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December Wrasslin' |OT| Sinacember to Remember




Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Everyone was on their feet. "This is awesome" had some genuine heart behind it because that was genuinely awesome. Spots like that are what TLC is supposed to be about. For them to set the tone with that and then fail to deliver the rest of the night really did them in.

Commentary and in-ring were REALLY pushing Big E's power, which was great to hear and see happen. Further defining who he is and what he brings to the table. Great stuff. That was easily my favorite match, and Xavier has a heck of a good aim with the trombone. Loved the finish.


Commentary and in-ring were REALLY pushing Big E's power, which was great to hear and see happen. Further defining who he is and what he brings to the table. Great stuff. That was easily my favorite match, and Xavier has a heck of a good aim with the trombone. Loved the finish.

Completely forgot about the trombone throw (which was awesome). Definitely one of the better ladder matches in the post-Hardy/EC/Dudley era. I think they did a disservice to themselves by setting the bar so high with the opener. Owens/Ambrose was the only match that came close, but ended in such a vanilla way.

Overall not a bad PPV, but continued the trend of very predictable finishes. Ambrose winning was the only time I think I was surprised all night.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Nothing about the main event or aftermath sold me on the story. Personally, I felt sympathetic for HHH's character by the end which is obviously not the intended effect.

I can never in a billion years buy Roman Reigns as the underdog being kept down by the man, it's too big of a leap in my mind. It just comes off as insulting,

This isn't the first time Roman has done something cool and the crowd cheers him. It's just that instead of running with what they got and building him up, WWE thinks "Hey, they finally love Roman now!"

Then the next night, they'll have him do 20 minute Looney Tunes or Tater Tots jokes and then wonder why the crowd turned on him.

Roman Reigns has no character. All they've been doing trying to make him into everything and ironically, that makes him nothing.

I mean, look at Survivor Series last month. Roman Reigns reached the finals of a tournament and beat his best friend for the WHC. It's an emotional moment for him on so many levels. Then he loses it to Sheamus and is on the verge of tears. Now I want to see Roman beat Sheamus because Roman's invested.

What does he do the next night? :) LOL CONGRATS CHAMP HHH U GOT NO BALLS

It's the same criticism people had with Cena. Everytime he lost, he no sold it the next night and cracked jokes. If the guy you want me to cheer for doesn't care, why should I care?


I'd also like to take a moment to just say Jimmy Hit Me With That Triple H did some great selling today.

From the way he sold those chair shots to writhing on the ground while making hilarious noises after the spear. Flashbacks to when he made a B+ player like Bryan look like a million bucks prior to Wrasslin'Mania 30.

Jimmy's friend doing Godzilla's work here, let me tell you.
Oh right, I nearly forgot. The New Day, in Mii form:







(Xavier's hair is in a knot behind him just like he sometimes wears)

I'm not 100% on Xavier since I couldn't get his facial hair right, but I left the option open to copy so you can edit if you choose to scan them.


Junior Member
First off, WTF Tag Team match was I watching? I hear people here compare it to Dudleys/Hardys/EdgeChristian WHAT?!?!?!?!

It was a sloppy as fuck match with too much setup involved without actually thinking about it. I can't remember EVER having 2 of a team in a ladder match inside the ring alone just a minute into the match and not going for the belts ASAP. That one moment the Usos did that killed it for me, not to mention all the other crap they did in that match. Lucha Dragons had a solid match and Kofi saved it for new day. outside of that I was not impressed or very much entertained.

Now on to the Title match. It was a sloppy match. They botched a few instances were the belt was in hand(sheamus in particular had the fucking thing in his hand) and waited for other guy to get up there.Suspension of disbelief out the window right there. Now the aftermath. Makes me dislike Reigns even more. Not only did he demolish the Heavyweight champ after being beaten fair and square, he is also fed both Rusev and Del Rio... Then with 0 and I do mean ZERO provocation he chair shots HHH to hell and back. Anti hero? More like whinny bitch.

THIS IS NOT Austin v McMahon.. This is a moron that gambles his life away at a casino then comes back to try and shoot up the place because " waaaaaahhh, the odds were against me.. The house rigged the game against me.. blah blah blah"
Excellent show tonight. Started off super hot. I felt bad for Rusev and Ryback because they had to follow that tag match but they did well. None of the matches felt boring at all. So glad Ambrose won the IC title. Him doing that jump in the air after then going into the crowd was so much fun to watch.

Sheamus and Reigns had a hell of a match. Both those wrestlers took a lot of punishment. Felt bad for them when the crowd was chanting over things. Both men kept going and won the crowd very by the end.

All that needs to happen with Roman now is have Stephanie talk trash to him then she slaps him which leads to Reigns giving her a spear. After that he is made and that really leads to HHH vs Reigns at RR.


So not worth it
I was going to watch TLC.

But I just don't want to. I literally don't want to go watch this "free" wrestling show that came with my Network sub. So I was gonna ask people to convince me to watch some of it, but you're all not helping here, friends.


I was going to watch TLC.

But I just don't want to. I literally don't want to go watch this "free" wrestling show that came with my Network sub. So I was gonna ask people to convince me to watch some of it, but you're all not helping here, friends.

Stick to your guns and don't watch any of it, you already know deep down it isn't worth your time.
First off, WTF Tag Team match was I watching? I hear people here compare it to Dudleys/Hardys/EdgeChristian WHAT?!?!?!?!

It was a sloppy as fuck match with too much setup involved without actually thinking about it. I can't remember EVER having 2 of a team in a ladder match inside the ring alone just a minute into the match and not going for the belts ASAP. That one moment the Usos did that killed it for me, not to mention all the other crap they did in that match. Lucha Dragons had a solid match and Kofi saved it for new day. outside of that I was not impressed or very much entertained.

Now on to the Title match. It was a sloppy match. They botched a few instances were the belt was in hand(sheamus in particular had the fucking thing in his hand) and waited for other guy to get up there.Suspension of disbelief out the window right there. Now the aftermath. Makes me dislike Reigns even more. Not only did he demolish the Heavyweight champ after being beaten fair and square, he is also fed both Rusev and Del Rio... Then with 0 and I do mean ZERO provocation he chair shots HHH to hell and back. Anti hero? More like whinny bitch.

THIS IS NOT Austin v McMahon.. This is a moron that gambles his life away at a casino then comes back to try and shoot up the place because " waaaaaahhh, the odds were against me.. The house rigged the game against me.. blah blah blah"

I thought the tag title ladder match was pretty good, but also think people are MASSIVELY overrating it. Pretty much agree with you on everything else
IRONICALLY, IT was an incident involving confidante Bret Hart that led to Nash finally making the decision to walk out on the WWF and accept the offer from Eric Bischoff. During the WWF’s sixth incarnation of In Your House from Louisville, Kentucky on February 18, three days before Scott Hall gave his official notice, Nash was working in the pay-per-view main event; a cage match with Hart. Prior to the bout, the proposed booking called for Hart to appear beaten following Diesel’s powerbomb finisher, only to have The Undertaker burst through the ring and pull Diesel through it, allowing Hart to clamber out of the cage unopposed to win the match. The idea was designed to give symmetry to the Diesel-Undertaker program, with Diesel having already cost Undertaker his title match with Hart at the Royal Rumble thanks to similar machinations.

There was a problem: Hart refused to go along with it. He argued that it would not do anything for his character to appear beaten again only to be saved at the last minute, and that it was not a strong way to build him up for his WrestleMania showdown with Shawn Michaels. Nash implored Hart that it would not hurt him because he was still the one winning the match, but ‘the Hitman’ had made up his mind.

Frustrated with Hart’s snub, the normally reserved Calaway leapt out of his seat and exasperatedly yelled, “Motherfucker! It’s not always about you! This helps our match mean more at ‘Mania.” The plea fell on deaf ears and Hart remained resolute in his refusal.
Roflmfao for Taker to say that, damn!
Even though its still boring and they're still actively ignoring what fans actually want....

I feel the past couple of weeks, probably since Seth-kuns injury, there has been a bit more effort put into giving us something 'different' than the mass produced WWE ending that we've had shoved down our throats for months. Like usually a standard PPV ends with the shit ending and then it goes off air "Goodnight everyone!" zzzz, but lately they've done some 'extra' stuff and given the show a bit more important/chaotic/whats gonna happen feel to it.

Its hard to explain, but I dunno, just felt like they've put a bit more effort into interacting stories and at least trying to do something interesting lately.

Did they get new writers or something? Someone else in charge?
Even though its still boring and they're still actively ignoring what fans actually want....

I feel the past couple of weeks, probably since Seth-kuns injury, there has been a bit more effort put into giving us something 'different' than the mass produced WWE ending that we've had shoved down our throats for months. Like usually a standard PPV ends with the shit ending and then it goes off air "Goodnight everyone!" zzzz, but lately they've done some 'extra' stuff and given the show a bit more important/chaotic/whats gonna happen feel to it.

Its hard to explain, but I dunno, just felt like they've put a bit more effort into interacting stories and at least trying to do something interesting lately.

Did they get new writers or something? Someone else in charge?
They saw the numbers and said they have to actually stop being stupid


I watched the Roman/Sheamus post match and the tag title stuff. I am just not interested in a roster headed up by Roman Reigns, sorry WWE. The tag match was super dumb and fun if you totally switched off your brain.

Good to see that KO is just another dude and the IC title is below a stinking pile of shit in terms of importance.

Still hyped for Takeover on Wednesday.
Spent the entire post match beat down screaming "KANE GOTTA SAVE PAPA HAITCH!" but Kane never ran down to save his boss. :(

They really should hire at least one security guard at wrestling events. You'd think they could afford at least a mall cop with a teaser ffs. H is going to clean up at workers comp.


Sadly tonight you will have Ambrose in the Brie Bella spot, getting the heat from the Authority while Roman is I assume locked out and can do nothing.
Probably the Usos also.
The Wyatts will probably four on two the Usos.
Sadly tonight you will have Ambrose in the Brie Bella spot, getting the heat from the Authority while Roman is I assume locked out and can do nothing.
Probably the Usos also.
The Wyatts will probably four on two the Usos.

You'll have Reigns recapping what happened, then Stephanie will scrunch up her face, make some witty remarks to get herself over, and make him #1 in the Rumble, providing insurmountable odds to overcome.



You'll have Reigns recapping what happened, then Stephanie will scrunch up her face, make some witty remarks to get herself over, and make him #1 in the Rumble, providing insurmountable odds to overcome.


Nah, he will be nowhere near the Rumble yet.
We have to get to that part.
First he has to pay for what happened. Then he has to fight his way back to get a Rumble spot. THEN he will get screwed over and be told that he is number one and probably some other "if you don't win this or that"
Nah, he will be nowhere near the Rumble yet.
We have to get to that part.
First he has to pay for what happened. Then he has to fight his way back to get a Rumble spot. THEN he will get screwed over and be told that he is number one and probably some other "if you don't win this or that"

Handicap match against Big Show and Kane. League of Nations at ringside. Still stands tall by the end.


So not worth it
So, how many weeks until WWE gets rid of Mauro Ranallo because they think he's too enthusiastic or doesn't stick to the script enough?
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