm not talking with London, I'm talking THE Brian Kendrick.




Remember when The Brian Kendrick and Big Zeke were compared to HBK and Diesel?

HAH! I say HAH!

Good lord, I almost forgot about those two. Thanks for the laugh guys.

I needed that at this insane hour.


Does a company have a problem when their developmental territory puts out a better product? Wow at that PVP, so good! I marked out when Devitt came out in make-up, but with a silly headdress thing. And a women's match that was actually very very good. I hope for Charlotte she remains in NXT for a while so she can deliver good matches like the one with Banks. I dont see matches like that happening on the main roster.
Enjoyed Charlotte and Sasha Banks match on NXT. I find both of their gimmicks a bit crappy - don't like Charlotte's whole Ric Flair's daughter deal, fine as background but not the whole gimmick, and Sasha Banks calling herself 'The Boss' is cool but saying 'like a boss' a lot is lame. The name for her submission is Bankrupt and that's kinda cool, but I don't like Bank Statement as her finisher, it's not the right side of goofy. A lot of cool moves in that match. I think I'll be checking out the women's matches in NXT rather than subjecting myself to the divas matches. Was rooting for Banks watching the match.

I liked Hideo and Balor's match, too, but I'm finding both of them less exciting to watch and just interested mostly from the kind words I read about them in here. Balor looks pretty cool in that face paint but his mannerisms are kinda lame - I'd be surprised if that kinda stuff goes over well in the WWE, it's very theatrical and flamboyant rather than cool. It's different though, so I definitely don't dislike it, just feel like he'd be better off with some different gestures. It's quite similar to Stardust, actually, but it fits Stardust's look and character better than Balor. Hideo didn't get to do that much other than get beat up to make Balor get a pop so I still don't really know what he's capable of! A couple of fun moves from both of them, though. The Ascension seem all right but I really wasn't watching for them, so I brushed em off waiting for Hideo and Balor to do things.

Don't like Sami. Neville's got a cool physique - he's short but very thick. Makes him look purposeful. Oh, and Owens seems pretty cool too. I think it worked in his favour for me that he got busted open by mistake in his first match, even though it was a squash, just for the visual. He feels like he is supposed to be rougher and grimier than your usual WWE wrestler nowadays and so a bit of blood helps with that. Hope that nose heals up quickly.

Just skipped over that Vaudevillans match hahaha, smell you later whoever you are...and I've never been that into Lucha tag teams either, just feels generic. One lucha with a cool mask can be cool but I don't like tag teams which are essentially two duplicates of each other, like the Usos and what have you.


Does a company have a problem when their developmental territory puts out a better product? Wow at that PVP, so good! I marked out when Devitt came out in make-up, but with a silly headdress thing. And a women's match that was actually very very good. I hope for Charlotte she remains in NXT for a while so she can deliver good matches like the one with Banks. I dont see matches like that happening on the main roster.

It's not the first time it's happened, that year or so of Heyman booking OVW was much better than Raw at the time then. But now, you have more exposure and a heck of a lot of talent all in the same place with NXT, so showing it up is more obvious.

But Vince don't care.


Just skipped over that Vaudevillans match hahaha, smell you later whoever you are...and I've never been that into Lucha tag teams either, just feels generic. One lucha with a cool mask can be cool but I don't like tag teams which are essentially two duplicates of each other, like the Usos and what have you.

Except Kallisto and Sin Cara are two different styles. Kallisto is the crazy high flier and Sin Cara is the brawler that can do some high flying. The styles compliment each other and make for a good WWE tag team.
It's not the first time it's happened, that year or so of Heyman booking OVW was much better than Raw at the time then. But now, you have more exposure and a heck of a lot of talent all in the same place with NXT, so showing it up is more obvious.

But Vince don't care.

I don't think I really mind. The only thing NXT is missing is a good crowd energy. Like some people have observed, the fans chant out all these smarky chants which can occasionally be annoying. The small size of the venue means it can be a bit more difficult to get yourself invested initially coming straight from the mega crowds of the wwe, but I got pulled in pretty quickly watching the Charlotte/Sasha Banks match and didn't really feel like anything was missing after that.
Except Kallisto and Sin Cara are two different styles. Kallisto is the crazy high flier and Sin Cara is the brawler that can do some high flying. The styles compliment each other and make for a good WWE tag team.

Yeah, as I was typing I figured that might be the case but I figured someone would call me out on it anyway. Obviously I didn't watch the match, just dismissed it right away, so my opinion is pretty meaningless beyond that!

Is that THE Sin Cara? I didn't even watch the match long enough to hear who was in it. I thought Sin Cara was pretty old, is he a replacement?


Yeah, as I was typing I figured that might be the case but I figured someone would call me out on it anyway. Obviously I didn't watch the match, just dismissed it right away, so my opinion is pretty meaningless beyond that!

Is that THE Sin Cara? I didn't even watch the match long enough to hear who was in it. I thought Sin Cara was pretty old, is he a replacement?

That is Hunico under the Sin Cara mask.

Either way, Kallisto is the one to watch in that team. He's the next Rey Mysterio type for WWE.


I don't think I really mind. The only thing NXT is missing is a good crowd energy. Like some people have observed, the fans chant out all these smarky chants which can occasionally be annoying. The small size of the venue means it can be a bit more difficult to get yourself invested initially coming straight from the mega crowds of the wwe, but I got pulled in pretty quickly watching the Charlotte/Sasha Banks match and didn't really feel like anything was missing after that.

Yeah, I'm not too bothered either unless it gets enough popularity to the point where Vince will want control over that too. Either way, Raws a bust, NXT is fun as hell. They have some poor 1 hour shows now and again, which is to be expected with the number of people they need to squeeze in between weeks, but they always pull it out for the big events.


Kendrick would fit in today's show much more than he did during the mid to late 00's. Many more smaller guys and ones who can match his ability. Same for London.
The Vaudevillains flat-out suck, I fail to see why anyone's impressed with them and it's a gimmick that's going to die a thousand deaths on the main roster. Every time I see them wrestle I can't get over them doing fucking dropkicks and swantons, while Alex Riley talks about the "stark contrast" between the Lucha Dragons and these "strongman-style wrestlers". Gotch should be doing all sorts of deadlift moves and Backlund/Karelin lifts, while English should learn how to work a fucking hold and stay off the top-rope. It's like they've added everything 'old-timey' they could think of to the gimmick, except the goddamn wrestling.


I think The Vaudevillains might be someone's attempt at a Chikara style gimmick. It feels that way at least. If you swap out Aiden English with Cesaro, it might work, but eh....like The Ascension, they're another WWE built tag team that is all gimmick and no work rate.


Im not so sure about the Sami vs. Kevin feud already happening. Sure, they have a lot of chemistry together, their matches will be great. But you gotta save the best for last before calling Sami up to to main roster. Or maybe that is what they have in mind with the feud now.
The Vaudevillains flat-out suck, I fail to see why anyone's impressed with them and it's a gimmick that's going to die a thousand deaths on the main roster. Every time I see them wrestle I can't get over them doing fucking dropkicks and swantons, while Alex Riley talks about the "stark contrast" between the Lucha Dragons and these "strongman-style wrestlers". Gotch should be doing all sorts of deadlift moves and Backlund/Karelin lifts, while English should learn how to work a fucking hold and stay off the top-rope. It's like they've added everything 'old-timey' they could think of to the gimmick, except the goddamn wrestling.

Yeah but old timey wrestling would be better if they did swantons and dropkicks, so the Vaudevillains are truly the best of both worlds


On a similar note, I really.....really hate the WWE tag team style. They book every match and every team to work the same kind of match. You've got to have one guy that can take a beating, so that the heel team can work him over most of the match and then you've got to have a guy that can take a hot tag and capitalize on it to get the win (or not) in a scramble finale.

It just gets so boring and so obvious every time you see it.
I'm hoping for El Patron vs Kyle O'Reilly at some point, as I see their similar styles really complimenting each other. Anywho, great acquisition for ROH.

Yeah but old timey wrestling would be better if they did swantons and dropkicks, so the Vaudevillains are truly the best of both worlds

Lance Russell is disappointed that you're so wrong.


On a similar note, I really.....really hate the WWE tag team style. They book every match and every team to work the same kind of match. You've got to have one guy that can take a beating, so that the heel team can work him over most of the match and then you've got to have a guy that can take a hot tag and capitalize on it to get the win (or not) in a scramble finale.

It just gets so boring and so obvious every time you see it.

This. They're just doing R&R Express matches over and over. Someone needs to send Trips some Dragon Gate DVDs. Also, speaking of old-timey wrestling - remember when heel tag teams knew how to make their control segments compelling? The Ascension sure don't.


This. They're just doing R&R Express matches over and over. Someone needs to send Trips some Dragon Gate DVDs. Also, speaking of old-timey wrestling - remember when heel tag teams knew how to make their control segments compelling? The Ascension sure don't.

Give The Ascension a manager so he can run distractions and they can do some double teams in the corner. Solomon Crowe has a look that would work or find some legend like Gangrel to pair them with.
NXT was a amazing show.

Its astonishing that the same company also shits out RAW and Smackdown every week.

Hopefully them going right to Steen versus Sami means Sami will be getting called up soon-ish. Maybe Rumble or post mainia.


The Ascension would benefit greatly from a manager on the main roster to distract from their blandness. He would have to be a good manager though, someone who fits the gimmick and draws attention to himself at the right times but gives it back to the team when they go for the scramble finale into the fall of man.


The Ascension would benefit greatly from a manager on the main roster to distract from their blandness. He would have to be a good manager though, someone who fits the gimmick and draws attention to himself at the right times but gives it back to the team when they go for the scramble finale into the fall of man.


You're welcome.

It'll never happen, sadly.
Sad to hear about the King of Lean, as a former member of the dirty unwashed 1PW masses, been a fan of his for a long time. Glad to see he's being taken care of
even if it does reek a bit of Punk damage control. To be fair, that's mostly bad announcement timing, given how long he's been out of action.
Corey Graves is moderately good on the mic with a unique look, they should've tried him as a manager. Not that WWE really gives much a shit about managers, but what the hey.


I want to hear JBL call a match with The Ascension and point out how they both look familiar and can't hold a candle to The Acolytes. Because that's who The Ascension basically are, The Acolytes without the charisma.


Just read about WWE Immortals.....has to be better than 2k15.

WWE and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment are creating "WWE Immortals," a free-to-play mobile game that will feature epic Superstar battles in a fantastically re-imagined WWE world. WWE Immortals is being developed by NetherRealm Studios, the creators of the best-.selling "Mortal Kombat" franchise and "Injustice: Gods Among Us", in conjunction with Phosphor Game Studios, and will be available worldwide on iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and Android devices in 2015
The Vaudevillains flat-out suck, I fail to see why anyone's impressed with them and it's a gimmick that's going to die a thousand deaths on the main roster. Every time I see them wrestle I can't get over them doing fucking dropkicks and swantons, while Alex Riley talks about the "stark contrast" between the Lucha Dragons and these "strongman-style wrestlers". Gotch should be doing all sorts of deadlift moves and Backlund/Karelin lifts, while English should learn how to work a fucking hold and stay off the top-rope. It's like they've added everything 'old-timey' they could think of to the gimmick, except the goddamn wrestling.

Yeah, I found that odd. I was expecting some Matt Classic style spoofing, but it never happened. Cesaro would do this gimmick 100x better.


Charlotte and Sasha work well together.

Just imagine they would give women like these time on the main roster like here. Of course never going to happen...


Also if Finn doesn't get over I don't know. He is talented, has a good look and the paint entrance gimmick is great.

Also agree that the Vaudevillains suck.


What I would like to talk about is the stark contract in the indie guys and the WWE guys. Sure, every now and then they get a good one like Roman Reigns, but look at say Kallisto and Sin Hunico. Kallisto is light years beyond Sin Hunico in ability it isn't even funny. Balor/Itami and The Ascension.....that's just a bad pairing because again, Balor and Itami just out class The Ascension.

Any time you put the group of indie guys with or against the WWE guys, they're worlds apart....hell, even Tyler Breeze who is coming into his own is outclassed by someone like Sami Zayn.

It's odd because it could be corrected with the right in house trainers. Sarah Del Rey proves that on the woman's side turning someone like Sasha Banks and Charlotte in world class female wrestlers.


Itami really needs to start doing something to stand out, the war paint works for Balor but Itami either needs a unique move or quote or anything as the hook.
NXT Our Evolution was fantastic. Like super fantastic. Really enjoyed that.

Promos! They recapped storylines during the PPV! So everyone could invest themselves in the matches! Pure gold!

Alex Riley is annoying. I don't like him. He makes JBL/King/Cole look like fucking muppets though.

Owens had a great debut, dude is athletic for a big guy. Ropes spot was awesome. Getting busted open really worked into his bad ass theme too, worked into the swerve well too. Super keen to see more of him.

Lucha vs Vaudevillains didn't hold my attention enough for me to remember anything.

Corbin has a great presence, hope to see him get proper ring time.

Balor looked awesome as fuck, really hope they push him to the moon. Itami was great despite being hamstrung with his role, I even enjoyed watching Ascension work for the most part! It was all about Balor being unique though, really nice to see something like that in WWE.

Charlotte and Banks was fantastic, proper womens wrestling match and you could tell they hated each other. Was rooting for Banks, both were awesome to watch though. Super keen to see more of them too.

Main event was great, amped up slowly and then hits some great heights. That diving DDT through the ropes was hype as fuck. Both dudes sold their roles perfectly during the match, super happy Zayn got the win. The celebration afterwards was quite nice too, the swerve was awesome. Really looked like Zayn got smashed too with that drop on the apron, looked perfect.

EDIT Moral of the story: I hope they stick around in NXT for my own entertainment rather than moving up to Raw/Smackdown for bigger pay checks but crappy creative.

Yeah I listen to the Punk podcast and he makes Triple H seem like a real asshole, but then I watch NXT and hear what Triple H says about all this talent and I like him again.

I very much expect Triple H is an asshole but that doesn't you can't like him. He does good and bad.
He's doing a great job with NXT though.

How many of you guys were shocked and concerned when Austin bullied Michael Cole, but laughed when Cena did it?
The DX bullying got pretty awkward to watch at times.

Third Annual WrassleGAF Awards NOMINATIONS are up
Reminder: These are NOMINATIONS, not the actual voting. After the nominations are collected, in about a week, the actual voting will commence.


EDIT: Really the last post on the fucking page

Voted and quoting for visibility!

Also you missed Best Diva.


What I would like to talk about is the stark contract in the indie guys and the WWE guys. Sure, every now and then they get a good one like Roman Reigns, but look at say Kallisto and Sin Hunico. Kallisto is light years beyond Sin Hunico in ability it isn't even funny. Balor/Itami and The Ascension.....that's just a bad pairing because again, Balor and Itami just out class The Ascension.

Any time you put the group of indie guys with or against the WWE guys, they're worlds apart....hell, even Tyler Breeze who is coming into his own is outclassed by someone like Sami Zayn.

It's odd because it could be corrected with the right in house trainers. Sarah Del Rey proves that on the woman's side turning someone like Sasha Banks and Charlotte in world class female wrestlers.

And it's not just your examples. Also Bryan, Ambrose and Seth. Pretty damning evidence against the male trainers they have.
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