There's no reason to add Lesnar into it other than diluting the match and your star power. They actually already did that with Orton a while back.
It could make sense if your story shifts back to "Bork the destroyer" heel and you want to go down that route for a couple of years. Though laying it out, it's fairly convoluted, so I think you're right.
WWE has no really over heels - Owens is good but is stuck fighting the hardcore fans (who want to cheer him), as is the New Day; and everyone else just generates apathy more or less. The modern nuclear heat heel is going to be an Eva Marie type - someone who engenders hatred on a slightly more meta level.
WWE has a handful of major aces in the hole storyline wise
1) Cena Heel Turn
2) Bork loses clean
3) Reformation of the Shield
4) Authority is fired (which they used already-ish)
Personally, I think if you're going to try to ignite WWE, Cena heel turn at WM (on Taker or Reigns), allying with the Authority, leading to heel SuperCena running roughshod over the WWE (storyline being Cena is unwilling to lose his spot at all cost) - leading to Bork winning the RR from #1 before WM 33 next year, and then facing SuperCena in Minneapolis. I think that would be an insane angle and an insane crowd. Have Cena go full hypocrite from the Rock angle, where he becomes a part time champion who goes off and shoots movies.