The Joshi guys might know better than I, but holy shit she's worn some off the wall shit over the years. I remember her wearing some Power Ranger get up, Zombie Cop get up, etc etc etc.
And I'll never get that thong over the shorts thing. That's just weird.
The ending of TLC was good in a vaccum. But the truth is it didn't make sense for Roman to beat HHH like that. HHH didn't do anything to him. He maybe (MAYBE) distracted him for Sheamus to cash in but that's it. And now he gives him a giant beatdown.
So what do you think will be the new SmackDown team with their recent hire?
Actually, who calls SmackDown now?
So what are the odds of them doing Reigns vs HHH at Mania and then Reigns vs Lesnar the same night?
Roman could just say to him: "What kind of shit promotion do you run here? Is this what you want your champion to be?"The ending of TLC was good in a vaccum. But the truth is it didn't make sense for Roman to beat HHH like that. HHH didn't do anything to him. He maybe (MAYBE) distracted him for Sheamus to cash in but that's it. And now he gives him a giant beatdown.
But people loved it so it's good I guess. I think, again, WWE doesn't know how to set up stuff. The spots are great but there's no rime or reason for it. And it just doesn't work for me.
Triple H backed Sheamus for being the champ after Roman refused his deal.
Sure, Triple H had nothing to do with the League Of Nations interfering and screwing Roman out of the TLC match, but Triple H is the reason Sheamus cashed in when he did.
Roman sees all of the screw jobs he's suffered as being Triple H's fault.
It's not that difficult.
Like someone said before in this thread, it actually made Roman look like he can't handle a loss. I didn't like it, unless he just snapped and is turning into a heel that is a menace to everyone. I would actually like that, so I don't think it is the case.
If anyone was planning on seeing the Will Ferrell-Mark Wahlberg comedy "Daddy's Home", don't read this wrasslin' related spoiler:
John Cena has a cameo at the close of the new Will Ferrell-Mark Wahlberg comedy "Daddy's Home" where it is revealed that after the stars have battled to show which of them is the better dad to a pair of children, John Cena is actually the father.
My thoughts:
How bad is it that the whole point of your movie is reduced to a LOL CENA WINS joke?
Nigh, on this day January 24th, in the year of our Lord Cena. Our savior shall return.
HHH hasn't actually done anything to Roman since like...Rollins was around. It's just constantly been HHH trying to act like a professional and Roman just constantly attacking him. It's really stupid storytelling but the crowd pops for it so I guess Vince thinks he did his job.
The ending to TLC did nothing for me in terms of getting me behind Roman. HHH really hasn't done anything wrong to Roman outside of wanting an employee to work with the boss. Roman just came off as a sore loser.
Thankfully I'm not the only one that thinks this.
But the crowd loved it so it's working for the majority it seems.
Thankfully I'm not the only one that thinks this.
But the crowd loved it so it's working for the majority it seems.
So why can't Reigns muster the talent to last 2 segments. The ladder match was shit and it was obvious he was more concerned with what was coming after.
Where is the actual talent?
We still need Lord Sina to get that title record from Flair. I still think that story needs to be told, and honestly, he deserves it. There's no harder working man in wrestling than Tomasso Ciampa.
We still need Lord Sina to get that title record from Flair. I still think that story needs to be told, and honestly, he deserves it. There's no harder working man in wrestling than Tomasso Ciampa.
Thankfully I'm not the only one that thinks this.
But the crowd loved it so it's working for the majority it seems.
No injures from the tag ladder match or TLC, it seems. Reigns nearly snapped his leg in two coming off the ladder into the ropes, and Kalisto probably has splinters in his behind, but it seems the worst came for Sheamus, there's pics of him covered in cuts and bruises.
This post gave me whiplash
I felt bad for Swaggie last night, his back had nasty chair marks all of over it. For a match no one cared about.I have no problem with chairshots to the head.
I don't think rock/mankind should ever be repeated, but dear lord do back chairshots suck
Two things I thought I would never say in a span of 24 hours:
My respect for both HHH and Shawn Michaels went up exponentially. The latter, I have to say, I never liked but that's another story.
Re: HHH, it's obvious that he cares about Roman and continues to want to see growth there for the guy. I have to tell you guys something: as "fans", we see someone, we know he's not there, we shit on him. Leaders make a call when they see something others don't and they provide a platform for said people to succeed and continue doing what they can to invest in that person.
Last night was HHH investing in Reigns by putting his body on the line. There is nothing else that needs to be said here by me. and Reigns, Reigns keeps taking it on the chin and showing up. That is commendable. That deserves some respect.
Storywise, the moment went really well. Reigns needs to stop the surfer dude smile and gesture at the end though. Dude lost his mind then went back to the shtick. If he is going to act angry, he needs to remain so until he walks right back behind that curtain.
Lol I thought him dropping the belt to Ambrose was completely ok. I liked that ending a lot.I think my favorite part was seeing the insane whiplash reaction between:
"FUCK THIS COMPANY BOOKING OWENS LIKE A CHUMP TO LOSE CLEAN!" while simultaneously saying "FUCK THIS COMPANY WITH ITS 50-50 BOOKING" when Owens dropped the title to the most over full-time star in the company whose been a main eventer for over a year.
I think my favorite part was seeing the insane whiplash reaction between:
"FUCK THIS COMPANY BOOKING OWENS LIKE A CHUMP TO LOSE CLEAN!" while simultaneously saying "FUCK THIS COMPANY WITH ITS 50-50 BOOKING" when Owens dropped the title to the most over full-time star in the company whose been a main eventer for over a year.
You mean like 75 percent of Ambrose's move set?I appreciated ambrose exposing the pop up powerbomb as the dumb fuck move it is