man, you sure proved everyone wrong with people casually clapping at a wrestling show
I like how you post the impact for one, and the aftermath for the other.
I was there.
Place was rocking during that match but after that assholes were throwing streamers in the ring.
Any word if James Storm will have a match at NXT Takeover: London PPV?
Streamers make everything better, tho.
Fucking hell, I can't believe these are real, haha;
I like how I posted the ones that show the most fans in the shot for both
Fucking hell, I can't believe these are real, haha;
The original idea for the Punk/Nash story and how it ended up with "Nash texted himself to tell himself to attack Punk".
Ashton Smith is Ricochet's long lost cousin?
Oh god, are we at the part of the thread where a bunch of 20 year olds starting whining about the good ole' days?
Oh god, are we at the part of the thread where a bunch of 20 year olds starting whining about the good ole' days?
Fave 5 now
Big E
"That Magnum T.A. sure had it I tell ya!"
Back when they used anal beads to kill people and not guns!
You guys are all a part of the WrassleGAF fave five. Especially you, no no see the attitude era was perfect
now that we've established that, the guy who is the best technical wrestling performer should be pushed to the championship, just like in the attitude era
Oh god, are we at the part of the thread where a bunch of 20 year olds starting whining about the good ole' days?
Oh god, are we at the part of the thread where a bunch of 20 year olds starting whining about the good ole' days?
Grimace is part of my WrassleGAF fave five, along with Ithil, Plywood, ***_*******, and Bootaaay
Guys, remember Rob Conway? That guy could've gone places.
At least late in that era, he was, but a certain someone kept trying to say he was too no no see the attitude era was perfect
now that we've established that, the guy who is the best technical wrestling performer should be pushed to the championship, just like in the attitude era
Remember the good old days?
Card for PROGRESS Manchester on Sunday, should be good.
I need to know what the punchline to "Once you go beard" is because I'm having a hard time finding something that rhymes and makes sense. Anybody?
So is League of Nations now part of the Authority, their own team? Or has the creative team not figured that one out?
I need to know what the punchline to "Once you go beard" is because I'm having a hard time finding something that rhymes and makes sense. Anybody?
when did this
become more attractive than this
I think assuming slogan t-shirts make sense is a dangerous gameI need to know what the punchline to "Once you go beard" is because I'm having a hard time finding something that rhymes and makes sense. Anybody?
Weird? Is it something "blank blank Weird"?
Fucking hell, I can't believe these are real, haha;
I need to know what the punchline to "Once you go beard" is because I'm having a hard time finding something that rhymes and makes sense. Anybody?
Weird? Is it something "blank blank Weird"?
It's British crap. Just fill in the blank with "toad in the hole" or "on the cobbles" and you have a winner.'ll always be weird?
I think assuming slogan t-shirts make sense is a dangerous game
The original idea for the Punk/Nash story and how it ended up with "Nash texted himself to tell himself to attack Punk".
Kiss my grits they're still active in my mind lolThey said active and you picked 2 dead people
Maybe something "Feared"? Like "You'll always be feared!".