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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


Sound board or one of those phrase charts would be awesome.

Alpha Brain
Audio Whoop Ass
Oh Hell Yeah
Cripplegoose Factor
Deer Stand
Broken Schull Ranch
Sip for the working man


Love the show. Can't wait for Vince.

I just started listening to the podcast and I like it as well. But people are right that he has a lot of repeated phrases. Also my god he really is a total redneck.

It's in my Q. JR is also about to start one. You'd figure that be good too.

If JR gets the guests it should be great.


I just started listening to the podcast and I like it as well. But people are right that he has a lot of repeated phrases. Also my god he really is a total redneck.

If JR gets the guests it should be great.

Austin phrases are like his move set.

Steve is like a new age Red Neck. Believes in gay rights, global warming, body wash, and just stuff you wouldn't think. But sure he likes to drink beer, hunt, and drive his truck.


Have fun! :D

Section 107


I should get a good look at those sexy guys from The Shield


Going to cut into WWE's DVD market if we get all these great stories elsewhere for free.

I was thinking Vince can't be too happy about having current superstars on the show.
But how many listeners does Steve really have from Today's audience?

D. Bry interview was a trip. The dude truly is a hippie. Cool one mind you!


I was thinking Vince can't be too happy about having current superstars on the show.
But how many listeners does Steve really have from Today's audience?

D. Bry interview was a trip. The dude truly is a hippie. Cool one mind you!

no hippie is cool


Austin phrases are like his move set.

Steve is like a new age Red Neck. Believes in gay rights, global warming, body wash, and just stuff you wouldn't think. But sure he likes to drink beer, hunt, and drive his truck.

Austin is the endearing kind of redneck.
You marks are killing wrestling in OT. When Bootaaay makes his WK8 thread, it is going to be seen as a joke.

When you know there's a camera nearby and you're praying to the pants gods that there will be no splitting.

she can achieve the same look with just bodyweight squats! Those prolly aren't even real 45s!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The boots are the most upsetting thing about those squats. You don't lift in that shit.

How will we do crossover appeal with Wrestle Kingdom 8's topic? Should we appeal to weeaboos? Or go for Americans who like swears in their matches?

I think it we do a comparison topic title "more Japanese than Attack on Titan" or some shit like that, we'll rope in some uguu~ people.



TNA Bound for Glory 2011

When we last left TNA, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy turned heel. The next night, they would form the stable known as Immortal and dominate TNA. Sting went batshit insane and started being the Joker. He got Hulk Hogan to agree to a match for control of TNA. AJ Styles and Chris Daniels continued their on again/off again 10 year feud. Bobby Roode would turn face and has fans anticipating a title change for the first time in years. Team 3D broke up, with Bubba revitalizing his career as Bully Ray. Austin Aries returned. Some other stuff happened I'm sure.

Austin Aries vs Brian Kendrick TNA X Division Championship

A Double now wears a cape and Spanky went from Jedi to conspiracy theorist hippie. I think. After 9 years of making a big deal about the X Division not being about weight limits, but no limits, it was given a weight limit of 225 pounds. Aries wins the opening exchange and then we get a series of head locks and head scissors. About 8 in a row. A Double bails. Pescado by Spanky. Cross body and two monkey flips. Aries held on for the 3rd one and came out with lariatooo. Pendulum elbow is countered with a knee to the face since Aries took an hour to do it. He hit it seconds later. Running tornado DDT from Spanky. Aries dumps Spanky to the floor and follows up with the heat seeking missile. Corner dropkick. Spanky gets out of the brainbuster and hits a superkick. Aries plants Spanky in the ropes on a Sliced Bread attempt. It ends up turning into a Super Sliced Bread, which Tenay sold by yelling, "Get the hell out of here!". Austin landed near the ropes and was able to get his hand on the bottom rope. Spanky tried to do the move on the apron. Aries held on to the ropes and Spanky awkwardly fell to the floor. He gets in the ring and is punted. Another corner dropkick. Brainbuster. Title retained.




TO THE BACK. Traci Brooks is with the Angle/Jarrett kids. Karen yells at her for going around her kids. She tells Traci to put her tits up and makes herself the special ref for the KO match tonight. She called the 4 women in the match prostitutes and told Traci to not leave the room tonight. Traci returned to the company with her real life husband, Kaz. They were acknowledged on screen as being married. Shortly after, Traci was resigned and her angle was she was fucking Eric Bischoff to get her job back. Kaz was totally cool with it and their relationship was never mentioned again.

RVD vs Jerry Lynn Full Metal Mayhem

This was supposed to take place in 2010, but Jerry got hurt and somehow the angle was still kind of going over a year later. Indie respeck! Lynn counters Rolling Thunder with a dropkick. Another indie respeck stand off. There was an attempted cross body over the ropes spot. RVD didn't go over the ropes and they instead just collided and fell in the ring. Fans started booing. They go on the floor. RVD misses a moonsault off the guard rail. Jerry gets a ladder out. Jerry did an inverted see saw spot combined with the ladder baseball slide. The camera cut to the worst possible angle for the spot for some reason. Rob drops a chair trying to be cool. Chair skid corner dropkick. Jerry is thrown into a ladder and conveniently falls right in place for Rolling Thunder. Lynn dropkicks a chair into RVD's face. The ladder is leaned on the ropes and RVD is leaned on the leaning ladder. Jerry misses a guillotine legdrop on it. He recovers just fine to do a German suplex seconds later. Suplex onto the still leaned ladder. Lionsault on top of it. Another ladder is out, this time kind of bridged between the apron and guard rail. It fell off the apron. Lynn did a sunsetflip bomb, with RVD barely grazing the ladder that was out of place and moved by Lynn's leg. He instead slammed head and neck first into the guard rail. Back in the ring, Van Daminator. Will we finally see the Van Assassinator? RVD, who just took a brutal bump not even a minute ago, goes up top and does a Van Terminator with a chair and ladder. RVD wins. Pretty weird to have that huge bump be used as a transition for RVD to go on the offense. It was like their old matches, but much slower, with more guts and less hair.




EARLIER TODAY. Dixie Carter and Surge arrived.

Crimson vs Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe

Crimson was brought in as the Amazing Red's "little" brother. He's been undefeated all year. Matt Morgan was injured and had to leave the BFG Series. Samoa Joe would intentionally injure Crimson because he was such a Loser McFattypants that he actually ended the series with negative points. So now we have a match I guess. Morgan and Crimson are awful. Joe had given up on life. Crowd is dead. After a few minutes of completely lifeless wrestling, Joe wipes Crimson out with a suicide dive. Moments later, Matt Morgan did a plancha from the top rope, also wiping Crimson out. Earl is getting "you screwed Bret" chants in Philadelphia in 2011. Back in the ring, Crimson does an explodaaaa to Joe. The big men go at it. Joe I think did a kick while Crimson was attempting a dive, but the camera missed it and all we saw was the tail end of Joe taking a heavy bump on the floor for what appeared to be no reason. Morgan breaks up the muscle buster. He attempts the Carbon Footprint in the corner, actually doing a knee because Joe didn't move enough out of the way. Crimson then pins Joe with a spear, which fans were not happy with. Crimson remains undefeated. Joe remains a loser.



JB talks with Bully Ray. Bully says he's been raping and milking the white trash Philly fans for years. 7 cars and 5 homes from fucking with these fans. I'm sure the cheap heel heat won't last long for Bully.

Bully Ray vs Mr. Anderson Falls Count Anywhere

Anderson was basically exactly in the same spot he's in today. Out of shape, bored, boring, and in a feud with stable mate Bully Ray. Bully gives him a big boot and a series of fat man chops. Anderson grabs a sign that is clearly a road sign. It's a dead end sign. Just like his career. How fitting. It heads to the floor. Bully gets a table out. Up on the stage, Anderson is suplexed. Bully then does Anderson's own mic entrance. Anderson hits him in the balls and tries to get a cheap pop by saying "Welcome to Philly, bitch". They head backstage and fans immediately start booing. Piledriver. Anderson kicked out. Bully is trying to make as much noise as he possibly can. It heads back to ringside. Anderson brings a guard rail into the ring. There is also a table in the ring. Bully is back dropped on the rail. Anderson then tried to do a Swanton. Bully moved and Anderson landed on the railing. Bully Bomb through a table. Anderson is placed back on the railing. Bully goes for a second rope senton, which fans will know he hits about as often as Kurt hits a moonsault. Mic Check on the railing. Bully kicks out. Anderson puts Bully on the table on floor. He completely over shoots a Kenton Bomb, barely even grazing Bully. Completely radio silence from Taz and Tenay. He gets up and does a Mic Check through the table to recover and win.



TO THE BACK. Eric Bischoff talks to referee Jackson James. He's going over the finisher for Sting/Hogan. Hogan must win and Sting needs to be taken out. Jackson James is revealed as the son of Eric Bischoff in a random spying backstage segment which I'm not even sure the live crowd saw. Taz and Tenay were so dumbfounded they couldn't even speak, even though it was pretty obvious from day 1 that this guy was Eric's son.

Velvet Sky vs Mickie James vs Winter vs Madison Rayne TNA Knockouts Championship Special Guest Referee: Karen Jarrett

Karen holds the title upside down. Crowd is absolutely silent. You can hear all the women talking. Karen has no idea how to be a ref. This is atrocious. Winter ends up spitting Muta blood/mist in Karen's face on accident. This brings out Traci Brooks to finish the match as ref. Velvet Sky pins Madison and wins the title. New champion. This was awful.

TO THE BACK. JB talks with Kaz over the AJ/Daniels match. He's torn. Kaz is so bad at promos.

AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels I Quit Match

As soon as the bell rings, AJ does a double leg take down and starts throwing bombs. Daniels told AJ to suck his...something. AJ said "Why don't you suck this" and shoved the mic in Daniels' mouth. Abdominal stretch. Stalling vertical suplex. AJ applies a Muta lock. Daniels will NEVER give up. Flying cross arm breaker from AJ. Suck it, Del Rio. Tope from AJ. Daniels gets a tool box from under the ring and throws a wrench at AJ. Now he has a screwdriver and is trying to put an eye out. They fight on the apron for a bit when Daniels tries an apron blue thunder bomb. It did not end well for AJ. AJ won't quit, so Daniels gets vicious..by doing moonsaults. There are rope breaks in I Quit matches now? Back breaker from Daniels. Maybe he should go back to the screw driver. Daniels brings a chair into the ring so he can sit it on AJ and shit talk. It's not good shit talking. At all. He then starts talking directly to AJ's wife and says he's going to murder AJ. Straight up, Tracy Smothers style. AJ fires up with a series of lariatoooos and a spin kick. Backflip reverse DDT. Springboard forearm. Daniels lands on his feet from BME. Pele and Styles Clash. AJ grabs the screw driver. Daniels quits and asks AJ not to hurt him. Extremely underwhelming. It was supposed to be this bitterly personal and violent feud, but it was just a normal match from them with Daniels spending a good chunk delivering a terrible "crazy" promo. The match was actually shorter than the falls count anywhere match. Daniels would attack AJ on the stage and give him the Angel's Wings. They had far more brutal and intense matches in 2005/2006. I swear Daniel's music has random dogs barking.



As Tenay and Taz try to switch gears, Jeff Jarrett comes out. He told Jeff Hardy not to show up, but Hardy did anyway. "Every single wrestler on the wrostler, roster, wants nothing to do with you." Everyone from the front office to the ring crew wants Hardy out of TNA. "Nero, I'm calling you out, bitch." Jeff Hardy comes out. This was shortly after Hardy returned to TNA after being too fucked up to wrestle in the main event of a PPV and Sting having to SHOOT pin him to end the match. So now he just wants one more chance. After having been given a solid 6 chances between WWE and TNA for being fucked up or no showing. Also, his shirt has his mug shot from his most recently arrest on it. They have a very unspirited brawl before security breaks it up. Eventually, agents have to come out. Do you ever remember seeing WWE agents breaking up a fight while wearing jeans and a t-shirt?

Sting vs Hulk Hogan

If Sting wins, Dixie Carter will regain control of WCW. If Sting loses, he will leave WCW forever. Sting went crazy, turned into the Joker for a while, and ended up getting Hogan to agree to a match. Tenay says this is the biggest match in the history of TNA. A match between two guys who had a main event match 14 years ago who are now in their 50s, one of which can barely move due to extensive back surgeries. Hogan is the monster over. More over than everyone one the card combined tonight. Sting was also more over than everyone on the rest of the show. In Philly, the smarkeset wrestling town ever, they're marking out for middle aged Sting and Hogan. I believe this is Hogan's first and only singles match in TNA, but don't quote me on that. Before they lock up, Hogan brings Ric Flair out. Sting grabs a side headlock. I wonder if having Flair out there was a fake out that he'd be the one to take the pin. Hulk Hulk does a shoulder block and poses, driving the fans insane. It got Sting so pumped that he decided to wrestle without a shirt for the first time in years. Hogan starts dominating Sting, just like Starrcade 1997. Hogan, the dude who has been on crutches for most of the last year and hasn't been an active wrestler in 7 years or so. Flair gets involved on the floor, chopping and choking Sting right in front of Dixie. Flair gives Hogan a spike, and Hogan starts stabbing Sting in the head with it repeatedly. Hogan even struts and whoos. Sting is gushing blood. He knocks Hogan down, which many people thought Hogan could literally not take a single bump, so it was a big deal. Hogan blades about as blatantly as Flair did at Lockdown 2010. Sting chases Flair around ringside. Sting takes the spike and uses it on Hulk. Stinger Splash. Flair is knocked off the apron. Stinger Splash to the back of Hogan. Scorpion Death Lock. Hogan taps out, but the ref, Bischoff's son, won't call for the bell. He eventually does. Tenay screams, "The kid did it!", which wouldn't at all surprise me if he was talking about Sting. Flair attacks Sting after the match. Members of Immortal hit the ring with chairs and give some chair shots. A camera catches Abyss just hanging out by Gorilla watching. I'm not sure if it was a production botch or not. Garrett stops his dad from using a chair. Bischoff hits his own son with a chair in response. Sting begs Hulk to help him. Fans lose their shit as Hulk Hulks up and tears the shirt. Sting and Hogan beat up Immortal! Bischoff is still in the ring, cowering in the corner. Hulk gives him a big punch. Sting and Hogan hug and pose. It was a garbage match, but damn it if it wasn't fun seeing the smarkiest of smark towns marking the fuck out of Hogan and Hulk actually doing as much as he possibly could. More than what was expected for sure.






Bobby Roode vs Kurt Angle TNA Championship

Roooooooooo won the Bound For Glory Series to become the number one contender. A quick note on the BGFS, there were 4 people taken out of the tournament by injuries. Only one of them was legitimate. Samoa Joe actually ended with negative points. Every wrestler didn't get an equal amount of matches. For example, Samoa Joe and Scott Steiner had 10 matches. Gunner had 20. It was a big mess. Regardless, fans were 100% behind Roode and had been chanting "next champion" at him for about 2 months. TNA basically have him the HBK build from WM12 and it worked. Fans were dying for Roooooo to win the title.

Kurt comes into the match looking gaunt and has a pulled groin and torn hamstring. Regardless, he still easily out wrestles Roode and keeps working a grounded bear hug. Rolling German suplexes. Angle goes for the moonsault. Roode pops up and does a German superplex, with Kurt nearly landing right on his head. Rooooooo fires up, landing a series of lariatoos and dropkicks. Blockbuster. Angle kicks out. Big DDT from Angle stops his momentum. Roode gets out of the Angle slam and hits a spinebuster. Pop up belly to belly superplex from Angle, which the cameras mostly missed due to TNA doing a crane shot. Iron Crossface! Kurt counters into the ankle lock. Roode rolls back into the crossface. They do it all again. Kurt rolls through and right into the Angle Slam. Bobby kicks out. Kurt looks to be in agony. Ankle lock. Another spinebuster. Perfect Plex. Angle barely gets out. Back to the ankle lock. Roode turns into into a roll up. Angle kicks out. Roode went up for another Blockbuster. Angle pulled the ref in the way. Roode came down and Angle kicked him in the balls then hit the Angle Slam. 2 count. Another god damn crossface. Kurt made it to the ropes. Spear from Angle. Kurt goes up top for a lariatooo or something. It was countered AGAIN into the crossface. After a series of reversals, Angle hits the Angle Slam. He wins while holding on to the ropes, even though Roode didn't try to kick out anyway. A replay shows Roode's hand was under the rope and the ref had to actually turn his head to NOT see it. Kurt had to be helped to the back.



DQ Count:
0 out of 8 matches.

I don't know about this show. Most of it wasn't bad. Sting/Hogan was fun in the spectacle kind of way. All TNA shows just kind of feel the same. Rarely does anything really stand out.

The booking for the main event was something. For about 4-5 months, the plan had been for Roode to win the title at BFG. There was no question that he was THE guy and TNA did an excellent job of building him up. A few weeks before the show, Hogan said he wasn't ready and shouldn't be in the main event. He did this out of character while promoting BFG. In a few interviews, he didn't even mention Roode by name, instead saying that Angle was defending against some guy. The night of the show, Hogan changed the finish to have Angle go over, even though he had a torn hamstring and a serious groin pull. Still, Kurt tried his best with his injures and put on a decent match.

Angle would immediately lose the title to James Storm on the next Impact with zero hype in one move. Roode would win the title from Storm at the next taping, turning heel and ending up with the longest reign in TNA history. Hogan and Bischoff had a great time on Twitter talking about how they worked all the marks and smarks.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly I am a litttle creeped out by all the manbabbys in the Scooby Doo thread saying the show is great. That's creepy.


I'm going so..sure.

I'm excited to see if they actually unify the belts. It was sad to see as soon as they announced the match everyone in here just immediately predicts they are just gonna swap the belts. Now that they're saying a unification is happening for sure it makes it seem like they ARE going to swap. How disappointing would that be?
wrasslin has no cross-over appeal whatsoever with the mainstream, unless it's a gif thread.

shit, i'm stunned one of the marks didn't made a Total Divas thread there.


I'm excited to see if they actually unify the belts. It was sad to see as soon as they announced the match everyone in here just immediately predicts they are just gonna swap the belts. Now that they're saying a unification is happening for sure it makes it seem like they ARE going to swap. How disappointing would that be?

That be fucked considering everything they said so far including all the great leader interviews online.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
wrasslin has no cross-over appeal whatsoever with the mainstream, unless it's a gif thread.

shit, i'm stunned one of the marks didn't made a Total Divas thread there.

I believe Aiii did the Total Divas thread. Good show.


PJ Braun, the professional bodybuilder and supplement entrepreneur who recently got engaged to WWE Diva Kaitlyn, was arrested on March 28th, 2011 in a steroid ring bust in Danbury, CT. Officers and agents found Percoset, Testosterone, Decadurabolin, Halotestin and Proviron (the latter four anabolic steroids, the former a pain killer). Braun was hit with a variety of possession charges. He got probation and community service once he completed a drug rehab program.

Of course his god damn name is PJ Braun. OF COURSE!
I believe Aiii did the Total Divas thread. Good show.

oh my.

i've never seen a single episode but let me guess:

the Divas at some point get pissed at each other/their boyfriends, stuff happens, they make peace at end of the episode, rinse and repeat.

hint: if you're watching a reality show and it's not Storage Wars or featuring Gordon Ramsey then you're doing it wrong.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
oh my.

i've never seen a single episode but let me guess:

the Divas at some point get pissed at each other/their boyfriends, stuff happens, they make peace at end of the episode, rinse and repeat.

hint: if you're watching a reality show and it's not Storage Wars or featuring Gordon Ramsey then you're doing it wrong.

It's an entertaining show. I highly recommend it.

Still upset at how much I enjoy the original Storage Wars. Dave is such a fucking heel.


I just started listening to the podcast and I like it as well. But people are right that he has a lot of repeated phrases. Also my god he really is a total redneck.

If JR gets the guests it should be great.

And proud of it. He likes his hunting, drinking and ranch living.

Of course his god damn name is PJ Braun. OF COURSE!

Braun Deadlift
Braun Squatthrust
Braun Ironstag
Braun Punchbeef
Braun McLargehuge


And proud of it. He likes his hunting, drinking and ranch living.

Man I hate fucking driving long distances, but he drives from Cali to Texas back and forth like nothing.

You'd think he'd be sick of driving after all the years on the road.
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