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December Wrasslin' |OT| Sinacember to Remember


So not worth it

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Wrestle Kingdom 10 |OT| Sick of Seeing The Same Guys Pushed All The Time? ...Well Look Elsewhere

Wrestle Kingdom 10 |OT| Spoiler Alert: Okada Wins
None of them s can be reality... Did Dixie really convince these fucks that there were other stations interested in their shitty product?

No way, I refuse to believe a word of this, has to be PR speak from "we like getting money from TNA since nobOdy watches our channel anyways"
What's destination anyway? It's not WGN, it's it?
Remember that time WWE made fun of WCW for poorly booking cruiserweights

And then made Hornswoggle the division's last champ, while Rey spent a month as champ losing to big immobile guy after big immobile guy

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Remember when WWE made fun of WCW for relying on older guys. Then made fun of Russo for pushing Vampiro, Billy Kidman, The Natural Born Thrillers, and Buff Bagwell?
Remember that time WWE made fun of WCW for poorly booking cruiserweights

And then made Hornswoggle the division's last champ, while Rey spent a month as champ losing to big immobile guy after big immobile guy
I believe that was one last way of pissing on WcWs legacy tbh. At the time I wasn't thinking that way(then again I was still a teen) but now I see it.

Hornswoggle is one of the worst things to happen in WWE. There's were days when I wanted to legit beat his ass for even being on tv and that stupid ass music of his made me sick. Every time I see him, I leave the room. When I heard he failed a drug test I was hoping they'd part ways with him but I think they are still keeping him around.



Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nobody is worse than Jeff Jarrett. Look at that gif. Jarrett is smaller than the goofball, slimy henchman of the NWO. He's smaller than the B-team NWO guy.

But in his little Tennessee brain he thinks he's a badass.



I like Okada.

I like Okada a lot.

I know the match vs Tana will be good and hope that the future holds a feud with him and Naito. Tana can then go and beat up some young boys for a year or something.
Nobody is worse than Jeff Jarrett. Look at that gif. Jarrett is smaller than the goofball, slimy henchman of the NWO. He's smaller than the B-team NWO guy.

But in his little Tennessee brain he thinks he's a badass.
After his first run with WWE, Jarrett was terrible. At least he was bearable as a country music singer, but after that he just became a place holder to the IC title. And the fact that he thought Austin would pay him back the favour of being his heel opponent is hilarious. Of the guitars be broke, I believe he smashed a few over his head.


So not worth it
Remember when WWE produced a ten hour Network show shitting on every mistake that WCW made that caused its demise and then proceeded to spend the next year repeating every single one of them until their ratings started plummeting? That was fun.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
After his first run with WWE, Jarrett was terrible. At least he was bearable as a country music singer, but after that he just became a place holder to the IC title. And the fact that he thought Austin would pay him back the favour of being his heel opponent is hilarious. Of the guitars be broke, I believe he smashed a few over his head.

That's because when he was a country music singer, he was in the exact spot someone like him should be in. A cartoony mid-carder.

Everything after that was the office fighting against every fan trying to establish that he's a main eventer. Jeff Jarrett has been booked in main event role for 16 years and he's still not a main eventer and he never will be.

I like Okada.

I like Okada a lot.

I know the match vs Tana will be good and hope that the future holds a feud with him and Naito. Tana can then go and beat up some young boys for a year or something.

I could see Tanahashi feuding with Styles (presuming he sticks around post-WK) for the IC title, or going after the tag belts with #BIGMIKE. Not sure who'll they are going to set up for Okada, but I don't think it'll be Naito right away - seems Ingobernables/Meiyu Tag will run for a while longer. Nakamura's an option but, again, I don't think it's something they'll do right away.
Lucha Underground seems like it should be bigger than it is. The production values and the booking alone are so different from WWE, and it's the closest wrestling has been to 'cool' since the NWO that I have to think it's just a matter of time before LU explodes. It's already done that on social media.

I have a feeling that it will always be niche because it's

a) Pro Wrestling in 2015/16
b) Very different than what many expect from pro wrestling because of the way it's produced.
That's because when he was a country music singer, he was in the exact spot someone like him should be in. A cartoony mid-carder.

Everything after that was the office fighting against every fan trying to establish that he's a main eventer. Jeff Jarrett has been booked in main event role for 16 years and he's still not a main eventer and he never will be.
Data you know how that old timers saying goes and it fits Double J quite well,

He broke 6,000 geetars and never drew a dime.

I remember my pa used to say that about people who thought they were better than they actually were.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kanyon is a great promo and it sounded like he was really smart about wrestling and probably someone who should have been given a backstage role if it was a better environment.

But as a wrestler, he was one of the worst 'movez' offenders out there, early on.


I could see Tanahashi feuding with Styles (presuming he sticks around post-WK) for the IC title, or going after the tag belts with #BIGMIKE. Not sure who'll they are going to set up for Okada, but I don't think it'll be Naito right away - seems Ingobernables/Meiyu Tag will run for a while longer. Nakamura's an option but, again, I don't think it's something they'll do right away.

Styles is going to be insanely banged up at the end of WK and he has dates beyond that even...dude should take some time out surely. Tana and BIGMIKE would be an interesting team to go for the belts but I thought that was a one off thing. More people in the tag division would be nice though!

I know they'll get to Naito eventually. Another slow burn with that feud could be pretty sweet actually.
Styles is going to be insanely banged up at the end of WK and he has dates beyond that even...dude should take some time out surely.

AJ seems like he's trying to work as much as he can at this level while he's still able, hopefully he can stay injury free. It'll be interesting to see if he re-ups his contract with NJPW though.

Tana and BIGMIKE would be an interesting team to go for the belts but I thought that was a one off thing. More people in the tag division would be nice though!

It proved to be a really popular combination with the fans, wouldn't be at all surprised if Elgin became Tana's go-to tag partner - and yeah, they need more teams for the division. GBH likely win the titles at WK10, but then who do they feud with? I'd personally advocate for bringing in outside teams for Honma & Makabe to run through, give them a proper lengthy reign.
My fantasy booking was Okada loses the belt to Suzuki who guess with Naito and the UNGOVERNABLES.

Naito wins the G1 while Okada wins the belt and do Okada vs Naito at Wk11

Jamie OD

WK10 on course to be the most successful January 4th Tokyo Dome show in over a decade? Clearly the Japanese fans aren't on board the "Gedo is the worst booker ever/Okada ruins everything" train.

Might just wait until after the show when it comes to arguing about the business stuff. Remember this time last year when we all thought WK9 was going to draw 60000 but it turned out to be just over half of that?


AJ seems like he's trying to work as much as he can at this level while he's still able, hopefully he can stay injury free. It'll be interesting to see if he re-ups his contract with NJPW though.

It proved to be a really popular combination with the fans, wouldn't be at all surprised if Elgin became Tana's go-to tag partner - and yeah, they need more teams for the division. GBH likely win the titles at WK10, but then who do they feud with? I'd personally advocate for bringing in outside teams for Honma & Makabe to run through, give them a proper lengthy reign.

There really isn't anywhere else that a guy the level AJ is at can go other than NJPW right now. ROH feels below him in my opinion (seeing as I only know him through the context of Japanese shows him in ROH felt low rent), lolTNA and keeping an indie schedule that can match what he makes right now would probably kill him. I guess if NXT really really takes off...

GBH vs Twin Towers would be pretty hype.
My fantasy booking was Okada loses the belt to Suzuki who guess with Naito and the UNGOVERNABLES.

Naito wins the G1 while Okada wins the belt and do Okada vs Naito at Wk11

Suzuki looks to be staying in NOAH unfortunately, at least for the time being - I could get behind Naito and Ingobernables screwing Okada out of the belt at the first possible opportunity, then keep ducking him all year so he has to win the G1 to face Naito at WK11.

Might just wait until after the show when it comes to arguing about the business stuff. Remember this time last year when we all thought WK9 was going to draw 60000 but it turned out to be just over half of that?

True enough, a lot of the final gate will likely depend on walk-in business on the day of the show, but I don't recall the seated tickets selling out this in advance last year. Also, last year we all thought that because the gaijins kept going on about the show being sold out! Machine Gun trolling us :p

I like Okada.

I like Okada a lot.

I know the match vs Tana will be good and hope that the future holds a feud with him and Naito. Tana can then go and beat up some young boys for a year or something.

I like Okada too. Sick dropkick, Rainmaker, while simple, is an awesome finish, and although Gedo is most of his act, he comes across as an effective heel and a pretty cool baby face.

Honestly, there's really not an NJPW wrestler I actively dislike, except for Yujiro. And Fale. And Gallows. And Rocky Romero. But yeah, that's pretty much it.

I could see Tanahashi feuding with Styles (presuming he sticks around post-WK) for the IC title, or going after the tag belts with #BIGMIKE. Not sure who'll they are going to set up for Okada, but I don't think it'll be Naito right away - seems Ingobernables/Meiyu Tag will run for a while longer. Nakamura's an option but, again, I don't think it's something they'll do right away.

Which is why I'm going with Goto beating Naito at WK and then winning the IWGP title at New Beginning, (Goto is still owed a shot for beating Okada in the G1) then losing it to New Japan Cup winner Naito at Invasion Attack. This finally gives Goto a reign (a two-month transitional reign but a reign nonetheless), freshens up the main event scene, and creates a hot new feud in Okada vs. Naito. You can throw Nakamura in there too, as hopefully he will have dropped the IC belt by this point (to AJ or otherwise) since he's also owed an IWGP shot for beating Okada. While I'd love to see AJ win the IC title, I get the feeling he wants to wind his career down and spending half of the year in Japan away from his family isn't ideal anymore.
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