oh yeah, austin and bret never protected their spot
Did Bret ever really protect his spot?
Austin, sure. He's pretty famous for it.
Bret's real influence moves were...to feud with Owen instead of Bruce, and to get screwed out of the title at Survivor Series.
oh yeah, austin and bret never protected their spot
The boss is the be-all end-all. You don't always have to agree with him, you can certainly advise him to take a different route, but at the end of the day, he makes the call.
Eldar are for cunts! Man... My faith in you is shaken. Ah well.Chaos and the Eldar looked cool, also Orks are awesome regardless, but I generally prefer fantasy tropes to guns and tanks. Also, no undead, skaven or night goblin equivalent. I had a bad-ass night goblin army back in the day.
The only time Austin protecting his spot was a bad thing was when he didn't want to put Brock over.
He was fine losing to Brock, he just didn't want to do it on a random Raw with no more than an hour or two build. He thought because it'd be important, it deserved to be treated important, but Vince wouldn't budge from having it on a fucking Raw for ratings
Eldar are for cunts! Man... My faith in you is shaken. Ah well.
How much did you spend on your night goblins?
Why is this a bad thing?He was fine losing to Brock, he just didn't want to do it on a random Raw with no more than an hour or two build. He thought because it'd be important, it deserved to be treated important, but Vince wouldn't budge from having it on a fucking Raw for ratings
In fairness, Vince and Shawn only broke their word when Triple H convinced them Bret wouldn't keep his end of the bargain.
Warhammer > 40k
Actually, I better not get in a discussion about either. I'll just end up impulse buying a bunch of paints and figures again and I don't want to fall back down that money sinkhole, haha!
more money to be made as a ppv.
For example if they really wanted to promote Reigns and boost raw ratings they could have had Reigns championship match next week with a week of build and promotion.
Plus if every other big star got to pass Brock the torch on PPV (see Hogan, Rock), it seems especially ridiculous to have Austin of all people lose clean on Raw. Destroying him to end the show and build to the PPV would have accomplished more.
TV shows should matter, but not as much as the actual PPV events. Stuff like a Reigns/Sheamus title change on Raw is great to show Raw matters, but you wouldn't have Reigns/HHH or Reigns/Brock 2 or Reigns/Cena or Rock/Cena there. Those are all events that people would definitely pay for. And even over a decade ago, the same could be said for Austin/Brock
Giving it away for free is a dumb decision you'd expect from TNA
All of a sudden I want this guy to get a big push, that's the right attitude friends.
The real Cena 2.0.
I think I'm gonna take a break for the holidays, guys. I'll be back sometime in January to post the Lucha Underground OT, but I'm just not enjoying posting on GAF anymore. I need a month off to recharge and set some things in order.
I think I'm gonna take a break for the holidays, guys. I'll be back sometime in January to post the Lucha Underground OT, but I'm just not enjoying posting on GAF anymore. I need a month off to recharge and set some things in order.
I think the big issue right now with WWE is that they don't have the talent to promote 12 PPV events plus network specials.
They do, but not to have 12 PPVs, plus specials, plus 3 hour Raw and 2 hour Smackdown every week.
Which way are you leaning on those matches?
#9 lol
how bout e-fed Friday?
more money to be made as a ppv.
For example if they really wanted to promote Reigns and boost raw ratings they could have had Reigns championship match next week with a week of build and promotion.
Bret refused to do the job, they offered him a variety of solutions, all of which he refused only to counter with "well I'll drop it later."
If one of my employees tells me, "well boss, I'm not doing what you want me to do, I'm doing something else entirely and then I'll maybe do it another time." He's being untrustworthy, he's not willing to play ball. So yeah, fuck him.
I'm not sure what's so hard to understand here. Bret had his reasons, that's fine, but it's not like he's an amazing beacon of great decision-making there. I 100% understand why Vince did what he did.
Or, to quote Taker: "Motherfucker! Its not always about you!"
The world isn't ready for Titusmania.All of a sudden I want this guy to get a big push, that's the right attitude friends.
The real Cena 2.0.
I think I'm gonna take a break for the holidays, guys. I'll be back sometime in January to post the Lucha Underground OT, but I'm just not enjoying posting on GAF anymore. I need a month off to recharge and set some things in order.
I've been campaigning for months now.All of a sudden I want this guy to get a big push, that's the right attitude friends.
The real Cena 2.0.
I think I'm gonna take a break for the holidays, guys. I'll be back sometime in January to post the Lucha Underground OT, but I'm just not enjoying posting on GAF anymore. I need a month off to recharge and set some things in order.
Agreed. Great family man it seems!He's truly an amazing man with a huge heart. I love him so much!