If they want to get him over it's the smartest thing they could do.Guys lets just agree to disagree.
If they want to get him over it's the smartest thing they could do.Guys lets just agree to disagree.
Guys lets just agree to disagree.
I would be fine with this if Vince's "alternative to wrasslin" was legitimately entertaining... which it's not."Wrasslin is what my dad did"
Awwww. You wanted Roman to team up with Bryan. Cute.
Yeezus reaching Captain status tonight.
BELIEVE DAT.Oh man I just thought of something
How lopsided verbal confrontations between Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns would be
It's not surprising to see the tactics Roman Reigns fans resort to.
so I hear Brock came back and burried Jericho
sounds like some amazing gifs to me
so Raw was bad, huh
I'm out, guys. Not taking this garbage anymore.
Why did you wait until after Raw to do that?I'm out, guys. Not taking this garbage anymore.
so Raw was bad, huh
yeah i didn't watch but this doesn't sound bad at all. well, the Cena thing is completely false, because he doesn't get buried, he does the burying,Heyman.
No full-on Cena promo.
Jericho buried.
Mizdow turn teased.
Cena buried HARD.
Multiple Germans.
...There was a decent raw in there somewhere, yet it felt absolutely unwatchable. The magic of WWE.
I get to see Roman's return to the ring LIVE TOMORROW NIGHT ON LIVE SMACKDOWN MAGGLE
Do you guys think that they will try since this one is live? Please
So I DVR RAW I take it I should just hit delete right?
So I DVR RAW I take it I should just hit delete right?
ROH Tag Wars 2014 (6 teams, 3 matches, winners from the 3 matches go on to face reDRagon in a four-way tag two weeks from now for the ROH Tag Team Championship)
-The Briscoes vs. Jay Lethal and J. Diesel (solid opener)
-The Addiction vs. BJ Whitmer and Jimmy Jacobs (double-team city)
-The Young Bucks vs. ACH and Matt Sydal (high octane greatness)
Matt Jackson troll face
The Addiction showing off
Wicked superplex
I get to see Roman's return to the ring LIVE TOMORROW NIGHT ON LIVE SMACKDOWN MAGGLE
Do you guys think that they will try since this one is live? Please
Agreed friend. Frick the Young Bucks.
Umm, was that Ascention promo ripped wholesale from Demolition or the LOD? It sounded awfully familiar to me.
ROH TV review for ep.169:
Awesome episode. An "A" in my book. Televised wrestling shows don't get much better in terms of in-ring action and pacing.
Speaking if ROH
HOSS fights!!!
This is both fun AND playful.
I get to see Roman's return to the ring LIVE TOMORROW NIGHT ON LIVE SMACKDOWN MAGGLE
Do you guys think that they will try since this one is live? Please
friend Alucard, you'll be happy to know that i've joined the #ROHNation full time