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December Wrasslin' |OT| Sinacember to Remember



4 1/4 Stars out of 5 if you were looking for someone to give it a score.

That sort of depends on what you're looking to do with it. Most of mine were purchased at little kiosks in Mexico and they're fine for display purposes but they're mostly made with a foam material in order to retain their shape. For wearing around I prefer a light breathable fabric so you may have to shop around a bit more.

Agreed, most on sites that I have seen are more for show and padded stiff.
I had hoped to get down to Mexico on a cruise but looks like plans are shifting to another vacation destination.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I like long podcasts, but yeah, turns out if you're talking about any one specific topic for over 2 hours shit's going to get tedious after a while

It's not even that particularly, it's that they spend so much time and energy going on and on about what leads up to a particular show, listener feedback about that show, Big Dave's thoughts on the show if it's Mania or Starcade, and that ends up being a compelling, truly fascinating 90 minute-180 minute podcast in itself, but then you get a largely by the numbers recap of the show with maybe one or two moments where they really add something. I've gone through most of their back catalog of non-mania shows and found that I do tune out that last bit, not because its too long but because the set up is just much better.
It's not even that particularly, it's that they spend so much time and energy going on and on about what leads up to a particular show, listener feedback about that show, Big Dave's thoughts on the show if it's Mania or Starcade, and that ends up being a compelling, truly fascinating 90 minute-180 minute podcast in itself, but then you get a largely by the numbers recap of the show with maybe one or two moments where they really add something. I've gone through most of their back catalog of non-mania shows and found that I do tune out that last bit, not because its too long but because the set up is just much better.

I think I'd actually like a wrestling podcast that was like that. Where it basically just reviewed background of/build to events, how good or how shit the build was, and then a quick summary of the event's match results, and its reception/review (aka was it worth the build, was it better than the build etc) from both hosts and listeners/other fans if possible

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think I'd actually like a wrestling podcast that was like that. Where it basically just reviewed background of/build to events, how good or how shit the build was, and then a quick summary of the event's match results, and its reception/review (aka was it worth the build, was it better than the build etc) from both hosts and listeners/other fans if possible

I'm seriously considering just listening to the first part of the podcast next week. I mean, they usually go over what happens in the important match during the prologue. Maybe save my position in the show and listen to the rest while doing something else as background noise, and if they say something interesting, then cool, if not, no big deal.

This week they remastered their starcade 1985 episode with a new opening, and the new opening is really good. Kind of steered me in this direction.


I think I'd actually like a wrestling podcast that was like that. Where it basically just reviewed background of/build to events, how good or how shit the build was, and then a quick summary of the event's match results, and its reception/review (aka was it worth the build, was it better than the build etc) from both hosts and listeners/other fans if possible

There was a WM podcast that when really in depth on the shows and the build up to them.
Honestly? Mexico. I got a shit ton of 'em for $5 a pop when we went to Ensenada a couple years back. Didn't even have to haggle, and they were pretty good quality.
Were they the foam ones or lycra? $5 seems crazy. I would buy an armload if I went down there.

Where is the best place to buy a Lucha Libre mask? I've decided I need one for a number of non-wrestling related reasons.
Ebay. I think the next one I'll get it is La Sombra since he doesn't exist anymore and the style is quite nice.


I'm about to put in a decent sized order to Black Terry Jr so i can watch random lucha indy stuff. Because why the fuck not. I somehow havent watched Extreme Tiger vs Flamita.


Data, i was rewatching Dr. Cerebro vs Virus and i cant get over how great this match is. It's like how all these #grapplefuck matches think they actually are. ALso rewatched Keira vs Zeuxis from the same show and it's also pretty great

It's not that I have anything against professional wrestling. I have a newfound respect for the sport after seeing the documentary "Beyond the Mat," which establishes without a shadow of a doubt that when you are thrown out of the ring in a scripted fight with a prearranged winner, it nevertheless hurts when you hit the floor. I am in awe of wrestlers--not as athletes, but as masochists. They take a lickin' and keep on kickin'.

Completely off topic...

I'm currently cuddling my 4 hour old daughter. Haven't named her yet - so she may be referred to as the Black Scorpion for the moment.

I hope you and your family have a great Christmas, and congratulations on working semen! My biggest worry is we have a daughter, not because I want a Son, but the thought of having to protect her from the likes of the pervs that drool over women in this thread (also just knowing what some blokes are like)!

This is sad

RANDY KNEW he should have given Vince proper notice and acted more professionally towards the man who had made him into an international star, but he had an old score to settle. Back in November 1987, the WWF had held a battle royal at their monthly Meadowlands Arena house show, with the twist being that it only featured legends from a previous era. Men like Lou Thesz and Nick Bockwinkel, who had little time for Vince and his twisted carnival brand of what they knew as pro wrestling, but still appreciated the payday.

In his own heyday, Savage's father Angelo Poffo had worked with a number of the veterans booked in the match, and hadn't seen several of them in years. A few had called him and said how they were looking forward to seeing him in New Jersey, but Angelo had to grudgingly admit that he wasn't booked. Angelo confessed to Randy that he would love nothing more than to have been booked at the show to catch up with his old friends, some of whom he expected he might never see again due to their advancing ages. "Don't you worry, I'll get it done," Randy declared to his father confidently.

Not long after that conversation, Savage talked to the office and asked them if they could accommodate Angelo in the bout, but as his brother Lanny Poffo would recall, "The reason was vague, but the answer was no." Savage was fiercely loyal to his family and it had devastated him that he was not able to give his father that final swansong with his contemporaries. He mused that he was one of the biggest stars in the company and yet Vince couldn't even do him one small favour on a throwaway house show. "From now on it is just business," he told his bemused brother, "Fuck the WWF."

Savage carried the resentment and bitterness about that night with him for the rest of his life, once ruminating to Lanny, "I did it like Martin Luther King, I should have done it like Malcolm X; by any means necessary." Vince had no idea what damage the slight did to Savage's psyche. He didn't even know there was a problem, it was just another one of many requests on a typically busy day that had slipped his mind. Vince wasn't the only one that Randy held responsible; he also blamed veteran road agents 'Chief' Jay Strongbow and Pat Patterson for the rebuff. He had vowed from that day onwards to never give either of them any respect in front of the boys ever again. Strongbow actually competed in the battle royal on that fateful night.

He was eliminated from the action early by Lou Thesz and he landed awkwardly on his arm and broke it. Backstage Strongbow complained to the other boys, "Thesz broke my arm!" to which Savage instantly shot back at him, "Lou Thesz didn't break your arm, you broke your arm because you're too fat to be in the ring; you're an embarrassment." As Lanny remembers, "From that point on, Randy intentionally became a locker-room asshole, and he was good at it. He could get away with it because of who he was, and he refused to give anyone any respect if he didn't like them."
Now and again, some of them would push the agents too far. One night, Kevin Nash was in a sulky mood, grumbling about the fact that he was, "The lowest paid WWF Champion in history." Jerry Brisco overheard the comment and couldn't resist biting back. "Yeah, well that's because you're the lowest drawing champion in WWF history," he snapped. Even though Brisco was approaching his fifties at the time, he still had a formidable reputation as a hooker,[16] and Nash knew better than to answer back. "One swift kick to those dodgy knees of his and Brisco would have torn him apart," laughed Jim Cornette. Brisco wasn't the only one who felt that way. As Tom Prichard remembers it, "Agents like Tony Garea and Jack Lanza frequently grumbled about how bad the houses were, and wondered aloud if we would be, 'Diesel-fuelled,' for much longer."

Supposedly, that's whay Nash totally refused to be inducted into the Hall of Fame as "Diesel" because he didn't feel like "Diesel" should be in a Hall of Fame because he was one of the lowest-drawing champs ever.


Diesel was the worst drawing champ of all time.

Plus Nash actually has an acting career so his real name would help market the event more.


How many fighting game crossover cast we got now outside of actual VS games?

Tekken 7 got some Akuma
DOA5 is full of Virtua Fighter
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax also has Virtua Fighter's Akira
Nitroplus Blasterz has Aino Heart from Arcana Heart

I know I'm missing some but I just cant place them all.


The next TakeOver will be on April 1 in Dallas.


Unless WWE pulls out a crazy Cesaro vs Lesnar or Lesnar vs Bryan it probably will be the better show.

I mean the Mania main event will probably be Roman in a handicap match against Cena, Undertaker, and HHH with HBK and Ric Flair in the corner.

Roman goes over clean when he pins all of them at the same time in a match that even Chikara fans would say isn't believable.
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