Sibersk Esto
You mean like 75 percent of Ambrose's move set?
You mean like 75 percent of Ambrose's move set?
I think my favorite part was seeing the insane whiplash reaction between:
"FUCK THIS COMPANY BOOKING OWENS LIKE A CHUMP TO LOSE CLEAN!" while simultaneously saying "FUCK THIS COMPANY WITH ITS 50-50 BOOKING" when Owens dropped the title to the most over full-time star in the company whose been a main eventer for over a year.
I appreciated ambrose exposing the pop up powerbomb as the dumb fuck move it is
People I would enjoy watching win the Rumble:
Lord Sina
Either of the Ascension
People I would not enjoy seeing win the Rumble:
Del Rio (I love you, but I wouldn't want it again)
It's weird, when the Rumble had 2 different championship options, it really made it feel like anyone could win, because someone could challenge for the WHC instead and it wasn't a foregone conclusion. I wouldn't mind some different stips coming to the Rumble so it's more of a wildcard and could have legit surprises, like the Rumble winner gets a damn ticket or some shit and if he or she loses a match on the Road to Wrestlemania, they lose the ticket. That way you can spice it up a little.
People I would enjoy watching win the Rumble:
Lord Sina
Either of the Ascension
People I would not enjoy seeing win the Rumble:
Del Rio (I love you, but I wouldn't want it again)
It's weird, when the Rumble had 2 different championship options, it really made it feel like anyone could win, because someone could challenge for the WHC instead and it wasn't a foregone conclusion. I wouldn't mind some different stips coming to the Rumble so it's more of a wildcard and could have legit surprises, like the Rumble winner gets a damn ticket or some shit and if he or she loses a match on the Road to Wrestlemania, they lose the ticket. That way you can spice it up a little.
Reigns vs HHH at the Royal Rumble or at 'Mania?
I have no idea who I want to win the Rumble this year.
I am eager to see what Ambrose does from here. He needs that belt more than KO does atm and KO is my favorite person on the roster.
I have no idea who I want to win the Rumble this year.
I have no idea who I want to win the Rumble this year.
So does HHH show up on Raw tonight? I mean, I do imagine part of the reason they did this angle was because he needs to head to the UK.
They will kill this angle so badly if Stephanie gets on the mic though.
I wouldn't be surprised if they keep Roman on the Daniel Bryan path to the point where he has to beat HHH to get into the main event at Mania.
The answer is Lesnar
I wouldn't be surprised if they keep Roman on the Daniel Bryan path to the point where he has to beat HHH to get into the main event at Mania.
The answer is Lesnar
God I hope not. Like I said last night, the "Reigns underdog" angle is just the worst to me personally.Brock
I wouldn't be surprised if they keep Roman on the Daniel Bryan path to the point where he has to beat HHH to get into the main event at Mania.
Have you not watched the last 5 years, the IC champ means you're a jobber with extra carry weight.
All roads lead to Sina vs. Reigns.
God I hope not. Like I said last night, the "Reigns underdog" angle is just the worst to me personally.
It would be so much damn fun watching Brock win the Rumble be he's not the guy who needs that rub.
I still think they'll do Reigns vs Lesnar.
Along with Cena vs Taker.
Cena vs Taker is like...the one match they haven't done since Cena became the top star.
People who I would want to win the rumble
Sami Zayn
Kevin Owens
Honestly I have no idea who else would even be a good fit.
I think there's a really low chance that they set up the main event to be the exact same one as last year when it wasn't over last year. Cena and Rock is a way different story than Lesnar and Reigns because Cena/Rock are way more marketable characters in general.
I look forward to the pro wrestling crowd learning to hate Mauro Ranallo.
Mama mia, my man.
I look forward to the pro wrestling crowd learning to hate Mauro Ranallo.
Mama mia, my man.
I can see Brock just tossing guys left and right in the Rumble until Owens sneaks in from behind to push him out. Sets up that Lesnar/Owens Mania' idea.I'm mainly looking at it from a "it'd be cool to see him toss dudes out like sacks of potatoes" angle but it really would lead to a lame match at WM I suppose. Problem is I don't see any other option that WWE would go with...except maybe Reigns overcoming the odds from #1
About as low of a chance as them messing up the Rumble 2 years in a row, let alone 3 years in a row?
Daniel Bryan messed it up, though. That's not even a joke, fan insistence that the only wrestler allowed to be over and win anything is Daniel Bryan made it awkward.
TLC made me want to go re-watch final battle 2012.
Speaking of Final Battle card looks stacked
Remember when Rey got booed simply for being number 30? And not being precious sweet gumdrop Daniel Bryan?
I want someone to win the Rumble one year and say:
"As much as the title means to me, I don't want it this year. I want a dream match. Make it happen."
It would make for a compelling story behind why they wanted the match so bad they'd give up winning the belt at Mania, and it would put over the feud as being important, and the guy they want to challenge as being important.
Remember when Rey got booed simply for being number 30? And not being precious sweet gumdrop Daniel Bryan?
I hope we get Rock vs Rusev at WM.
That's why Ambrose, Ziggler, Bray (who you know eliminated Bryan), Sandow, Rusev and co were all booed at the Rumble, right?