Anything to do with Vinne Vegas is gold, friend.
I'm surprised they billed him at something close to his actual weight. Usually anyone over 6' 8" gets billed at least 100 pounds more than they actually are.
Anything to do with Vinne Vegas is gold, friend.
"Le' me tell ya about the Vinster, 'aight"
Nash should visit Raw next week to see his bestest buddy (and greatest wrestler of all time) HHH and have a backstage segment where something falls on him, knocking him unconscious. Due to some bizarre amnesia that can only exist in sports entertainment, he believe himself to be Vinnie Vegas. The wrasslin' doc that sued Punk can turn up and advise everyone to play along for the sake of Nash's mental wellbeing.
Vinnie Vegas runs for a few months until a flying cuddle from Reigns makes Nash believe he's Diesel for similar scientific reasons, leading to the Diesel vs Diesel match everybody wants.
"How long have you been getting away with those lame attempts at slogans? [winks to camera] see ya buddy"
Shit writes itself.
And I'm going to be an ass and call out every single poster in this community who defends this chick. She is god awful and needs to be fired. She hasnt learned anything and I think this was done with malicious intent.
You don't lock your knee like that in preparation for a soft kick. That is some shotokan levels of damage right there. The loking of the knee is what shotokan specifically teaches to hurt someone. bad,
They gave Eva a NXT Woman's Title Shot even after that horrible stiff kick to the head? The fuck.
Ryback is my new favourite Luchador. He just needs a cool mask and a killer suit.
Ryback is my new favourite Luchador. He just needs a cool mask and a killer suit.
There are a ton of great wrestlers that botched moves, too, you know.
White vs. Dorada is good, but I need more Komatsu and Tanaka. Probably won't get it unt after their foreign excursions though.
How was Raw? Haven't seen, read, or heard anything about it.
How was Raw? Haven't seen, read, or heard anything about it.
Ryback is better than thunder
i'm about halfway through review a raw, it sounded god awful.
Wait... so instead of watching wrestling to see if it's terrible, you watch a terrible youtube show to tell you the wrestling was terrible..? This place is getting too meta for me.
It was great, well worth your time.
Wait... so instead of watching wrestling to see if it's terrible, you watch a terrible youtube show to tell you the wrestling was terrible..? This place is getting too meta for me.
Wait... so instead of watching wrestling to see if it's terrible, you watch a terrible youtube show to tell you the wrestling was terrible..? This place is getting too meta for me.
I've taken to reading the Post RAW rundown threads at Reddit before I consider watching. Same reason as you, and this week I have no reason to queue up anything from RAW.I read a report. That way if it's good, I can skip around to good parts, and if it's bad, I skip it entirely. Saves a ton of time that I can use F5ing the forum instead, because that's sure productive.
Props from Harley himself, and he does a character better than Roman does being Roman.
All this Nash-shaming has to stop
I've used this time to listen to back episodes of The Lapsed Fan that I've missed. It's been a fantastic choice,I don't even listen to review a raw anymore or read the reports. What's the point? Nothing on the show entertains me, and I would dare say that the way the show is structured in the wwe does not appeal to me anymore on a fundamental level.
Ryback is my new favourite Luchador. He just needs a cool mask and a killer suit.
I've used this time to listen to back episodes of The Lapsed Fan that I've missed. It's been a fantastic choice,
In all seriousness, if I was going to recommend this Raw I would just say class New Day vs Lucha Dragons as the main event and turn it off after. Maybe stick through Miz TV if you wanna see Flair.
Everything that followed was trash. Nothing but steaming trash.
I have just the gimmick for him.
Yeah I will sometimes not get to the end of some episodes but I'm fine with that. They make me laugh for most of those 3-5 hours.It's a real shame the Ric, one of the greatest mic men of all time, now reminds me of Ahmed Johnson whenever he speaks. I can barely understand a word he says.
Ryback would have paled compared to this up and coming luchadore who was cut down before his time:
Ryback is my new favourite Luchador. He just needs a cool mask and a killer suit.
Fuck, no Wai this week on Review-a-Wai. I have trouble listening to The Mouth's terrible opinions most times.
On Review-A-Wai it's ok if it's old shit. But this Review-A-Raw? Dogshit.
How was Raw? Haven't seen, read, or heard anything about it.
More Lapsed Fan it is. I wish Inside the Ropes recorded podcasts more often, but I know it's a real life schedule issue for them.On Review-A-Wai it's ok if it's old shit. But this Review-A-Raw? Dogshit.