Why does PWG run in a bingo hall?
British comedy requires too much work to make you laugh. Just gimme the funny now, instead of after a 15 minute monologue.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but John Cena was legitimately the best part of Raw this year. We need him more than ever.
We a month away from RR no possible winners rumored right now? Don't say Lord Sina
Been watching NJPW on AXS TV and I'm not sure if it's because of the US adaption, but it feels like almost no filler. Matches are exciting, wrestlers sell everything so well and there aren't really any gimmicks. I mean there are, but for some reason they don't feel nearly as cheesy as some of the shit in WWE right now.
Damn that's an interesting card, might note it down to watch when possible!Tonight PWG card is also,too much
Imagine the reaction if Daniel Bryan was #30 and won. What if this whole injury thing was the ultimate work?
I know. Sorry.
We a month away from RR no possible winners rumored right now? Don't say Lord Sina
You have a New Day avatar, though.I can't believe I'm saying this, but John Cena was legitimately the best part of Raw this year.
Iono man, hot tub guy is at bothNoRéN;188971694 said:Also, pleasantly surprised at the quality of the crowd last night at PWG. Everyone was focused on one thing: the matches in the ring. No obnoxious fans trying to get themselves noticed unlike at Lucha Underground now. Guess I get to compare later today.
Can't wait for Bryan to enter the Temple in Lucha Underground.
I expect Sheamus to win tomorrow and defend against Brock at the Rumble. Brock wins there and Reigns wins the Rumble after laying in a corner most of the match. Wrestlemania rematch. They are dead set on Reigns beating Brock.
"Because of my history with concussions, the WWE medical doctor wouldn't clear me. We're in the process of trying to figure out some compromise," Bryan said. "They keep sending me to do more tests, brain MRIs, brain EGs and all my tests have come back great to the point where my brain is better than someone my age with no concussion."
Speaking of Bryan another quote from him on his future in the WWE:
So they are basically going back and forth right now for some sort of compromise.
lol u literally just linked a teenage girl's IG earlier
Or maybe they are vindictive towards him because he threw a wrench into their Roman plans.Look at it this way: The WWE is hard up for main event talent right now, yet they are scared shitless to let this guy back in the ring, despite doing business with almost everyone else, some of whom were in really rough shape. Something about his charts have them spooked.
Well the women didn't appear to have hep this past week.How's your dick doing Gonzalez?