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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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I liked Sean O'Haire.

Tenay is a goober.

Also LiveWire was the shit. Best thing Cole has ever done. Worldwide was teh boring and I was a dub see mark.
As much as people hate on Miz now, the IWC was on his balls when he was WWE Champ. Fucks were marking out when he cashed in. The crowd was repeating his catchphrases, he got himself into fantastic shape, and he would do any press event that the WWE needed.

I've always respect Miz because he seems like one of the few guys at WWE who genuinely loves what he does and WANTS to be there. He'll pretty much take whatever WWE is willing to give him, which sadly isn't much anymore. :(
Cole was on Livewire?


LiveWire later became exclusively a weekly summary show[1] in similar style to that of WWF Mania. The show was hosted by Todd Pettengill and Sunny.[1] Michael Cole later took over as host until July 2000 when he was succeeded by Jonathan Coachman.

I've always respect Miz because he seems like one of the few guys at WWE who genuinely loves what he does and WANTS to be there. He'll pretty much take whatever WWE is willing to give him, which sadly isn't much anymore. :(

I'm ashamed to admit this but I daydreamed an angle for The Miz while riding the bus a month or so back.

I won't go into all the details but the major plotline involved Miz taking a vow of silence and if you've ever seen the Bruce Lee movie, The Big Boss, then it's basically the same climax just sub the vow of non-violence for silence, naturally.




IWA Japan Nail Hell Death Match 12/13/94

I have no idea what I'm about to watch.

Kiyoko Ichiki vs Shintani

I'm not sure which woman is which. Short Hair right away applies a knee bar and they both kick each other repeatedly while the hold is applied. Short Hair gets out and does a series of snap mares. Snap suplex. Big body slam gets a two count. Long Hair does a springboard cross body and applies a half crab. She then turns it into a deathlock like move. Then she does an actual deathlock. Dropkick. Long Hair does a few headlock take downs and a dropkick. And it's over. A 5 minute draw.

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Taisuke Taue

Tajiri! Young lion Tajiri. So young he's pre-blue trunks Tajiri. He throws the first shot with a slap to the face in the ropes. Taue hits a few dropkicks and a headlock take down. Tajiri does a head scissors and a kick to the back. Taue does one of his own. Strike battle. Tajiri cheats and does a slam before locking on a chin lock. Taue works a cross arm breaker. Tajiri eventually gets out. Float over snap suplex and a standing moonsault. Taue goes up and hits a missile drop kick. Then a cross body. Half crab. Tajiri gets to the ropes. He comes back with a corner lariatooo and another snap suplex. Grounded lariato. Boston crab. Taue apparently gives up. Tajiri wins.

Cynthia Moreno vs Shintani

Shintanti is the short haired woman from the opener. I'm not sure why she's in a second match. Moreno immediately takes her to the mat. Dragon sleeper. Moreno attempts a piledriver and it is reversed. She gets up and right away starts working over the leg. Half crab. Rope break. Cynthia is mean. Snap suplex. Shintani makes a come back with dropkicks and a spinning spinebuster. Cynthia is back on offense shortly after because she's mean like that. Boston crab. It is turned into a half crab. More dropkicks. Women wrestling in Japan love dropkicks apparently. Shintani tries to run up the ropes and falls to the floor. Cynthia has no sympy and continues the beat down. Powerbomb. Northern light suplex. Missile dropkick right in the fucking mouth gets Cynthia the win.




Miguel Perez/Jiraya vs Takashi Okano/Aguila Negro

This was the same Perez that was involved in GANG WARZ. Aguila and Jiraya start out. They have a pretty basic exchange. Tags are made. Perez was hairy as fuck even in 1994. They have a lucha exchange/indie respeck stand off. And then they tag back out. Arm drags and leap frogs. Jiraya doesn't quite get the distance on a dive he had hoped. Okana is tagged in and works a chin lock. Jiraya turns it into a half crab. Okana does one of his own. Agulia is tagged in. Jiraya hits a Perfect Plex and tags out. Another lucha sequence. I thought Perez worked in PR, which I didn't think was the same style as lucha. Actually a lot of this is lucha flavored. Perez hits a lariatooo. Head scissors. STF from Aguila. Perez plays the FIP for a while. He won with a Rock Bottom OUTTA NOWHERE. Decent enough.



Dick Murdoch vs Johnny Gomez

Those fucking bird legs. Excellent. All I want is a great punch and a brainbustahhhh. If there was more footage of Murdoch in his prime, I bet he'd be considered one of the the all time greats. In the comparatively little I've seen from him, I have no doubt he was incredible when he gave a shit about what he was doing. Or was even half sober. Respectful lock ups. Headlock take down from Dickie. Gomez backs Dick into the corner, which fires Dick up. BONERS! Gomez seems scared of that Dick. Dick hits a bionic elbow and punch to the mug. And he does it in every corner. I love those 70s punches. Dick grounds it with a body scissors and then a hammer lock. Gomez tries to target the obviously enlarged liver. Murdoch counters punches with a Fujiwara arm bar. More 70s punches. I love them. Gomez goes back on the offense. Dickie with a powerslam. Punch combo. Give me the brainbustaaaah! Brainbustaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Murdoch wins.



Kendo Nagasaki vs Nobutaka Araya

Kendo isn't wearing his fencing gear, so I'm not that interested He pretty quickly takes it to the ground. Due to tape quality, I can't tell if Araya is wearing pink or purple. I think it is pink. Not that it matters. This is weird. It feels kind of like those Bob Roop fucking dudes up clips on Youtube. Lots of submission work and Kendo seemingly taking liberties. They go to the floor and Kendo hits a few chair shots. Most of this match is long submissions and weirdness. Kendo took this dude around the building, throwing him into walls and beating the fuck out of him. I have to be honest, I wasn't really paying a lot of attention to this. Piledriver from Kendo ends the match.


Araya gave a promo after the show.

Shoji Nakamaki/Hiroshi Ono vs Leatherface I & II Barbwire Board Bed Of Nails Death Match

Shit is about to get real. TWO Leatherfaces. As in Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Complete with chainsaws and masks. The second and top ropes have beds of nails on them. The corners have barbed wire covered tables. Blood immediately. Dudes are shoved into the nails. Then dudes are thrown into the barbed wire boards. I should have picked a show with Freddy and Jason. This match sucks. Camera work also sucks as they miss piledrivers and powerbombs. Irish whip into a bed of nails. On both guys. This is stupid, but adequately seedy. Of course there is a random fire ball. Lol, this bed of nails death match ends with a school boy. The Japanese guys win. After the match, the Leatherfaces continue a beat down. They were eventually run off by a random collection of faces, including Dick Murdoch.




DQ Count: 0 out of 7 matches.

Pretty weird collection of matches. 2 women matches featuring the same woman in both matches. Dick Murdoch. Baby Tajiri. Bed of nails death match. I kind of enjoyed it, though.
Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.
Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Move from TVPG to TVMA.


Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Make Bo Dallas the face of the WWE
Merry Christmas from Abra Cadaver!

Just paid for the Dragon Gate ppv. It's a shame there's no Ricochet or Uhaa right now but the twin and triangle gate matches found great.


Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Funnel all profits from all WWE-related business to me for the year.

I don't have a real answer myself, but I'm inclined towards letting whoever runs booking and story for NXT take over the main shows. Only thing is that feels like a waste of a wish as it'll probably happen eventually anyways.


Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Push Heath Slater as the face of the company, where he belongs
Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Hire Joker Sting to beat the streak this Mania.


Then everyone realized he actually wasn't that good and was annoying as fuck. I think he got so popular because he was someone new getting pushed. And once he got pushed, people realize he wasn't good. When Miz won, we were coming off of nearly 2 straight years of Cena/Orton/Sheamus as champion.

I'll say it. I liked Miz as WWE Champ.

I'll also say this. When Rock and Cena were having their preliminary promo wars before the Miz/Cena main event, Miz gave some of the strongest promos out of the three. Cena gave some of his weakest promos, Rock was decent but rusty, Miz actually gave a fuck.

It's too bad their actual match sucked balls. But that's what you get when you rely on Cena carrying a match instead of a better wrestler making him look good.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I never rode Miz's nuts. He was shitty then he's shitty now. He's always been shitty. People just wanted Cena to lose that badly
Great reviews, stro - glad you liked Okada vs Tanahashi, that was a real great match (although I personally preferred Okada's title win at Invasion Attack). Also, Naito's been forgetting to sell a ton lately. It really bugs me, especially when you've got Okada on the same shows managing to sell his injuries while on offence so well, comparatively.

Would you be interested in reviewing a recent British wrestling show if I hook you up?
As much as people hate on Miz now, the IWC was on his balls when he was WWE Champ. Fucks were marking out when he cashed in. The crowd was repeating his catchphrases, he got himself into fantastic shape, and he would do any press event that the WWE needed.

It's true:



I dont care what way this works out... it is still awesome




I don't ever want to hear one of you fuckers talk about how WWE sucks ever again. Miz is champion. History is written, and WWE is awesome!

***_******* seemed to be one of the more vocal supporters of Miz that night:
Let's not act like the "smarks" turn on people just for fun. Cena is BLAND as hell, Triple H really could not make room for anyone else, Rey never loses, etc. etc. If The Miz gets turned on, it'll probably be for good reason. Smarks never turned on Jericho, HBK, The Undertaker (though people are getting close), or anyone who managed to reinvent themselves, or remain fresh.
Meanwhile, spindashing was one of the few posters keeping a cool head on his shoulders:
I'm not fully convinced either. I don't know if all of you are just being fans just to be fans of the Miz, because I myself cannot say that I'm ready to see Miz as champion.

Throughout Miz' career, I did not like him. Prior to being more active on WrestleGAF, I had nothing good to say about the Miz on other forums. He was too much of a goof, he was extra corny on the mic, and he was always low card/lower mid-card. Even when he tagged with Morrison? I liked Morrison over Miz. I really couldn't stand Miz.

I remember months ago, someone asked who could be the "next" big champion, and Liu Kang Bakes A Pie answered The Miz. He praised the guy's mic work/crowd reaction/in ring skills but I personally did not see it. Gradually, I have noticed that the Miz does get a reaction and his mic skills aren't bad at all. I remember watching the Smackdown vs RAW 2011 promo and he worked the crowd there excellently. I was impressed.

He changed his finisher. He changed his ring gear. He changed his theme song. I guess he wanted to look more like a "champion." Even though I'm behind Miz, as said before, I'm real skeptical about it. Can he be a good Heavyweight champion? He has had gold before, but not gold of this magnitude. I know what you're thinking, "The belts mean nothing", but you have to admit, this rose his star power up a few notches...
Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Revisit that whole McMahon blowing up in a limo storyline.


Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

RAW back to 1993-96 style format. 1 hour, squashes, no PPV giveaways so the PPV matches will actually be exciting, and less bullshit eating up airtime.
Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

I changed my answer. Bring back Russo dammit. Virgin on a pole match first day on the job.
So I've found out that pot makes watching WWE a good bit more enjoyable. I've even gotten my girlfriend watching it with me. She just watched her first RAW last week. Well, most of it. Three hours IS too much, even when high.

At first glance, she appears to be liking Daniel Bryan. She also has found Dolph Ziggler's name to be hilarious, and she also appears to enjoy his over-selling.

I knew she was a keeper.
Some gifs from the Dragon Gate show;




Yoshino vs BxB Hulk was an excellent main event, really enjoyed YAMATO & Doi vs Shingo & Tozawa as well - both are certainly worth a watch.


So not worth it
As much as people hate on Miz now, the IWC was on his balls when he was WWE Champ. Fucks were marking out when he cashed in. The crowd was repeating his catchphrases, he got himself into fantastic shape, and he would do any press event that the WWE needed.

Go back and watch that Miz and see why. There's a world of difference between that Miz and whatever the fuck current Miz is supposed to be.


Kendo took this dude around the building, throwing him into walls and beating the fuck out of him.

This is what he did in that grocery store death match, too. It's not so much wrestling as it is tossing stuff around and appearing to work incredibly stiff.


Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.



Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Complete control over all storylines and roster usage for a year. If I do a good job, hire me. If not, no hard feelings.



Big E Langston's twitter is an endless source of amusement. They should really let him on the mic more, he seems to have a fun personality.


Here's a hypothetical for everyone in WrestleGAF.

Let's say that you just saved Vince McMahon's life by preventing him from watching a Young Bucks match helping him escape a burning building. In return, he grants you any wrestling-related wish you want, with no interference from himself and no Literal Genie nonsense (bear in mind: raising the dead is against the rules and outside of Vince's powers). What would that wish be? I don't have an answer myself at the moment, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Keep Triple H backstage for the year and give him complete creative control. When the year is done, he is only allowed in the front to job to the names that need the rub or to bury talent that's being sent off packing.

Either that or make an NXT PPV.
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