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It was nowhere near the worst Raw I've seen this year. Didn't insult my intelligence too much and the final match was quite good.
Had a lot of great elements that weren't put together strongly.

Problem is Vince hates wrestling matches. All of the shilling and reminding people that he won the Monday night war is what matters to him.

It's really hard to see things changing until Vince lets go. I can't see that happening unless he is forced out to be honest, I'd expect things will keep trucking along until the next TV rights renewal? PPV rates are way down since everything is Network but I very much feel they have plenty of fat to cut behind the scenes to reduce plenty of expenses.

I would be fine with this if Vince's "alternative to wrasslin" was legitimately entertaining... which it's not.
It's "entertainment" masquerading as something that is anything but. Mainly the shilling of crap.
Absolutely, I'm here to be entertained. I loved the Attitude era a lot for the fun entertainment value I got from it, the fantastic at times wrestling put it over the top into must watch TV for me.
This current product is boring and sloppy at best. Some great wrestling every now and then but the stories aren't there, the fun feeling isn't there. Feels soulless despite a lot of people giving their all to bring it up to the level it should be at.



Cena the least desired to retire? How many times did Bionic vote?
You have to respect a man who comes out of nowhere to get the highest amount of posts made with nearly twice as many posts as the second-most poster

Man God

Non-Canon Member

I'll be the judge (captain if you wheel) of that.

I saw the first 20 minutes of Raw and the main event because I ended up staying late at my sister's place to watch her adorable kids. (2 year olds are basically mini Stone Cold Steve Austins, raising heck, challenging authority, getting title shots again and again, and adorable) and caught the rest after driving back.

I liked what I saw. Sad I missed Jericho and Bork Bork.


Trying to do a write-up for NJPW Road to Tokyo Dome, but not sure how far I'll make it. Here's what I've got so far...

All right, so after the boring and borderline inconsequential World Tag League, could New Japan salvage the end of 2014 with what essentially amounts to a house show? Well, not exactly, but let's talk about it anyway.

First off, I'm watching this on New Japan World. There's not much going on until about the 12-minute mark of the video. Before that, it's all dark and soundless, or you only see the ring and the video screen playing hype videos. Then the announcer hits the ring and sets up the opener.

Match 1: Taichi, El Desperado, and Taka Michinoku vs. Jushin Liger, Tiger Mask, and Young Lion Brad Pitt

The ring intro songs are all muted. Funny watching Taichi and Desperado rocking out in literal silence. There is no commentary team and there are no graphics. Damn it. This is going to make naming some of these guys difficult, as I'm not yet totally familiar with New Japan's entire roster.

The crowd is totally silent as the action spills onto the outside and the heels kick some ass. Not sure how long I'll be able to feign interest in this if the crowd is like this for the whole thing. Maybe it's the mics? Yeah, we'll go with that.

The fans wake up a bit when Pretty Japanese Brad Pitt runs the ropes a bit. Then the heels hammer Tyler Durden with three straight strikes. Benjamin Button kicks out. The heels keep Liger and Tiger Mask to the outside, who look more useless than a can opener in the desert in this match.

The finish and random thoughts: El Desperado plants the star of the Japanese remake of Seven with a spinning powerbomb for the victory. Yeah, not sure how long I'm going to last with this show. The fans seemed like they would rather be anywhere else. And I don't think it's just the Japanese crowd thing, but the fact that the opener was just...a match. Nothing special at all. I don't remember a thing except for 12 Monkeys guy running really fast and Liger and Tiger Mask standing around and collecting a paycheck. #Respect
So amid all the problems WWE has, the one that seems to get glossed over is is that Seth Rollins is not over at ALL. He has like zero heat. His music hit during the beginning of Raw when Jericho and Heyman were in the ring and there was like no reaction. He's like Randy Orton if nobody cared about Randy Orton.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
How much salt will there be when Reigns wins the Rumble and also has the most eliminations ever in a Rumble match?

Won't be too bad if they steer him away from eliminating anyone the people care about. So Bryan (yeah right) Ambrose, Ziggler, Cesaro (as if) maybe Rollins as well. Seth-kun people are a spiteful lot.


How much salt will there be when Reigns wins the Rumble and also has the most eliminations ever in a Rumble match?
Meh... the WWE doesn't even merit the level of emotional investment one would need to have in order to invest in salt.
I mean, we all know Reigns is winning. How can one have salt for something that is so readily apparent and obvious?
And does it matter whether he comes out #30 and throws out one guy or comes in #1 and throws out all 29 other guys?
Hardly. They're burying the entire roster for him. Aside from Cena, Hunter, Brock (at least not until Mania), Taker and Sting (aka part-timers).

So fuck it. There will be no salt because there is no reason to care.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've never had any interest in who has the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble .It's always felt cheap and meaningless because they still never win.

The only time I've emotionally invested in the Rumble is for the Iron Man of the rumble. I'd say that would have been a great spot for Rollins if he didn't have the MITB already.
Meh... the WWE doesn't even merit the level of emotional investment one would need to have in order to invest in salt.
I mean, we all know Reigns is winning. How can one have salt for something that is so readily apparent and obvious?
And does it matter whether he comes out #30 and throws out one guy or comes in #1 and throws out all 29 other guys?
Hardly. They're burying the entire roster for him. Aside from Cena, Hunter, Brock (at least not until Mania), Taker and Sting (aka part-timers).

So fuck it. There will be no salt because there is no reason to care.

But did you see his superman punch tho


Hey guys, watch this from one hour, 48 minutes and 50 seconds until the end of the video.


This explains everything...

Hey simplythebest, what's up?

Bruce Blitz...I liked him for a couple of weeks before I realized almost all of his videos are the same, and that his crew are largely angry homophobic males who won't listen to anyone else's point of view, and who will tell you to fuck off if you disagree with them.
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