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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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No One Remembers
We should've organized a WrassleGAF secret santa......... everyone would've probably gotten each other "Christmas Bounty" as a joke :p



NJPW King of Pro Wrestling 2013

Jushin Liger/Manabu Nakanishi/Super Strong Machine/Tiger Mask IV vs Chaos

Iizuka was a dick and spray painted the announcer before the match. He actually looks pretty cool with it. Most of the group starts out on the floor. Machine and Yoshihashi start out. Liger is tagged in and starts palming bitches in the face. These god damn heels are choking Liger! Gedo is tagged in. Liger hits a tiltawhirl backbreaker. Falling lariatooo to Hashi. Tiger Mask is in with a top rope cross body. Tiger Driver to Gedo. Frog splash gets a 2 count. Jado is put in the torture rack by Naka. Lariatooo to Jado. Naka goes up top for a weird chop for the win. I don't know why Nakanishi is still wrestling.

Suzukigun vs Forever Hooligans IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag T eam Championships

Japanese crowds are so great that when Koslov tries to sing the Russian national anthem for cheap heel heat, they all stand and even clap along to the beat. Taka is double teamed to start and Koslov/Taka officially start the match. Russian dancing kicks! Taka then does an eye poke. He appears to injure his shoulder and the match stops. He was faking. SWERVE! Taka puts on Koslov's hat and does the dancing kicks of his own. Taichi enters the match. Corner lariatooos. Batista Bomb. Taichi tears his pants off. Koslov hits two enziguris and makes a hot tag to Romero. Double missile dropkick. Lariatooos everywhere. Another missile dropkick. Springboard crossbody from Koslov, followed by stereo ranas, and then stereo dives. Series of double team moves to Taichi. Another eye poke from Taka, folled by a low blow and roll up from Taichi. New champions! Really short.


Minoru Suzuki vs Toru Yano

Yano starts by throwing water all over Suzki. I feel like that was a big mistake. Suzuki is pissed and they head to the floor. Yano rips the turnbuckle pad off. Yano misses a low blow and gets kicked in the face. Knee bar. Yano eventually gets to the ropes. Suzuki runs into the exposed buckles. He will not allow Yano to do his RVD taunt. Back to the floor. Chair shots. Handcuffs are out. Suzuki cuffs Yano to the guard rail right in front of the announcers. Yano is able to get free and into the ring before being counted out. Suzuki cuffs Yano in the ring. Yano is still able to get some cheap offense in. Gotch style pildriver for the Suzuki win.


K.E.S vs Hiroyoshi Tenzan/Takaaki Watanabe

I thought Lance Hoyt was terrible in TNA, but I really enjoyed him in his WWE run. He starts out with Tenzan. Tenzan gets the better of the exchange and tags are made. I believe Kojima is injured. Watanabe tries to fire up against Davey Jr. and gets laid out. Rolling belly to bellies, straight out of KOC2. The gaijins knock the shit out of the rookie for a while. Dude is just getting hammered. Hot tag to Tenzan. Calf branding to Davey Boy's boy. Davey Boy cuts the flurry off with a powerslam. Mountain bomb. Anaconda Vice is locked on. Tenzan hits ones of the worst Kanyon Cutters I've ever seen. BOING! Wantanabe tries to fire up on Davey and gets thrown off with a fall away slam. Archer tags in and is double teamed. Mongolian chop is blocked, but the following ones weren't. Want tries to butterfly suplex Archer, who is taller than him even when bent over. Stratusfaction! Archer boots his face off for it. Inverted Razor's Edge is countered by Mongolian chops. Stereo powerslams from KES. Double powerbomb combo for the win. Kojima is attacked after the match. Heel promo after the match. KES are the NWA Tag Team Champions and are coming for the the IWGP belts.


Bullet Club vs Kota Ibushi/Togi Makabe/Tomoaki Honma

Prince Devitt can suck it. I hate him and his jacket. He and Ibushi start out. These fucking heels. Togi does some lariatooos and Devitt gets triple teamed. Honma is apparently the shithead of his team since they were in control until he tagged in. Karl Anderson is in and is immediately getting slammed. Flying boot. Fale is tagged in. Flapjack Norton. That's a big fucking dude. Devitt comes back in with a double stomp. Honma's arm seems to be the focus of the Bullet Club. Togi unloads on Fale. Lariatooo doesn't budge the big guy. It takes 2 more before he goes down. Fale hits a Samoan drop and tags out to Devitt. Devitt misses a double stomp and is hit with a lariatoooo. Hot tag to Ibushi. Inside out Asai moonsault. Kick combo and a standing SSP. Fale comes in and gets lariatooed right out. Snap German suplex to Devitt. Ibushi goes up top and is caught. Tree of Keanu dropkick from Devitt. Ibushi then hits a Pele kick. Anderson and Honma go at it. Big bulldog from Honma. He goes up top and misses a falling headbutt. He kicks out of an Anderson TKO. Kanyon Cutter! BANG! Bullet Club wins. The brawl continues after the match.



Katsuyori Shibata vs Tomohiro Ishii

As soon as the bell rings, they run at each other and start throwing bombs. Forearm battle. Stalemate with a hard forearm and Yakuza kick respectively. More forearms. A whole lot of them. Shibata administers a beat down in the corner. He runs to the other corner and is caught with a dropkick. Corner lariatooo. Shibata wants another one. Ishiii allows for a running Yakuza kick and they take turns seeing who can hit harder. I think the Yakuza kicks are harder myself. Shibata applies a figure four. Shibata throws some slaps while applying the hold. Tenryu combo from Shibata. Ishii recovers and hits a high angled powerslam. Headbutts and chops in the corner. Shibata turns it around and throws a ton of elbows and then a basement dropkick. Pedigree into a butterfly suplex. Ishii kicks out, but he might be dead. He comes back from the dead to hit a German suplex. Then another. Lariatooooo. Shibata absorbs the second one. He couldn't do so with the 3rd. STO! Saito suplex. Ishii kicks out. Ishii comes back with one of his own. Gamenguri. Northern lariatooo. Shibata comes right back with a Pele kick. Strike battle. Powerbomb from Ishii. Rear naked choke from Shibata. Scorpion Death drop. Ishii catches a kick and still gets smacked in the face. Lariatoooo. Lariatoooo. Series of near falls until both fall of exhaustion. More lariatooos. Fucking headbutts. Shibata hits a DVD into a back breaker and wins with a running soccer kick to the chest. I'm not really big into Ishii, but I love Shibata.





Yuji Nagata vs Kazuki Sakuraba

No pinky promises in this. Both men parry strikes. Yuji tries a take down. Sak does a rear naked choke and is thrown off, then bails to the floor. Yuji gets the take down, but Sak is in full guard. Mongolian chops. Nagata shoves that shit off with POWAH. They trade kicks. Sak gets in the ropes. Sak easily floats into full mount. He attempts the cross arm breaker. Nagata sweeps and gets side mount. Rope break. A knee drops Sak. He claims it was a low blow. The replay proves that to be true. Yuji lets Sak hits some slaps. Guillotine from Sak. Nagata counters with a belly to belly and his mouth is bleeding. He hits a few grounded knees. Rear naked choke! Nagata gets out and misses a corner knee. Head kick! Double stomp. Wacky submission from Sak. Nagata gets to the ropes. Nagata gets pissed, but his strikes are countered into a kimura and then an arm bar. Nataga gets out an applies a revers arm bar and might have came. Gamenguri. Back drop drivaaaaah! Nagata goes for the pin and Sak counters with a Kimura. Nagata tries to roll through and is still in the hold. Cross arm breaker! Countered into a pin. Rear naked choke. Pinning back drop gives Nagata the win. This has been my favorite match show far.



Tetsuya Naito vs Yujiro Takahashi NEVER Openweight Championship

This is also a number one contender match for the IWGP Championship. Takahashi attacks before the bell like a dick head. He brings a chair in the ring and tries to Pilmanize Naito's leg. As the ref takes one chair, Naito does a Vandaminator dropkick with the other. Naito hits some arm drags and a low dropkick. Stun gun from Takahashi. He follows it up with a nasty snake eyes on the guard rail. Strike battle. Takahashi wins with a kick to the knee. Yakuza kick in the corner. Rude Awakening from Takahashi. Do you think that Rude sired a few kids while doing work in NJPW in the early 90s? Naito slaps the shit out of him and is then thrown away, landing on his knee. Takahashi tries to work the knee, but Naito comes back with a tornado DDT. Big dropkick. Corner dropkick that I think missed. Rope hanging neck breaker. Reverse DDT back breaker is followed with a dropick to the back and a prawn like submission. Naito goes up top and is knocked to the floor. Headbutt suicida. Belly to belly superplex and Angle Slam. Takahashi is in solid control. Rolling prawn hold gets a 2 count. Takahashi catches a shoulder block and tries to do a German suplex, which is then countered into a Koji Clutch. I don't get why the story of the match is that Naito has an injured knee and continues to get his knee worked over, but is still trying top rope moves and submissions that are all leg strength. Super rana and missile dropkick from the dude with the bad knee. German suplex. Another prawn hold is countered into a German suplex. I'm not feeling Naito since he's completely given up on selling the leg. Turnbuckle bomb and another German suplex only gets a 2 count. Naito comes back with a grounded enziguri. Strike battle. Lariatoooooooooooooo! Naito kicks out. Koppo kick from Naito. Flying shoulder block. Dragon suplex. Takahashi kicks out. Stupid ass suplex. Sky twister press (I think) into the Koji Clutch. Takahashi taps out. Title retained. Naito completely giving up selling the leg not even half way through the match really bothered me considering that seemed like the whole story of the match. It wasn't like he had some fighting spirit to hit a bunch of moves at the end of the match. He just completely dropped it half way through like the leg work didn't happen at all.




Shinsuke Nakamura vs Naomichi Marufuji IWGP Intercontinental Championship

As far as I know, this match is over who is more fashionable in men's wear. Nak is my favorite dude in puro by far. I haven't seen Marufuji in a long time. I want to do a few lines with Nak. They're pretty even in the opening moments. Shit starts getting real and neither can land a big shot. Nak gets Maru in the corner and delivers a series of knees. Marufuji tries his rebound lariatooo (which Ted Dibiase Jr. stole in WWE), but Nak had it scouted, only for it to turn into a criss cross lariatooo. Apron piledriver. Didn't look so hot. Back in the ring, Maru continues to work the neck. Nak dodges the apron dropkick. Maru dodges a kick and does an inside out back stabber. Nak comes back with an enziguri and mother fucking karate kick. Knees in the corner. Maru is put on the ropes and repeatedly kneed in the gut. Gourdbuster. Regal Plex is blocked. Dropkick to the coke nose. Wacky double stomp to the head from Maru. Seated superkick. Nak kicks out. Cobra Clutch! Into a grounded version that is almost mixed with a triangle. Then back up and a back cracker while still applying the hold. Cobra clutch/Regalplex combo from Marufuji. Superkick. Nak is able to counter the Shiranui twice. He does a back stabber of his own and a Regalplex. Maru dodges the BOMA YE, getting Nak in a tree of Keanu. He then goes for a Van Terminator, but Nak sits up. Nak counters the backflip slam and does a second rope BOMA YE. Marufuji again counters the BOMA YE and is able to hit the Shiranui. Nak kicked out and hit a big kick to the head. Strike combo from Maru. They trade knee strikes. BOMA YE! Nak wins. Title retained. Really enjoyed this. I just love Nak in general and would probably enjoy anything he's in. After the match, Suzukigun comes out and I believe Suzuki challenged Nakamura. Or maybe they offered him a spot in CHAOS. All I know is that Nak was weird and awesome on the mic afterwards.





Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kazuchika Okada IWGP Heavyweight Championship

They go right at each other as soon as the bell ring. Okada tries a dropkick and Tanahashi tries a cloverleaf. Instead, they have a stare down. Pretty hilarious seeing the reaction to that as compared to Cena/Orton show downs in America. Tanahashi works a side head lock. He goes back to it every time Okada gets out of it. This goes on for quite a while until Okada gets out and hits a shoulder block. In ring tope. Neck breaker from the champ. Tanahashi tries something from the second rope and appears to have injured his knee. He was faking! What a SWERVE! He starts working over the Rainmaker arm. Okada gets out of a short arm scissors only to get hit with a flying forearm. Tanahashi misses a second rope flipping senton. Dragon screw leg whip. Huge Flapjack Norton from Okada. Tanahashi misses a Stinger Splash and is dropkicked to the floor. Yakuza kick over the railing. Okada does a railing hanging DDT, Orton style. VINTAGE. Another DDT in the ring. Okada is going to fuck that neck up. Cravat hold of some kind. Okada goes up top and is thrown off the top. Tanahashi does Okada's taunt and gets kicked right in the face for it. Strike battle. Tanahashi wins it. Dragon screw. Huge Stinger Splash. Dragon screw ARM whip. Tanahashi is going to cripple this dude. He's pounding the fuck out of that arm. Okada attempts an Alabama Slam, which was countered into a roll up, which was then countered into some wacky leg submission. Tanahashi goes right back to the arm work. Okada boots that fucker right in the face. Kryptonite crunch/neck breaker thing. Giant Attitude Adjustment from the champ. The champ hits a flying elbow, stupidly, as his arm is damaged. At least he sells it unlike Naito and his knee. Rainmaker is blocked. Roll up. 2 count. RAINMAKAAHHHH! Okada can't make a pin. Modified camel clutch. Okada has to eventually let go due to arm pain and Tanahashi crawls to the ropes. The champ can't hit a tombstone. Snap dragon suplex from Tanahashi. Sling Blade! Big cross body. Tanahashi was going for the frog splash and Okada rolled out. He did a cross body to the floor instead. Okada then hits a tombstone on the floor. Both men barely make it into the ring before a count out. Tanahashi goes back to the arm. European uppercuts from Okada. Slaps from Tanahashi. Dropkicks from Okada. Tanahahshi counters the Rainmaker and hits one of his own. Styles Clash. Frog Splash to the back. Then a rog splash to the front, but Okada gets his knees up. Tombstone reversals ends in Okada hitting the move. Rainmaker is countered about 5 times in a row before Okada finally hits it. Title retained. This was pretty damn good. After the match, the Bulllet Club came out and Devitt challenged Okada. They also attacked both Okada and Gedo.





DQ Count:
0 out of 9 matches

Show really picked up half way through. It was pretty average before that and then got awesome. Really enjoyed everything after the Bullet Club match except for Naito, because his selling really took me out of his match.
What the hell is up with JBL and Coke talking about Santa Claus being a mythological being during Smackdown? Holy shit what is wrong with those two?


I hate everything about Prince Devitt. My dream is for a whole show that consists of everyone on the roster hitting their finisher on him, then a public firing. Then he'd get sent to Smackdown and Pedigreed, then publicly fired again. He's spend the rest of his days in TNA where no one would know he was alive.


Suck it, Beef. It made a lot more sense in their match than a random Young Bucks bullshitter. That match was boss. Nak is the best. I desperately want Nak vs Bork.


I wish there was still a syndicated show that had random indie guys doing jobs. Not NXT, but more like Jakked/Metal.

I have no idea what jakked/metal is. Sorry :(

Also I'm happy knowing bangai-o is gone, Vince McMahon aka Sunflower aka the southern dandy is next.

I shall dig up some dirt on Vinnie enough to put him away for good. It's not snitching, it's JUSTICE!

You want a war chico? You got one.


Just watched this week's ROH TV. Tadarius Thomas shaved his head...I like the new look! It makes him fit in more with ACH, as Thomas now looks a bit younger. It's a shame that he's as overshadowed by ACH as he is, but I think anyone would be overshadowed by a guy with this much charima:


Also, C&C Wrestle Factory, apart from having the best tag team name around today, put on a decent performance against ReDRagon.

Gotta say, I've really been enjoying the 50 minutes of ROH TV I've been watching each week for the past couple of months.


I have no idea what jakked/metal is. Sorry :(

Also I'm happy knowing bangai-o is gone, Vince McMahon aka Sunflower aka the southern dandy is next.

I shall dig up some dirt on Vinnie enough to put him away for good. It's not snitching, it's JUSTICE!

You want a war chico? You got one.

Jakked/Metal was what became of Shotgun after they started doing it before Raw instead of in random clubs. It was a C level jobber show where guys like Low Ki/Samoa Joe/Chris Daniels would get some TV experience. It's probably best known for the episode where Saturn decided to SHOOT on a guy for blowing a spot. I'd love to get a whole set of that show during the Invasion angle since that's where most of the low level WCW guys like Kanyon/Hugh/NBT got to wrestle on.

Mike Tenay turns heel on WCW Worldwide in March 2001:


WCW shut down 8 days later. :(

Lol. Fuck Mike Tenay.


Jakked/Metal was what became of Shotgun after they started doing it before Raw instead of in random clubs. It was a C level jobber show where guys like Low Ki/Samoa Joe/Chris Daniels would get some TV experience. It's probably best known for the episode where Saturn decided to SHOOT on a guy for blowing a spot. I'd love to get a whole set of that show during the Invasion angle since that's where most of the low level WCW guys like Kanyon/Hugh/NBT got to wrestle on.

Lol. Fuck Mike Tenay.

Oh I see

Damn I wish you would get those shows.

Or at least sunday night heat.

and yes fuck Tenay
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