After one week of studying Japanese, I can now safely watch Wrestle Kingdom 9 on NJPW World, as long as all they say is "hello/goodbye", "my/your name is ...", "I'm from [country]/I am an [nationality]" (please don't be from anywhere besides Japan, America or Holland), "Where is that/it's here/it's there", "At my/your place", "I speak/I Understand ... (well)", "I'm going to eat/drink (something)", "that is so/is that so?" and they speak at about a quarter of their regular speed.
So yeah, I'm good to go.
Man, if they cater to you, there should be some hot promos on that show.
After one week of studying Japanese, I can now safely watch Wrestle Kingdom 9 on NJPW World, as long as all they say is "hello/goodbye", "my/your name is ...", "I'm from [country]/I am an [nationality]" (please don't be from anywhere besides Japan, America or Holland), "Where is that/it's here/it's there", "At my/your place", "I speak/I Understand ... (well)", "I'm going to eat/drink (something)", "that is so/is that so?" and they speak at about a quarter of their regular speed.
So yeah, I'm good to go.
That feud + the heel Jericho persona he had at the time between 2008-2010 was the best character they've had in the past nine or ten years. Great heel work. Edge was really good also until they decided to over-do the Vickie Guerrero stuff. Talking primarily his feuds with Mick Foley, Undertaker, and Cena.That HBK feud was just glorious.
I have three semesters of Japanese under my belt and let me tell you it's still too much for me.
That feud + the heel Jericho persona he had at the time between 2008-2010 was the best character they've had in the past nine or ten years. Great heel work. Edge was really good also until they decided to over-do the Vickie Guerrero stuff. Talking primarily his feuds with Mick Foley, Undertaker, and Cena.
Doesn't help that they have so many different meanings to everything either. I've learned Sukoshi to mean "a little" and then Arino keeps using it in a "But/However" context at the start of a sentence in Game Center CX and it's pissing me off.![]()
Man, if they cater to you, there should be some hot promos on that show.
Seems crazy that the man who buried more people than a grave digger is the savior of wrestling.
So, are we over The New Day yet?
So, are we over The New Day yet?
Just wait till they add a leaderSo, are we over The New Day yet?
So, are we over The New Day yet?
I thought it was funny in Bret's interview about Triple H he says 'I kinda like Paul now'
like that's the farthest you can get with Bret. That he 'kinda' likes you.
Just needed one slight tweak.
Well, honestly, Vince is the one who buried them. HHH didn't mind being the shovel, I'm sure.Seems crazy that the man who buried more people than a grave digger is the savior of wrestling.
I've added something he'd actually like.
The jaws aren't manly enough on those women. Put Kaitlyn in there.
The jaws aren't manly enough on those women. Put Kaitlyn in there.
I'm glad Swagger does not smile anymore. Fuck me, nightmare fuel.
And fuck TLC, was shit.[img][/QUOTE]
I love it. (He really need a Shovel as a scepter though, but it's good.)
[quote="Alucard, post: 143542609"]So, are we over The New Day yet?[/QUOTE]
The New Day: Same as the Old Day. (Stay losing. LOL)
I want a no holds barred match with swagger, miz, and big showTIME TO INJURE A CO-WORKER!
Where's Lemmy? Lemmy should be in there.
And how about a bottle of Aquafina. Hunter's favorite brand of water.
Maybe a Harley Race picture in there too
Booker would be funnier in the burial