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December Wrasslin' |OT| Sinacember to Remember


So not worth it
The Owens vs Ziggler match was the perfect example of why 3 hours is a bad idea.

Did we need a 20 minute match without story between those two? A 10 minute or less thing would've been just (if not more) effective.

PPV length matches with no story behind are a bad idea.

Oddly enough, this also goes for almost every PPV match they actually have now.


Why? I thought the promo was great at the time. It foreshadowed the end of the new generation and the evolution into Vince's new idea that he came up with all by himself, extreme championship wrestling in an attitude-based era.

And it successfully hyped a match with an absent Hitman IIRC.
This Review-A-Raw is godawful. Mouth needs to stop having opinions.

I'm about ready to give up on review a raw, its getting to the same unlistenable point review-an-impact hit where the hosts were so disinterested that they were just repeating the same points every week.

I get that the show itself is the reason for a lot of that but damn, I guess I'd rather just hear meltzerz take on it and get some MMA news at the same time.
¡HarlequinPanic!;188406023 said:
I'm about ready to give up on review a raw, its getting to the same unlistenable point review-an-impact hit where the hosts were so disinterested that they were just repeating the same points every week.

I get that the show itself is the reason for a lot of that but damn, I guess I'd rather just hear meltzerz take on it and get some MMA news at the same time.

It's actually at the point where I feel disappointed that the pre-show banter ends and they have to talk about Raw. Review-a-Wai is usually a better listen.


So let me get this straight.....they had a 4 team, 16 man elimination match just to put over Roman beating Sheamus?

Am I reading that right?


Yup, two great promo guys are feuding and they don't trade a single word.

Of course there's also no reason for them to be feuding since Ambrose seems to be more worried in helping Roman.

It's all a big nothing.
Remember how almost a year ago, Ambrose was obsessing over the Intercontinental championship and picking a fight with Bad News Barrett so he could cement his legacy by laying claim to the gold. He (and everyone else for that matter) even stole the belt briefly.


He was so desperate for a title opportunity that he handcuffed Barrett to the ring post and forced him to sign on the dotted line.


Now he's got an IC title match on Sunday and does he even bring up his previously-mentioned IC title aspirations?

pink tights


Reminds me of when Diesel had won the belt from Backlund and had promos for a match with Hart, only Nash's reference was more Reigns-style neutered face than Austin. "How long have you gotten away with wearing pink? [winks to camera} see ya buddy" or something along those lines.

Incidentally, I always thought Nash was the worst whatever the incarnation. My dad, who passively watched back in the day because my brother and I were always watching, would always comment on him "oh look, it's Mr Fucking Personality" because his lack of charisma was so apparent to the most casual of observer.

And my mother, god rest her soul, was possibly responsible for the earliest recorded instance of X-Pac heat because of the same reason. "Not the 1-2-3 Kid. He's just... awful. Why would anyone want to watch him? He look so scrawny". She was a casual Macho Man mark at the time.


Reminds me of when Diesel had won the belt from Backlund and had promos for a match with Hart, only Nash's reference was more Reigns-style neutered face than Austin. "How long have you gotten away with wearing pink? [winks to camera} see ya buddy" or something along those lines.
I'm reading that in his voice and holy shit I hate Nash so much.


they had the wrong email address by one letter, so now they're gonna fire it off to the right place. Total time for holding and actually talking to the person: 5 minutes.

Moral of the story: call early and be clear with your info.


Remember how almost a year ago, Ambrose was obsessing over the Intercontinental championship and picking a fight with Bad News Barrett so he could cement his legacy by laying claim to the gold. He (and everyone else for that matter) even stole the belt briefly.


He was so desperate for a title opportunity that he handcuffed Barrett to the ring post and forced him to sign on the dotted line.


Now he's got an IC title match on Sunday and does he even bring up his previously-mentioned IC title aspirations?


Good point.

Actually, he seems like he doesn't care at all about the title. Or about Owens.

At this point it's like he is only going to the match because he has nothing better to do on Sunday night.


You guys quit talking bad about Diesel. It's not like he could talk about taking somas and fuck you and whatever in 1995.
You guys quit talking bad about Diesel. It's not like he could talk about taking somas and fuck you and whatever in 1995.

He should have been more like Bret.

"Year in year out, I feel like Wayne Gretsky, I have to ask myself am I still the best? The best there is? The best there was? The best there ever will be?"

Surely if you're 'the best there ever will be" you can't have this crisis of confidence, because you can never not be the best ever? (Mind explodes)


So not worth it
That was a year ago and didn't involve Cena, you can't expect anyone to remember or care about what happened a year ago.
Because Ballet is a high injury art.

That line was just used somewhere else recently as well unless i am conflating memories. I swear I think Roman said it as well.

Ballerina's are also among the strongest athletes I understand. But come on, it was the mid 90's. We needed En Vogue to sing to us about open mindedness back then for it to catch on.

Reigns is just the worst. An unholy cross-breeding of the worst of Cena and Diesel. And he'll never get injured because he has such a dull moveset.

That said... what would happen if he did get injured? Who would become the premier face?


And I'm going to be an ass and call out every single poster in this community who defends this chick. She is god awful and needs to be fired. She hasnt learned anything and I think this was done with malicious intent.

You don't lock your knee like that in preparation for a soft kick. That is some shotokan levels of damage right there. The loking of the knee is what shotokan specifically teaches to hurt someone. bad,

Keep doing what you're doing, SomewhatGroovy.


How is Yakuza 5, guys? I haven't been able to play it yet (watched a lot of the intro this morning). I'm gonna finish Tales from the Borderlands first, but I very much look forward to some sweet, sweet Yakuza.

Props from Harley himself, and he does a character better than Roman does being Roman.

All this Nash-shaming has to stop

"Le' me tell ya about the Vinster, 'aight"

Nash should visit Raw next week to see his bestest buddy (and greatest wrestler of all time) HHH and have a backstage segment where something falls on him, knocking him unconscious. Due to some bizarre amnesia that can only exist in sports entertainment, he believe himself to be Vinnie Vegas. The wrasslin' doc that sued Punk can turn up and advise everyone to play along for the sake of Nash's mental wellbeing.

Vinnie Vegas runs for a few months until a flying cuddle from Reigns makes Nash believe he's Diesel for similar scientific reasons, leading to the Diesel vs Diesel match everybody wants.

"How long have you been getting away with those lame attempts at slogans? [winks to camera] see ya buddy"

Shit writes itself.


How is Yakuza 5, guys? I haven't been able to play it yet (watched a lot of the intro this morning). I'm gonna finish Tales from the Borderlands first, but I very much look forward to some sweet, sweet Yakuza.
I haven't played a Yakuza game since Yakuza 1.

MC Safety

Because Ballet is a high injury art.

That line was just used somewhere else recently as well unless i am conflating memories. I swear I think Roman said it as well.

And I'm going to be an ass and call out every single poster in this community who defends this chick. She is god awful and needs to be fired. She hasnt learned anything and I think this was done with malicious intent.

You don't lock your knee like that in preparation for a soft kick. That is some shotokan levels of damage right there. The loking of the knee is what shotokan specifically teaches to hurt someone. bad,

I'm not sure that was malicious.

I think Eva Marie is stupid and vain, and I think she's looking far beyond her wrestling to the superstardom she craves. This has distracted her and made her unsafe.

She doesn't need a lesson on safety from another wrestler, she doesn't need more training from Brian Kendrick, and she doesn't need the hassle involved with her current profession. Let her go to star in B-movies and do whatever modeling she can with those cold and dead eyes.
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