Oh man, I did not even think about that, haha. I'm not trolling please believe me! Seriously though, I didon't dislike them. In fact, I actually did like when Punk became the leader of Nexus. It looked like a big strong stable was coming into the spotlight and I loved that. If my memory serves me correctly though, Cena just destroyed and it kinda fizzled at some point. With it was my interest. As for Daniel Bryan, I knew he was a good technical wrestler which the company was lacking in at time, but I don't know, maybe it was just bad timing. I suppose when Punk and Bryan made it to the limelight I was just dissatisfied with the product as a whole that they were not enough to keep me hooked.You didn't feel affection for Punk or Bryan? Watch out pal, people are preparing their "hi stro" or "gimmick poster" rebuttals as we speak, but if we mention it and call it out ahead of time you may be spared!
Network is fuckin' dope for what it costs and what you get. I don't spend a lot of time shilling for legitshook.com like I probably ought to or is expected, but there's a ton of great writeups there for WWE content. Especially the 2014 year in review stuff for WWE, lots of notable matches that you can find that are worth tracking down. You'll enjoy it.
Here's Pt1, there are many more. Worth reading for sure.
Never heard of legitshook.com thanks for the suggestion!
Yeah you make a good point. I remember back in the day pretty much every PPV was a must watch for me because it always felt like the stakes were high. Hell, it wasn't just in the main events either.It seems to me that WWE is booked around Wrestlemania a lot more than in previous generations. So, right now is the nadir of the entertainment value with it picking up in the lead to the rumble starting next month. It was the same last year - people were similarly saying the show was worse than it's ever been. The way it seems to work now is the default status of WWE is low simmer, very boring, no stakes or storylines of note and then every few months one or two things pop up which are worth following
My man.yessssssssss