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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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miz said:
And, granted the Ford Taurus is a fantastic car, it’s a great automobile

I take back what I said earlier. Now he can't break the streak. I would mind now.

Why does no one seem to get mad when guys fake being gamer nerds? Why does anyone here even care? Who plays video games in here?

I play a lot, just not a lot of different stuff

Who even watches wrestling in here?

I'm good for the 'fall down a rabbit hole of youtube links' for an hour or two every few months.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I don't know either. I'm just using tumblr buzzwords to sound cool.

I'm sorry Plywood.
I know that me and you can come out of this more than just opponents DMczaf, Me and you can become.. friends maybe even best friends!


I just wanna be your friend.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Comparing Daniel Bryan to Macho Man. The internet boner has gotten out of control. I could take people pretending Brie was improving because she was fucking Daniel, but this is too much

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Comparing Daniel Bryan to Macho Man. The internet boner has gotten out of control. I could take people pretending Brie was improving because she was fucking Daniel, but this is too much

Nah of course he isn't Macho. He'll never be that good at promos.

I'm just saying they have the pieces to basically go Megapowers 2.0. Put the belt on Bryan, get Cena to tag with him for a few months, develop jealous eyes for that belt, throw in some Total Divas fake drama and you have a Wrestlemania 31 main event.
Comparing Daniel Bryan to Macho Man. The internet boner has gotten out of control. I could take people pretending Brie was improving because she was fucking Daniel, but this is too much

Nah of course he isn't Macho. He'll never be that good at promos.

I'm just saying they have the pieces to basically go Megapowers 2.0. Put the belt on Bryan, get Cena to tag with him for a few months, develop jealous eyes for that belt, throw in some Total Divas fake drama and you have a Wrestlemania 31 main event.

Or they could just being the Rock back again and put him against Brock and get a million buys instead.



WWC A Hot Night In Bayamon 1988

The show opens with a promo from Brad Batten/Bart Batten and Hugo Savinovich. Hugo, of course, being the future WWE Spanish announcer who got his table destroyed every show from 1998-2002. Even Hugo is doing this in English. They talked about the show that we're about to see.

Jimmy Valiant/Rufus R. Jones vs The Wild Samoans

The Samoans were still wrestling in 1988? Commentary is in English. The Samoans are knocked to the floor early on. Hugo is an announcer, but one of of the Batten brothers is also on commentary. Hugo speaks better English than the twins. Capitol Wresting is thanked. Isn't that what was the precursor to the WWF? Actually, precursor to the WWWF. Seemed like Jimmy V just did a low blow. Crowd/ring sound is almost completely silent due to the over dubbed commentary. Double noggin knocker to the Samoans. One sold it and one didn't. Rufus is tagged in. Another double noggin knocker. Rufus does some dancing. "He's got pork chops, he's got spare ribs flying all over the place. He's the king of professional wrestling." What? His dance is called the "Shake and bake". God damn it, both brothers are calling the match, but they sound the same so I can't tell which one is talking. TWIN MAGIC! This is some of the weirdest commentary. Afa may have done a low blow to Rufus. This is awful. "Big African soup bone to the jaw." Jimmy V is tagged back in. Rufus is double teamed in the corner. Weirdly, some of the camera shots are in a different aspect ratio. Boogie Woogie Man fires up. Jimmy V is thrown over the top, which is a DQ in WWC. Jimmy Valiant and Rufus R. Jones win.


Ricky Santana vs Mr. Pogo WWC Puerto Rican Championship

This is said to be perhaps the hottest feud in WWC in 1988. Santana attacks before the bell. He's the face. Pogo comes back with a chop to the throat. You can actually kind of hear the original commentary. They head to the floor and Santana is thrown into the guard rail, which appear to be pieces of wood. Pogo's leg is wrapped around the ring post a few times. Body slam on the floor. The outside mats also appear to be wood. Ricky is going to town on Pogo until he misses a Stinger Splash. Pogo's manager distracts the ref, which allows Pogo to kick out of a sunset flip. I've never seen Pogo when he could actually move around at a normal human pace. Spin kick. One of the brothers seems to accidentally imply that Pogo likes to hospitalize young boys. Nerve hold. Santana fired up only to get chopped. Throat chops. A few things have been thrown into the ring. Pogo goes to the second rope for something and gets his balls crushed for it. Santana fires up "Latin blood" was said about 30 times by white twins with matching mullets during this match. Pogo does another spin kick and a powerslam. He misses a second rope diving head butt. Santana misses a splash of his own. Pogo goes for the cobra clutch. Kids, do not try that move at home! It is deadly. Santana wins with a sunset flip OUTTA NOWHERE. Title retained. Pogo continues to attack after the match and applies the deadly cobra clutch. Trash is being thrown into the ring. The twins made the save. So they're calling themselves. Santana sells like death, foaming from the mouth. He was stretchered out and we were told he was under doctor care for over an hour.


Batten Twins vs The Sheepherders WWC Tag Team Championships

The twins are going to call their own match. One of them immediately says "The New England Sheepherders". The twins want to know why a promotion would bring in a team like the Bushwhackers when they aren't wrestlers. The other twin disagrees and thinks it was a good chance to prove how good they are to the world. The Batten Twins seem like the Killer Bees, but twins. They dropkick the Herders out of the ring. Luke starts out with Twin A. Another dropkick and a knee drop. Luke does a lariatoo and tags out. More dropkicks, which seem to be Twin A's only offensive move. Twin B is tagged in. More dropkicks. Christ. These guys are like the Young Bucks with dropkicks. It's not like like they're really good dropkicks or anything. They're average training school dropkicks. Butch hits a twin with the belt. I think he's bleeding. Butch does a killer kitchen sink. Hot tag to the other twin. These dudes suck. All 4 of them. Ref bump. Butch uses the flag pole to hit the twin. New Champions! A second ref came in and told the original ref what happened. The decision is reversed. Titles retained via DQ.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Danny Spivey

Spivey appears to be wearing sweat pants. They look like solid color Zubas, but what's the point of that? Spivey wins the shoulder blocking, but gets chopped and begs off. Dangerous Dan does a beat down in the corner. Wahoo is somehow busted open. Sleeper. For a long time. Big boot. I'd love to see Wahoo take a powerbomb. Low blow from Wahoo. Spivey nearly wins with his feet on the ropes. The ref saw it. Wahoo then won with a roll up OUTTA NOWHERE.


Chicky Starr vs Invader 3

This one actually gets a video package before the match with highlights of the build up. This included close ups of Chicky getting the back of his head stitched up in the ring. One of the brothers was talking about the gore and how the fans enjoyed it, but then said that is just the mentality of the Puerto Rican people. He's one of the top babyfaces in the company saying this. Even Hugo was kind of taken aback. Invader had an ax handle and started knocking the shit out of Chicky with it. This started from Chicky being the manager of Many Fernandez, who nearly killed the Invader with knee drops from the top. You've probably seen the clips of a dude vomiting blood up like a geyser. It was part of this angle. This is from a different show. Or at least a different night of the same show. Chicky is bleeding already. One of the twins seems to have turned heel half way through the show. This is not good at all unless you want to see a guy who looks like Tully Blanchard and Magnum TA were somehow blended together after their I Quit match bleeding and having little offense against a guy in a mask who looks like he doesn't do any weight lifting with his arms. Chicky wins after blocking a monkey flip and dropping an elbow.


Ronnie Garvin vs The Iron Sheik

This has potential for a great Sheik gif. I hope. One of the twins brings up that not everyone on the island speaks English and couldn't understand Sheik's promo. Hugo says it doesn't matter since Americans can't understand what Sheik says anyway. Sheik is pretty close to getting called a towel head. Sheik uses his head gear to choke Ronnie. Garvin nearly strips Sheik trying to pin him. I saw his taint. Sheik locks on a side head lock as one of the twins has gone full heel. Tree of Keanu. Camel clutch! Garvin got to the ropes and pulled Sheik into the ring post a few times. Allegedly. Dropkick from Garvin. They go to the floor, which is actually the infield I believe. Sheik lariatooos the ring post. Garvin wins via count out.


Hurricane Castillo Jr./Miguel Perez Jr. vs Bobby Jaggers/Dan Kroffat Hair Match

This is the same Perez from GANG WARZ and the IWA Japan show. Kroffat is the same from the Furnas/Kroffat team. He's jacked. They fight all over the field. Dan is slammed on some wooden thing that is apparently very slippery as Castillo can't stand on it without falling. It finally goes to the ring. Kroffat reminds me of Dino Bravo. Flapjack Norton sends him back to the ground. Leapfrog sequence, double hip toss, and double dropkicks. Northern lariatooo. Dan hits a spin kick OUTTA NOWHERE and calls for Jaggers to get his knee up. Perez reverses the Irish whip, sending Kroffat into his partner's knee. Jaggers uses the butt of his bullwhip to jab Perez in the throat with. Powerslam from Kroffat. Perez comes back with a desperation German suplex. Perez is thrown over the top while the ref is distracted. He appears to have injured his ankle on the fall. Powerbomb! Hot tag to Hurricane. Perez is again thrown over the top. The ref counts Perez out despite having just made a tag, but then he counts a pin in the ring for Hurricane. The heel twin is right, this ref sucks. Kroffat is pinned with a roll up. Hair cuts!



TO THE BACK. Wait, now both the twins have turned heel? How weird. They hype up the fire match. "SHUT UP, UGO!" Mid promo it just cut out and went to the match.

Carlos Colon vs Hercules Ayala Fire Match

There are metal ropes placed in between the ring ropes which are set on fire. It's an inferno match, basically. I'm not sure if the rules are the same or if you win by pinfall/submission. "He's got something in his hand!" "It's probably his fist, Hugo". It's actually a beer can. Hugo claims that they've fixed the problem of fans throwing things by 80%. Carlos definitely gets burned a few times. Chop battle. Carlos hits a big headbutt and a low blow. Hugo believes there should be more fines for rule violations. Carlos missed a second rope leg drop. Herc then starts working over the leg. Most of the flames have died out. Carlos reverses a figure four and then applies the figure four himself. Herc gives up. Carlos wins! Of course. Did he ever lose?



DQ Count: 2 out of 8 matches.

Show was pretty bad. The only match that was even decent was the hair match. But the PR fans loved it, so what do I know?
Other wrestling forums are not a place you want to go

Other wrestling forums aren't an option. If this place goes under, wrestling ceases to exist for me. WrassleGAF is a like a radio frequency reaching across time and space keeping me in contact with This Sport™. If it dies, I no longer have any means of communication.

So keep shining WrassleGAF, for all of us who are too tired travel the WWE Universe looking for a new home.
Keiji Mutoh vs Hiroyoshi Tenzan - (NJPW 04/16/95)

Mutoh's heading into a title shot against Hashimoto a month after this match, while Tenzan has only just graduated from young lion status this year, so you'd be forgiven for thinking this would be a routine outing for Mutoh. Tenzan's not about to back down, though, as Mutoh finds to his detriment. Not the smoothest of matches, Tenzan was a few years away from his peak, but enjoyable nonetheless.

Also, lately I keep stumbling upon matches with this spot;


Other wrestling forums are not a place you want to go

This. I like Zandigfans, though.


Keiji Mutoh vs Hiroyoshi Tenzan - (NJPW 04/16/95)

Mutoh's heading into a title shot against Hashimoto a month after this match, while Tenzan has only just graduated from young lion status this year, so you'd be forgiven for thinking this would be a routine outing for Mutoh. Tenzan's not about to back down, though, as Mutoh finds to his detriment. Not the smoothest of matches, Tenzan was a few years away from his peak, but enjoyable nonetheless.

Also, lately I keep stumbling upon matches with this spot;


This. I like Zandigfans, though.

Is that what became of CZWfans.com?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Other wrestling forums aren't an option. If this place goes under, wrestling ceases to exist for me. WrassleGAF is a like a radio frequency reaching across time and space keeping me in contact with This Sport™. If it dies, I no longer have any means of communication.

So keep shining WrassleGAF, for all of us who are too tired travel the WWE Universe looking for a new home.




Should NXT do tapings at a bigger arena every few months for a PPV like card? Maybe every three months they do a supershow with WWE guys and blow off matches like OVW used to do.
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