fucking smarks who want to put himself over
if you liked this guy but hate the full sail crowd, you're the definition of hypocrisy
WrassleGAF topic of the day
If a GIF could be our mascot, which GIF would it be?
fucking smarks who want to put himself over
if you liked this guy but hate the full sail crowd, you're the definition of hypocrisy
It I were Dewey I would be embarrassed as shit at Foley trying to argue his job isn't due to nepotism. Of course it's due to nepotism (just like HHH, Steph and Vince Jr.) just don't call attention to it.I hope this is the last we hear of Mick Foley's posts on Facebook in this thread.
It I were Dewey I would be embarrassed as shit at Foley trying to argue his job isn't due to nepotism. Of course it's due to nepotism (just like HHH, Steph and Vince Jr.) just don't call attention to it.
I'm sure he's about as qualified as most of the hacks WWE hire as writers, but at least he grew up around wrestling and is a fan.
WrassleGAF topic of the day
If a GIF could be our mascot, which GIF would it be?
Vince is ultimately the only writer anyway
Vince is ultimately the only writer anyway
Steph is head of creative right? So the writers feed her ideas which she can either agree or veto or is it just simply a title who can speak on Vince's behalf while he takes a shit?
Steph is a bad head of creative.
she hasnt been that in ages, but I don't keep up with wwe employees and what they do because I am an outsider, and if I went any further speculating on how their business works it'd be stupidSteph is head of creative right? So the writers feed her ideas which she can either agree or veto or is it just simply a title who can speak on Vince's behalf while he takes a shit?
Steph is a bad head of creative.
Steph is head of creative right? So the writers feed her ideas which she can either agree or veto or is it just simply a title who can speak on Vince's behalf while he takes a shit?
Steph is a bad head of creative.
Is that the "J" from J&J Security to the left?
Becky casually name dropping Zack Sabre jr
God the saddest thing about that whole interview was her gushing about her time in Japan, working with Aja Kong, her love of Joshi, getting a big modelling deal, being promised the belt etc etc.
And we will never see a good Becky/Asuka feud ever![]()
I notice every time she's been on Raw it's been awful. Linda need to make that call to Sugar Shane to save VinnySteph is head of creative right? So the writers feed her ideas which she can either agree or veto or is it just simply a title who can speak on Vince's behalf while he takes a shit?
Steph is a bad head of creative.
WtassleGAF! It's been a long time since I stopped paying attention to wrestling. I've always had somewhat of a love hate relationship with the product. Like many of you here I grew up with it in the 90's and devoured it every week. Around 2001 I stopped paying attention until the amazing 2004 with the Royal Rumble where [removed] won. Then WrestlemaniaXX came along and I was a believer again. I stayed a big fan up for a couple years aND was thoroughly hyped when Batista and Cena rose to the top. Around that time I started college and my interest started to fade again. My brothers still watched so I would check every now and then but it just didnt grab me like before. The transition to PG was in full swing and I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Two things got me back in to it in 2011. The return of Brett Hart (who I finally got to see when they came to Boston that year) and of course the Rock. At that point i started to watch it as a guilty pleasure of sorts. The story lines and characters were not as good as before but I enjoyed it anyway. Also it helps that during that time I used to watch RAW while following along these threads. They made the episodes immensely more enjoyable lol. But that could only last so long. Eventually I got tired of the Cena show and I didn't feel the same affection for Punk or Bryan that the rest of the Internet seemed to have. So for the past 3 years I've not paid attention at all and I have no idea who any of these new faces in the company are. But, here I am yet again at that part of the cycle where I'm interested in coming back to it. What really got me is WWE Network. I decided to use that free month to fuel my nostalgia. Plus there's a lasertime podcast called Cheap Popcast that's fun to listen to.
My questions to you WrassleGaF are: Is it worth checking out today at all? And what are some essential ppvs/matches I should watch on WWE network? Whether they are from the modern times or the attitude era Im just looking for a fun back and forth match that has the crowd on fire. I don't think that's too much to ask right? Heh
WrassleGAF topic of the day
If a GIF could be our mascot, which GIF would it be?
Yeah, what a nightmare ticketmaster is. Will try again for the general release. But something tells me I'll just end up getting some nosebleeds off stubhub.
WtassleGAF! It's been a long time since I stopped paying attention to wrestling. I've always had somewhat of a love hate relationship with the product. Like many of you here I grew up with it in the 90's and devoured it every week. Around 2001 I stopped paying attention until the amazing 2004 with the Royal Rumble where [removed] won. Then WrestlemaniaXX came along and I was a believer again. I stayed a big fan up for a couple years aND was thoroughly hyped when Batista and Cena rose to the top. Around that time I started college and my interest started to fade again. My brothers still watched so I would check every now and then but it just didnt grab me like before. The transition to PG was in full swing and I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Two things got me back in to it in 2011. The return of Brett Hart (who I finally got to see when they came to Boston that year) and of course the Rock. At that point i started to watch it as a guilty pleasure of sorts. The story lines and characters were not as good as before but I enjoyed it anyway. Also it helps that during that time I used to watch RAW while following along these threads. They made the episodes immensely more enjoyable lol. But that could only last so long. Eventually I got tired of the Cena show and I didn't feel the same affection for Punk or Bryan that the rest of the Internet seemed to have. So for the past 3 years I've not paid attention at all and I have no idea who any of these new faces in the company are. But, here I am yet again at that part of the cycle where I'm interested in coming back to it. What really got me is WWE Network. I decided to use that free month to fuel my nostalgia. Plus there's a lasertime podcast called Cheap Popcast that's fun to listen to.
My questions to you WrassleGaF are: Is it worth checking out today at all? And what are some essential ppvs/matches I should watch on WWE network? Whether they are from the modern times or the attitude era Im just looking for a fun back and forth match that has the crowd on fire. I don't think that's too much to ask right? Heh
Look at this majestic motherfucker
He's got that unburialable look about him. YOU'LL NEVER FULLY RUIN HIM VINCE DO YOUR WORST.
Man that's a damn shame. This used to be really something special I wonder if they can capture that again.To your first question: no. WWE main roster is worse than ever at the moment. watch NXT.
On the Network? Watch Fully Loaded 2000. Wrestlemania 30. Watch Punk/Cena MITB 2011. Brock vs. Cena Summerslam 2014. just off the top of my head![]()
WtassleGAF! It's been a long time since I stopped paying attention to wrestling. I've always had somewhat of a love hate relationship with the product. Like many of you here I grew up with it in the 90's and devoured it every week. Around 2001 I stopped paying attention until the amazing 2004 with the Royal Rumble where [removed] won. Then WrestlemaniaXX came along and I was a believer again. I stayed a big fan up for a couple years aND was thoroughly hyped when Batista and Cena rose to the top. Around that time I started college and my interest started to fade again. My brothers still watched so I would check every now and then but it just didnt grab me like before. The transition to PG was in full swing and I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Two things got me back in to it in 2011. The return of Brett Hart (who I finally got to see when they came to Boston that year) and of course the Rock. At that point i started to watch it as a guilty pleasure of sorts. The story lines and characters were not as good as before but I enjoyed it anyway. Also it helps that during that time I used to watch RAW while following along these threads. They made the episodes immensely more enjoyable lol. But that could only last so long. Eventually I got tired of the Cena show and I didn't feel the same affection for Punk or Bryan that the rest of the Internet seemed to have. So for the past 3 years I've not paid attention at all and I have no idea who any of these new faces in the company are. But, here I am yet again at that part of the cycle where I'm interested in coming back to it. What really got me is WWE Network. I decided to use that free month to fuel my nostalgia. Plus there's a lasertime podcast called Cheap Popcast that's fun to listen to.
My questions to you WrassleGaF are: Is it worth checking out today at all? And what are some essential ppvs/matches I should watch on WWE network? Whether they are from the modern times or the attitude era Im just looking for a fun back and forth match that has the crowd on fire. I don't think that's too much to ask right? Heh
Man that's a damn shame. This used to be really something special I wonder if they can capture that again.
Thanks for the suggestions though! Will definitely have a look![]()
Is that Sara Lee? They're going with Daaaaaaaa-RIA?
No, that's Daria. She was a different contestant.
If you have the patience you can buy tickets around March on Stubhub and they'll be closer to face value. I'm gonna give it another shot tomorrow though, couldn't hurt.
yessssssssssPlus there's a lasertime podcast called Cheap Popcast that's fun to listen to.
Current Sarah Lee
WrassleGAF topic of the day
If a GIF could be our mascot, which GIF would it be?
The whole season was this trainwreck of cringe I just couldn't look away from.So gorgeous. I can't wait to see what the coaches were able to bring to the table for her. I loved her personality on the show. She took alot of shit and rolled with the punches just fine. I cringed at and for her quite a bit.