My Slammy Votes...
Rivalry of the Year - Bayley vs. The Boss (write-in vote)
Double-Cross of the Year - Stardust betrays Goldust
Surprise Return of the Year - The Dudley Boyz Return to Confront the New Day
Best Original WWE Network Show - Breaking Ground
WWE Tag Team of the Year - The New Day
Hashtag of the Year - #RKOOuttaNowhere
Celebrity Moment of the Year - Jon Stewart Gets on Cena's Bad Side
"Tell Me You Didn't Just Say That" Moment of the Year - None of the Above
Best John Cena U.S. Open Challenge - Cena vs. Cesaro
Rivalry of the Year - Bayley vs. The Boss (write-in vote)
Double-Cross of the Year - Stardust betrays Goldust
Surprise Return of the Year - The Dudley Boyz Return to Confront the New Day
Best Original WWE Network Show - Breaking Ground
WWE Tag Team of the Year - The New Day
Hashtag of the Year - #RKOOuttaNowhere
Celebrity Moment of the Year - Jon Stewart Gets on Cena's Bad Side
"Tell Me You Didn't Just Say That" Moment of the Year - None of the Above
Best John Cena U.S. Open Challenge - Cena vs. Cesaro