Just back from NXT Glasgow, was a very enjoyable show.
Enzo & Cass were over as well, people were very into them.
Tye Dillenger was arguably most over of the night, his match with Bull was very popular. Some good spots like Bull doing a cartwheel and threatening to eat Tye's sign.
Asuka/Alexa was fun enough, nothing really noteworthy mind you.
Corbin/Neville was good, seeing Neville live is something that feels like a must, really makes you go "What the fuck?" when it comes to his ability.
During the interval, Regal cut an appreciative promo. Joked about how he missed being booed in Scotland, to which the crowd responded naturally.
Gable & Jordan were very over too. For those of you into football, there was the Yaya/Kolo chant for them, which was very fun to do, plus some other stuff for the two. Dash/Dawson got a fair bit of heat as a result.
Bayley/Emma was good too. Bayley had a lot of Christmas themed chants today, including my favourite of the night, "Hug the world, let them know it's Bayley time." Crowd were very into the match.
Joe vs Apollo was very enjoyable too, Apollo has that same quality as Neville were seeing them live makes you more impressed by his agility. Joe was over as hell too, crowd definitely seemed more on his side.
Finn and Zayn were naturally over as hell too. Was very fun watching them two and was a good match. Ton of ICW chants for Finn, which is to be expected, he was very respectful towards that.
ICW was pretty over, the "One fall" chant was very popular, which seemed to have taken the ring announcer by surprise, but he was quick to catch onto it and milk it. By contrast, WWE was not over. At all. The promos for TLC definitely received the loudest boos followed by NXT chants, and Roman was not popular either when he was on screen.