I really love Asuka. Head to toe. Great gear. Great personality. Amazing wrassler. Great finish. Great promos.
I will say the Joe/Balor feud is the first thing since Zayn/Owens in NXT that I found interesting and actually compelling as a storyline. And it was all Joe and the booking. Balor felt like he was just kind of there. Joe had that great squash match, Joe had the promos, Balor dressed up like a dank meme and then proceeded to get his shit in. I even liked Joe's stuff with Corbin.
I kind of would prefer them to have given the title to Joe and have him feud with a a debuting Busick, a returning Itami or Zayn if he's not going in the roster rather than more Shadow The Daemon Hedgehog.
I think you're right. Joe has far exceeded what I expected of him to be honest. Remarkable stuff.
I'd like to have seen him take the belt because Balor seems to be spinning his wheels at the moment. I like him a lot, but there's something missing.
I thought Nia did really well too.Nia did pretty well I thought..especially given her experience. Ref did have to tell her to go for the third leg drop but most of what she did looked good.
Who's the girl up front?
Judging by the identical smile, Finn's sister.
Hmmmmmmm...Judging by the identical smile, Finn's sister.
http://cmpunk.livejournal.comI can't ever fucking sleep. I also can't stop eating peanut butter. Chunky is for creeps.
I watched Kobashi/sasaki tonight, and i'm really getting a chip on my shoulder in regards to fans that try to dictate what's a good match based on selling or no selling. Christ, I hate even typing those words, since liking or disliking a match is so subjective. However, the chop battle between the two in my mind was nothing short of awesome. Do I really have to explain two of Japanese biggest stars, one on his home turf, and one still in the midst of an amazing comeback year not wanting to back down? It's hard for me to sit here and not totally freak out and say outlandish things like, "if you've never been in a ring, you have no right to critique", but once again, as fans, most have the right to speak their minds. It is america afterall, eh?
Chops are chops. Wrestling to me is about drama and story telling. Truthfully, what I didn't like about the match was the half-nelson suplexes. I can see an arguement for that, but chops? Holy hell, listen to me. I'm in need of sleep, and can't sleep, so i'm babbling about a match that took place on forgien soil.
Fuck it, I hate everybody that hated that match. I'm going to no sell your mother giving birth to you.
Minoru Suzuki is my hero, i'm going to steal his hair.
Up yours for being able to sleep.
hate hate hate
New face of indie lucha libre clears the ring of the villainous Kamaitachi and his cronies
I expected better of you, FallingEdge
I thought the Bayley/Nia Jax match was pretty bad.
I can suspend disbelief, but Bayley catching Jax in the same move four or five times in a row was fairly ridiculous. I kept waiting for Jax to waddle the three steps it would have taken to get her from the middle of the ring to the ropes, but she never figured it out.
I thought the Bayley/Nia Jax match was pretty bad.
I can suspend disbelief, but Bayley catching Jax in the same move four or five times in a row was fairly ridiculous. I kept waiting for Jax to waddle the three steps it would have taken to get her from the middle of the ring to the ropes, but she never figured it out.
I love Kobashi Vs. Sasaki. It's the match that inspired the hoss movement we see in today's wrestling.
That match was basically Bayley saying "Please, come at me when you have something more than your size to fight with."
It's all a show while they build anticipation for Bayley vs. Asuka, but it can be a good, entertaining show in the meantime.
I was watching some late WCW PPVs and man.
I think it's a testament to their strengths that the only reason I was still watching at that point was Scott Steiner and Russo.
Well that's kinda how being choked out works, you can't just walk around.
The real dope ending to the match if you wanted Jax to win would have been her pinning Baley's shoulders on the final choke out.
Sid is pretty dope near the end as well. Not quite 1996 amazing but not bad either.
The last three ppvs also have good cruiserweight matches. 2000 also has Stevie Ray on commentary, which is a real treat.
Late 1996-Early 1997 Sid....greatest of all time?
Is the Scott Steiner/Bully Ray pairing the best thing TNA ever produced?
Is the Scott Steiner/Bully Ray pairing the best thing TNA ever produced?
Sid was so fucking over in this moment. That crowd wanted him to beat the life out of Shawn MichaelsWHOS THE MAN
Is the Scott Steiner/Bully Ray pairing the best thing TNA ever produced?