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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So TD is a cohesive package because the writers are allowed constistency due to the filmed nature of the product versus the weekly on the fly booking and immature backstage politics of Raw? Might check this out, just might.

It's so much more cohesive than Raw. SO much more.


What is so great about total divas? All you guys ever say is how great it is without ever explaining why.

It's ridiculously terrible, but in an entertaining way. There are some legitimately fun characters on it, though, D-Bryan, John "I care about nothing" Cena, Vinnie, Jey Uso, Naomi, etc. Sure, you have to wade through painfully bad storylines with Eva Marie and endless whining from Nikki Bella, but there's some entertainment to be had.


But how often do wardrobe teases occur?

pretty often


NeoGAF's smiling token!
It's ridiculously terrible, but in an entertaining way. There are some legitimately fun characters on it, though, D-Bryan, John "I care about nothing" Cena, Vinnie, Jey Uso, Naomi, etc. Sure, you have to wade through painfully bad storylines with Eva Marie and endless whining from Nikki Bella, but there's some entertainment to be had.
Kinda often, tbh.
pretty often
Alright, well I'm sold.


But how often do wardrobe teases occur?

Total Divas is extremely "HEY DID YOU KNOW WE'RE TV 14!! WE'RE TV 14 EVERYONE". Every second conversation is about dicks or sex and they have incredibly contrived reasons to have the girls in next to nothing.

So like, if you want to see skin you wouldn't see on RAW, you'll get it. But the show does come off as trying too hard to seem "adult".


Is there any wrasslin on TD?

Basically no. They have extremely short flashes of matches (the only way AJ and Kaitlyn have been on the show) when needed, but other than that it's just soap opera stuff. Also, any matches are extremely edited to make the Total Divas seem like they're huge stars that everyone loves.
Which disappoints me because wrestling training is always fascinating to me, but they only show flashes of it to facilitate some dumb melodrama.

Like when they had that ridiculously contrived teen drama bit with Tyson Kidd inexplicably teaching Eva Marie (who can't take a back bump) complicated leg submissions in the Performance Center so Natalya can be all jealous. In the background there was a group of NXT wrestlers doing a training session in one of the other rings, and I really wished the camera would go follow them.

I'd kill for a proper documentary on the training at the Center without all the kayfabe and E! Networkness.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Total Divas is extremely "HEY DID YOU KNOW WE'RE TV 14!! WE'RE TV 14 EVERYONE". Every second conversation is about dicks or sex and they have incredibly contrived reasons to have the girls in next to nothing.

So like, if you want to see skin you wouldn't see on RAW, you'll get it. But the show does come off as trying too hard to seem "adult".
Ahh, I struggle with getting into reality shows, so *fingers crossed*
I like the idea of a behind the scenes show, it would definitely be a lot cooler to have one follow developmental around. But if TD gets more gf's to watch wrestling with their bf's then WWE has probably done what it set out to do.


Sin Cara will be the new Doink the Clown.
Will be? More like he already is.
Can't wait for the Entire Team of Sin Caras match at Survivor Series 2014.
They'll dress Brodus Clay in Sin Cara garb and have a giant fat man do luchador moves. It'll be hilarious!


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Just revive the cruiserweight belt, merge the double E belts, dissolve the IC and US belt into the UN belt or something.

Buckle down on tag teams and high flyers for your undercard, gotdam.
Best of Mid-South/UWF Volume 1, Part 6


Let's kick things off with Mr. Wrestling II & Magnum T.A. vs The Midnight Express ('Loverboy' Dennis Condrey & 'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton), w/ Jim Cornette, February 2nd, 1984. Huge heat in the Mid-South Coliseum as Cornette announces his team, but before Dennis & Bobby can get their robes off Magnum & Wrestling II go straight on the attack. The Mid-South Tag Champions are understandably eager to get their hands on the MX, as the previous month saw Magnum tarred & feathered by Bobby & Dennis. Wrestling II whips Bobby to Magnum, who sends him flying out of the ring with a forearm smash. The MX take their time getting back in the ring and Bobby reluctantly locks up with Magnum, before raking the eyes and taking him over to his corner. Dennis holds him steady, but when Bobby throws the punch Magnum ducks out of the way and Dennis gets clocked! The crowd go freaking wild. Magnum tags in Wrestling II, who goes to work hitting a big knee lift. Bobby begs off and tags in Dennis. They lock up and Dennis forces him into the corner, hitting a series of shoulders to the mid-section, but after a few of these Wrestling II gets his knee up and Condrey collides hard before rolling out of the ring. Dennis takes his sweet time getting back in. They lock up once more and Dennis backs Wrestling II in to his corner for Bobby to hold him steady but, predicatably, Wrestling II moves at the last second and Dennis clocks Bobby. Next, Bobby tries his luck, locking on an armbar, which Wrestling II counters into a scoop slam. He hits a shoulder tackle, followed by a few hip tosses and a big knee lift that sends Bobby flying to the floor! The MX try to get back in, but Wrestling II is stalking the ring. They argue with the ref, until Wrestling II reaches down through the ropes, grabs Bobby by the mullet and slams his head into the ringpost! Cornette is outraged, but they get big laughs when he pulls his boys in for a team hug.

The MX get back in and blatantly start double teaming Wrestling II, so Magnum joins the fray and the ref loses control. Wrestling II beats the crap out of Dennis before whipping him into Bobby in the corner. He hits a big kneelift to Bobby and he's out. An atomic drop sends him flying to the floor. Dennis gets in but begs away from Wrestling II, before kicking him low and going to work, however Wrestling II fights back and charges into his corner to make the tag. Magnum sets about trying to wrench Bobby's arm out of the socket. Bobby shoots him into the ropes and Dennis hits a cheap shot. The ref remonstrates with Condrey, while Bobby claws at Magnum's eyes behind his back. He hits a bodyslam and a big knee drop off the top rope before tagging out. The MX make a series of quick tags, working over Magnum's arm with a hammerlock. He eventually makes the tag and Wrestling II clears the ring, hitting another big knee lift on Bobby. He goes for the cover, but Cornette gets on the apron and throws powder in Wrestling II's face! The MX beat the crap out of Wrestling II while Cornette assaults Magnum with his tennis racket. The ref gets thrown out, at which point 'Cowboy' Bill Watts comes out to drag Cornette to the back. The MX finally stop their attack and leave both Magnum & Wrestling II lying in the ring. Real fun, solid tag match. Some great heel work from the MX that sent the already rabid audience crazy.


Next, The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) vs 'Hacksaw' Butch Reed & 'Nature Boy' Buddy Landel, March 28th, 1984. The RnR make their entrance and the female teen contingent of the audience come unglued. Cornette's as ringside, taking notes, as The Midnight Express are now the tag champions, after Mr. Wrestling II turned on Magnum T.A., costing them the titles. Reed & Landel cheap shot the RnR before the bell, but Gibson & Morton hit a nice pair of dropkicks. Landel grabs Gibson in a headlock, but gets shot into the ropes. Gibson ducks under Landel, leapfrogs and rolls onto his back, using his feet to propel Buddy over. Gibson grabs a headlock of his own, Landel shoots him into the ropes and tries the same trick, but Gibson doesn't fall for it. Ricky Morton comes in and takes Landel down with a shoulder tackle. He grabs a headlock and Landel tries to power him out of it, but Ricky takes him over still holding the headlock. Landel elevates him again as Reed gets involved, but Ricky grabs a headscissors and takes both men over. Eventually Morton rolls too close to the ropes and Butch tags in. Morton tries to take Reed down with shoulder tackles, but eats a dropkick for his troubles. Reed & Landel hit a big double bodyslam, before draping Morton over the top rope. Quick tags from Reed & Landel as they work Morton over. Big assisted vertical suplex, but Morton kicks out at 2. Reed gorilla slams Morton and tags in Landel, then Reed gorilla slams Landel onto Morton! Ricky kicks out at 2 again. Reed & Landel hit a double elbow and Gibson's had enough, charging into the ring to take on Landel. He runs into the ropes, but Cornette pulls down the top rope and Gibson crashes headfirst to the floor! Reed & Landel shoot Morton into the ropes, but he kicks Reed in the gut and smartly rolls Landel up for 2. He locks in a side headlock and hits a sort-of sliced bread headlock take-over off the turnbuckles! Reed loads his fist with a foreign object and, as Morton leapfrogs over Landel, Reed clocks him and that's that. Another good tag match, by the numbers stuff from the Rock 'n' Roll Express, but damn they were fun to watch in their prime. Reed was probably the weak link of the match, but Buddy Landel more than made up for it.


Pushing on, we've got Bill Dundee & Porkchop Cash vs The Midnight Express, March 6th, 1984. Condrey locks up with Cash and, despite the height disadvantage, Porkchop locks in a side headlock and just will not let go. Dennis eventually frees himself and grabs a headlock of his own. Cash shoots him into the ropes and hits a flying hip attack, before laying into Condrey with fists and erratic dance moves. Porkchop tags in Bill Dundee, who floors Dennis with a big forearm. Condrey kicks out at 1, but Bill keeps him grounded with an armbar. He manages to get to his feet and back Bill into the corner, tagging into Bobby who whips Dundee into the corner. Eaton charges but eats a boot to the face! He tries it again, but Dundee hops up onto the ropes, jumps over the charging Bobby and floors him with a big dropkick. Bobby backs off to his corner to confer with Dennis, but Dundee grabs them by the mullets and hits a noggin knocker! Porkchop tags in and punches Bobby square in the mouth, before dancing some more. Condrey tries to get involved, but Dundee cuts him off. They whip the MX into each other and both guys go sprawling to the floor. Eaton gets back in, but eats a flying hip attack to the face from Porkchop! Dennis tags in and tries to headbutt Porkchop, which turned out to be a real bad idea. Dundee tags in, but so does Bobby. The MX charge, but Bill takes the fight to both men with some big punches before locking in a sleeper on Bobby! Eaton's starting to fade, but Dennis distracts Dundee, allowing Bobby to pull a foreign object from his tights and hit Bill over the back of the head with it. The MX go to work with every dirty trick in the book, making quick tags as they try to wear Dundee down. Bill finally makes the hot tag and the audience go nuts as Porkchop beats the tar out of both men. He grabs a waistlock on Bobby, who runs into the ropes and ducks, allowing Cornette to clock Cash over the head with the tennis racket! Eaton rolls up Porkchop for the 3 and the MX hightail it out of there to a chorus of boos. Not as good as the previous MX match, but this was still enjoyable. I like that Porkchop & Dundee took great delight in attacking 'Beautiful' Bobby's face.


Next, 'Cowboy' Bill Watts & Stagger Lee vs The Midnight Express, March 22nd, 1984. The first few minutes of this contain nothing but fat old Bill Watts and fatter Stagger Lee punching the MX in the face. This was billed as Watts' 'Last Stampede' and he called up his old buddy Stagger Lee to help him take out the MX. It apparently did great business for them at the time and the crowd are certainly well into it as Watts & Lee demolish the MX but, eventually, Condrey & Eaton get the upper hand on Watts and begin to work over his back. Condrey goads Stagger to try and interfere, allowing Cornette to get in a few racket shots behind the ref's back. Watts tries to fight back, but Bobby's in quick to stop the comeback. He puts Watts in a camel clutch that lasts freaking forever. Condrey tags in and drops the elbow the Watts' back before returning to the never-ending camel clutch. After a good five minutes of this, Stagger's had enough and just barges past the ref, taking the fight to both men. Cornette throws his racket in the ring and Bobby floors Stagger with it. Bobby tries to use powder, but Watts kicks it into his eyes and bodyslams Eaton for the 3-count! Crowd goes freaking wild! The MX hightail it out of there, but Cornette's trapped and Magnum T.A's here with...a giant diaper? OK. Cornette's pleading with Watts, but Bill's having none of it. They force Jim to strip down to his underware, then Stagger holds him on the floor and Watts applies baby powder to Cornette's behind before putting him in the diaper as Stagger Lee feeds him milk from a giant baby's bottle. Cornette gets up, every one has a good laugh at him and then Stagger Lee kisses him. Well, that was something. Crowd freaking loved it, though.


Last match on disc 1 of this set, The Rock 'n' Roll Express (c) vs The Midnight Express in a No-DQ match for the Mid-South Tag Titles & $50,000, May 23rd, 1984. We start with the contract signing, officiated by matchmaker Grizzly Smith and Good ol' Jim Ross. Cornette's put 50 grand of his own money up against the title, so confident is he that the MX will reclaim their belts. Next, we see a video package for 'Superdate at the Superdome' where two eligible, unmarried ladies aged 18 years or over can win a date with Gibson & Morton, lol. Crowd goes wild for the Rock 'n' Roll's entrance, as per usual, and we get things started with Gibson against Dennis. Cornette's freaking out at ringside because a 2nd ref has confiscated his tennis racket, which Bill Watts says has been "loaded with a steel chain wrapped around the edge". Gibson works over Condrey's neck before hitting a big backdrop for 2. Condrey scores with a drop toehold and makes the tag to Eaton, but Morton meets him and sends him flying to the floor with a big dropkick. Commercial break and when we return Condrey's working over Morton's arm. Morton goes for a dropkick, but Dennis grabs hold of the ropes and Ricky hits the mat hard. Eaton tags in and stomps Morton into the corner. Beautiful powerslam from Bobby! Dennis tags in and gets a 2-count from a stiff shoulder tackle. He applies a chinlock before just throwing Ricky over the top rope to the floor. Morton gets back in and rolls through a clothesline, making the tag to Gibson! He opens up on the MX, but Cornette grabs the top rope and Gibson spills hard to the floor, hurting his knee in the process. Eaton goes after him, but Gibson pushes him headfirst into the ringpost and Bobby's busted wide open! Gibson gets in the ring and elevates Condrey over the top rope. Bobby charges, but Gibson locks in a sleeper! Bobby's starting to fade and, seeing this, Cornette sprays something on a rag, sliding in the ring and using it to choke out Robert Gibson. Bill Watts; "I don't know what that is, but it has that medical smell.". A very bloody Bobby Eaton rolls over Gibson and the ref makes the count, The Midnight Express are the NEW Mid-South Tag Champions. Fun angle, but the match itself wasn't terribly special.



Cena is winning. Because Cena.

haha but it depends on how they do the vote because the Slammy's is in Bryan's home state. If they let the crowd vote and he is in the running. He is going to win it.

edit: I find it funny that Cena who is champion is not going to be on the show again.


haha but it depends on how they do the vote because the Slammy's is in Bryan's home state. If they let the crowd vote and he is in the running. He is going to win it.

edit: I find it funny that Cena who is champion is not going to be on the show again.

Just assume that Cena will win. Expect nothing and nothing can disappoint you, but something could potentially surprise you.


I believe the voting will be done through the app. They can Cena rig it how ever they want. It'll probably be spun as the fans showing they're against The Authority or some dumb shit.

At this time, it appears that the WWE is dropping the idea of having Big Show and Triple H feud. Following Big Show losing the WWE Title and last week's concussion angle, the focus was to go to Triple H vs. Show at the Royal Rumble.

WWE is now moving on from the idea, and booked last night's Raw (no mention of the feud, and having Show team with Cody Rhodes and Goldust against the Shield) with the idea that fans would forget about the Show vs. Triple H program.

Swap Bryan for Big Show. Still wont put Show over. Oh Triple H.


That's some WCW shit right there. Kick Bryan, the most popular guy, out of the angle for an older and more established guy. Then when that gets no reaction, they just drop it and hope no one will remember it. So they killed the hot angle for an old guy, then killed that angle when no one cared, and now they have nothing.

Vincent is awesome, but he's such an Armo. Just a savage.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I'd kill for a proper documentary on the training at the Center without all the kayfabe and E! Networkness.

I would kill just for any wrestling documentary that isn't "woe is me, look how sad I am" or designed and heavily edited so that non wrestling watchers can look at these people with pity or to laugh at them.

The closest we have is Wrestling Road Diaries and some of the NHK stuff, but that's a brief snippet rather than a full documentary of real look into how things are done like I can get for most every other subject I can possibly think of.

My dream one would be the start and running, with either failure (with hope at the end for wrestlers going elsewhere) or prosperity, of a promotion. Baring that, WWE could do something with NXT, just follow a dozen or so people all the way up until they have their first match as part of the main roster.

I would also settle for Kenny Omega's Walk Down Japanese Streets. Wouldn't be about wrestling, but I would still be entertained by the fact he is still constantly amazed by everything he sees.


Oh yeah the Network is still a thing isn't it? No idea why honestly

Last week on Bauer and Pollock they were talking about how fucking impossible it would be for Vince to launch a successful network.

Apparently, Oprah's network was a huge failure. Oprah had a hugely successful talk show (FAR higher ratings than Raw ever did, besides maybe a couple of episodes during 98. Averaged 8 million viewers when it went off the air), a hugely successful magazine, her own book club, and a bunch of other shit. Basically, if anyone could launch a successful network, it was fucking Oprah.

But it didn't work out (according to Bauer). And this WWE Network sure as fuck won't work out. We already get how many hours of free television a week? 10 with Main Event, Total Divas and all that other crap? What programming are they going to put on this network? Old episodes of Raw and Nitro? Old PPVs and documentaries? They think people are going to pay $15 a month for that crap?

Even if they throw PPVs in, it won't be enough. In this era, everyone just fucking pirates ppvs anyways. No one is asking for a wrestling channel in 2013. No one wants to watch the programming they give for free, let alone pay for it. It might have worked in 2000, but they are sending this thing out to die.

I guess when Vince gets an idea in his head, he just doesn't give a fuck. This is looking like XFL 2.0 right now.


At this time, it appears that the WWE is dropping the idea of having Big Show and Triple H feud. Following Big Show losing the WWE Title and last week's concussion angle, the focus was to go to Triple H vs. Show at the Royal Rumble.

WWE is now moving on from the idea, and booked last night's Raw (no mention of the feud, and having Show team with Cody Rhodes and Goldust against the Shield) with the idea that fans would forget about the Show vs. Triple H program.

Swap Bryan for Big Show. Still wont put Show over. Oh Triple H.


i cant


how the fuck do they not see this coming?
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