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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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Which version of steve austin do you guys like the most?

I was a huge fan of ECW back in the day and even after Austin became Stone cold my favorite persona of his is the Extreme Superstar version. Some of that character carried over into into his WWE characters, but in WWE Austin's characters were lacking the english that he had in ECW. When he finally turned heel again in the WWE I was hoping he was a heel like he was in ECW. Instead he became a chickenshit type of heel which is the popular heel now in the WWE.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Sensitive heel Austin was the greatest heel turn in the history of the sport. It was the only way he could get over as a heel which is an amazing feat considering he was the biggest face since mid 80's Hogan.


I will always mark for Stunning Steve, particularly after he cut his hair. 1996 KOTR-Royal Rumble Stone Cold and the comedy heel/Stunning/Stone Cold blend from 2001 are tied after that.


WWE Put up 3 Slammy Nominations:

This is awesome moment of the year:

Ziggler Cashing in the Money in the Bank
Big Show knocking out Triple H
Kofi Kingston at the Royal Rumble with the chair
Daniel Bryan winning at Night of Champions. lol it was a moment at least.

Trending Now #Hashtag

Best for Business
Believe in the shield
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We the People

Best Beard

Daniel Bryan
Zeb Coulter
Damien Sandow
Wyatt Family

Daniel Bryan is nominated for 5 right now with a good chance of winning 4 of them.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Best moment was the Raw after mania riot.

Believe in the Shield and Zeb are perfectly acceptable for the other two though.


WWE Put up 3 Slammy Nominations:

This is awesome moment of the year:

Ziggler Cashing in the Money in the Bank
Big Show knocking out Triple H
Kofi Kingston at the Royal Rumble with the chair
Daniel Bryan winning at Night of Champions. lol it was a moment at least.

Trending Now #Hashtag

Best for Business
Believe in the shield
Follow the Buzzards
We the People

Best Beard

Daniel Bryan
Zeb Coulter
Damien Sandow
Wyatt Family

Daniel Bryan is nominated for 5 right now with a good chance of winning 4 of them.
No Daniel Bryan beating Cena clean at SS. Honestly now.


This is awesome moment of the year:

Ziggler Cashing in the Money in the Bank
Big Show knocking out Triple H
Kofi Kingston at the Royal Rumble with the chair
Daniel Bryan winning at Night of Champions. lol it was a moment at least.
What a sad list.


Watching The Best of the X Division Volume 2. Just watched the long intro and breakdown of the Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and Christopher Daniels feud. Holy SHIT were those some hot matches, spots, and emotions from all three men. Joe looked like a legit killer, and when he kicked Daniels' head in, it was reeeeaaally uncomfortable to watch. Damn. I can't imagine too many guys being able to pull off this type of intensity today.

Was anyone here watching TNA during this 2005 and 2006 period? Was it as hot and dirty as this recap made it seem?


Wow they are actually going to retcon Bryan's win at SummerSlam and have it exist only in the Total Divas universe. I can't wait to see how they alter/re-write the past 4 months if Bryan eventually gets a documentary DVD.




2005-2007 was a really good period for TNA. Probably the best.

Most of the stuff I've been watching lately has been from that period, and I don't doubt that it was the best era in their company's history to date. The matches, crowds, and even the announcing were all really intense.


CM Punk was reportedly sick and banged up at Tuesday night's SmackDown tapings from Tulsa where he wrestled a member of The Shield. As noted, Punk made a tweet during the tapings that said he had an accident in his pants while in the ring. Punk later deleted that tweet.

There was concern that Punk suffered a concussion and there was talk going around that he hurt his back during the November 25th RAW. Punk tweeted on Thursday that his ribs are busted.

On a related note, there's been a lot of talk within WWE of both Punk and Alberto Del Rio talking about retiring within the next few years.
--PWInsider Elite
Both Del Rio and Punk can live off appearances at this point. Del Rio is made in Mexico now he's elevated his family name and can just make appearances for companies in. Punk saves most of his money and he can come back in a couple of years and be old man Punk taking Wrestlemania spots from the new stars.


Watching The Best of the X Division Volume 2. Just watched the long intro and breakdown of the Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and Christopher Daniels feud. Holy SHIT were those some hot matches, spots, and emotions from all three men. Joe looked like a legit killer, and when he kicked Daniels' head in, it was reeeeaaally uncomfortable to watch. Damn. I can't imagine too many guys being able to pull off this type of intensity today.

Was anyone here watching TNA during this 2005 and 2006 period? Was it as hot and dirty as this recap made it seem?
It was honestly their best period ever and my favorite by far



WCW Halloween Havoc 1991

Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone are doing commentary tonight.

EARLIER TODAY. Cactus Jack and Abdullah the Butcher arrived. DDP and The Diamond Studd arrived. During this, Eric Bischoff was running down the card. Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes pull up. As they do, Larry Zbyszko and Arn Anderson smash Barry's arm in the door. Because of this, he will not be able to compete in the Chamber of Horrors match.


El Gigante/Sting/Steiner Brothers vs Abdullah the Butcher/Cactus Jack/The Diamond Studd/Vader Chamber of Horrors Match

The first team to put someone from the opposing team in the electric chair and pulling the switch will win. It's a giant cage, curved at the top to prevent climb outs, and has Halloween themed weapons. The heel team was originally to be Studd/Oz/One Man Gang/Barry Windham. Gang left WCW, Windham was turned face, and I have no idea why Nash wasn't in the match. Hall is basically already Razor, down to the moves, hair, and tooth pick. Rick Steiner has a chainsaw! Sting is using Abby's own stick. Someone was hiding in a casket. Scott beat him up. Just mindless brawling. The ref has a camera on his head, the Refer-Eye cam, predating PRIDE by years. Steiners do the doomsday DDT. As they do, the chair comes down and nearly squashes Cactus. Rick almost gets electrocuted, but knocks Vader out of the ring. Sting throws a casket lid in the air. It lands on Cactus' head. Some ghost orderlies come out. Cactus is gushing blood. Big surprise. Did you ever want to see Vader vs Giant Gonzalez? You could in this match. Cactus takes a big bump over the ropes and into the cage, but you couldn't really see it. LOL, a shot of the chair switch shows that it is actually already on. So you have to turn it off to turn it on. This is just a mess. I bet Pat Patterson could have booked something decent with some big spots and some kind of story, but there is none of that here. It's just mindless brawling and bad camera angles. At some point, someone got the level into the off position. Cactus waits at the switch as Abby puts Rick in the chair. Rick takes 10 minutes to put Abby in, during which time Cactus was conveniently not looking at the ring. He flips the switch. Abdullah is dead! Faces win. Such a mess. And really bad booking idea to put 4 of the best guys (and 3 of the most over) on the roster in a shitty garbage match. Abby woke up, attacked Cactus, then they both attacked the ghost orderlies on the ramp.



Jimmy Garvin vs Johnny B. Badd

God, the Freebirds in 1991 were so out of date and uncool. Johnny B. Badd is a Jew pretending to be an ambiguously gay black man. Teddy Long is a manager. It was still in his fat stage. Jimmy Garvin looks so weird. He's actually in pretty good shape, maybe better than he ever was. But he also looks old and creepy. When DDP turned heel in 1999, he was basically doing 90s Freebirds, of which he was a part of for a bit. The Birds are faces. Maybe. I'm not really sure. The show is in Tennessee, but they are wearing Atlanta Braves stuff and doing the chant. But the fans are into it. Not really sure what's going on here. Mero was still very new to wrestling. He does a pretty bad flying sunset flip. Flying elbow. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Jimmy Jam invented the Stone Cold Stunner. He was at least the first person to do it on US TV. Jimmy hits the DDT. Teddy distracts the ref, allowing Johnny to nail a punch and win.


TO THE BACK. Missy Hyatt tries to find the identity of the Halloween Phantom. Bobby Eaton, who just won a match that wasn't on the Turner released tape, says he doesn't know who it is.

Dustin Rhodes vs Steve Austin WCW TV Championship

Sweet. Both guys are still young and new to the business, but still. Austin's hair was terrible. Shaving it was the best thing he ever did. He should have done it as early as 1990. Dustin shows Steve up a few times in the opening moments. Also, Austin's trunks are awful. Flower print/Saved By The Bell intro boxer briefs. Lariatooooo and dropkick from Dustin. Some basic, but good chain wrasslin. A lariatooo sends Austin over the top rope. It wasn't a DQ. Back suplay from Ausin. Austin throws off the bulldog. He doesn't dodge the big punch to the mouth. Dustin does his cross body spot, which has always been one of my favorites. Dustin has been busted open from punches. Ax handle from the top to the floor from Austin. Austin with that heel headlock. The ref finally catches the feet on the ropes and breaks the hold. Big lariatooo/collision spot. Lady Blossom gives Dustin some slaps. 2 minutes left in the time limit. Dustin tries to win as fast as he can. 1 minute left! 30 seconds! Dustin hits a flying lariatooo, but the time limit runs out at the 2 count. Time limit draw. Title retained. Really enjoyable match. These guys always matched up well. They'd have even better ones in 1992-1993.




Z Man vs The Halloween Phantom

The Phantom is a guy in a black unitard and black and white mask. He appears to be quite jacked. Ravishing even. He has a mustache. It's basically a squash which ends in a very familiar looking neck breaker. Tony says the move looks very much like the Rude Awakening, if he may be so bold to say.


The Patriots vs The Enforcers WCW Tag Team Championships

The Patriots are US Tag Team Championships, but their titles are not on the line. The Patriots are Todd Champion and Firebreaker Chip, two jacked up dudes who suck. The Enforcers are Arn and Larry. I don't know who is who, but the bigger guy reminds me of Rob Terry. Arn and Larry can try all they want, they aren't getting anything good out of these guys. Arn wins with the spinebuster. One of my favorite things about Arn is that he ALWAYS got a pop from the spinebuster, even into the 2000s when he hadn't been a wrestler for years. Titles retained. Tony looks miserable working with JR.


TO THE BISCHOFF. Eric is dressed as Dracula and brings Paul E. Dangerously and Madusa out. Paul E. has huge story. Paul cuts a promo about how people in WCW are afraid of what Paul has to say and are stuck in the past. THIS MEANS WAR! Starting tonight, he's planning to bankrupt WCW for screwing around with him. He's going to do that by taking out WCW's heroes. He brings out the Halloween Phantom, who is revealed to be Ravishing Rick Rude! Rude only cares about himself, his women, and his money. His money man has a problem with Sting, so that scum bag is first on Rude's list.


Ron Simmons video. It included him hanging out at FSU in short shorts, reliving his glory days, talking to his former coach, and showing of his hams he had hidden in his short shorts. Almost as big as Big E.'s.

Ron Simmons vs Lex Luger WCW Championship 2/3 Falls

This is the first time the WCW Championship had been defended on PPV in a 2/3 falls match. If that sounds weird to you, that's because WCW pulled out of the NWA in January of 1991. Ric Flair kept possession of the Big Gold Belt and jumped to the WWF with it. The title (now the WCW, not NWA Championship) was vacated and Lex Luger and Barry Windham had a match at the Great American Bash 1991 to crown a new champion. The crowd chanted for Flair the whole time and Lex, previously a popular baby face, turned heel, pissing the fans off even more. They didn't even have a real belt, instead using an old regional title of Dusty's. Lex has both Harley Race and Mr. Hughes with him. Dusty is with Simmons. Lex was still capable at this point in his career, but 2/3 falls with another guy who needed to be carried sounds like a bad idea to me. Simmons wins the first fall in about 5 minutes with a spinebuster. Simmons controls the opening moments of fall 2. Simmons goes over the top rope when Lex ducks down. Powerslam from Lex. Rest holds! Harley is covered in sweat despite having not done anything in the match. Maybe it was really hot in the building. He finally does get involved and Dusty gives him an elbow for it. Harley holds Ron in place. Lex runs at him and goes over the top. Ron Simmons is disqualified for it. That finish doesn't even make sense since Lex was doing the attack and Simmons didn't do anything to toss him over the ropes. If Dustin didn't get DQ'd for clotheslining Austin over the ropes, no way should Simmons have been disqualified for that. Match is tied at 1 to 1. Lex gets the jump on the 3rd fall. Ron come back with an atomic drop and superplex. Powerslam. Simmons does a second rope shoulder block. Lex rolls to the floor. Simmons runs head first into the ring post. Lex pulls him back in the ring and hits one of the worst piledrivers this side of Crush to win the 3rd fall and retain his title. It actually wasn't nearly as bad as you'd expect.



DQ Count:
0 out of 6 matches. However, the official home video release cut out Big Josh (Doink)/PN News defeating The Creatures, Bobby Eaton defeating Terry Taylor (in a 16 minute match that probably should have been on the tape), Bill Kazmaier defeating OZ, Van Hammer defeating Doug Somers, and Brian Pillman defeating Richard Morton to become the first WCW Light Heavyweight Championship. They didn't put the match to determine a first ever champion on the home release? Such is WCW.


WWE Put up 3 Slammy Nominations:

This is awesome moment of the year:

Ziggler Cashing in the Money in the Bank
Big Show knocking out Triple H
Kofi Kingston at the Royal Rumble with the chair
Daniel Bryan winning at Night of Champions.

Ziggler by far. Only one that deserves to be on the list. Entire arena marked out hard on that moment. Naturally, he either won't win it or he'll win it and they'll juxtapose clips of his fall from grace because doghouse.

As for the others, I honestly don't know who constructed this list or what they were thinking. Big Show will never get a "This is Awesome" chant going, the Annual Kofi Kingston Royal Rumble Spot is a mild entertainment at best and NoC was nothing special for Bryan. The most ridiculous things about this list? Nothing about DBry's summer streak. Man was fire for weeks on end with magnificent matches and moments, like the first time he locked Ryback;s legs up and pummeled the hell out of him. And where the hell is Cesaro? Big Swing! European Uppercuts on wrestlers thrown into the rafters! Uppercut duel with Bryan in July! Miz beatings! The man is a TIA machine. A hell of a lot more god damned impressive than Kofi Kingston.

Sad fucking list.

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Because it's too soon to celebrate #TheySwitchBelts

Best Beard

Who gives a damn.


Creatures Of The Night. Undertaker's fans that were shown in the crowd often during that period.

You're kidding. I thought it was some crossover from some obscure USA television show I had forgotten about.

I think this was about the time when we didn't have cable tv at my house for a couple years.


You're kidding. I thought it was some crossover from some obscure USA television show I had forgotten about.

I think this was about the time when we didn't have cable tv at my house for a couple years.

I'm not kidding at all. They were shown often in 1994-1996. Just random fans dressed up as goths. I don't know if they were plants or actual fans.


I'm not kidding at all. They were shown often in 1994-1996. Just random fans dressed up as goths. I don't know if they were plants or actual fans.

Wow. There hasn't been a goth-type character in the WWE for a while, it's too bad The Ascension fucking sucks.


Hey Bootaaay, is there a place where i can find steady DG shows? T-Hawk, Eita and Flamita won the Triangle Gate title and i really want to see Flamita in Japan.
Punk has often said he's not a "lifer" and doesn't wanna be a guy in his 40s wrestling people decades younger. He's even intimated 2016 as the year he's gonna retire - though if he signs a new 3-year deal next year, I could see him pushing it back to 2017.


I was going through the list of WWE matches Bootay posted a while ago and something occurred to me--how does CM Punk's build to WM XXIX not qualify for insult of the year? He interrupted a memorial for long-time wrestling personality Paul Bearer, impersonated the man in order to ambush Taker and poured (what was heavily implied to be) Bearer's ashes on a weakened Undertaker after having stolen the urn to begin with.

AJ's "I'm too old for you King, I'm 26" should also qualify.
Watching Strong Man wrestle is kind of a parody.

Yeah, both him and Nakanishi are just so immobile - Strong Man even more so than usual, his right leg was heavily taped up. What a dud of a match, though. Crowd didn't give two shits and, really, they had no reason to.

Looking forward to this next match. Let's go Honma!!!!


Because Punk is a face now.

Is he? He never had that face turn. All he did was fight a progression of jackasses ranging from heelish Jericho to getting into an argument with Heyman, to Lesnar, to Axelback. He's still the same self-centered dick from last May and StepHHH even called him out on it. I figured they were building up to a switch back to the heel persona soon, so the nomination makes sense.
Is he? He never had that face turn. All he did was fight a progression of jackasses ranging from heelish Jericho to getting into an argument with Heyman, to Lesnar, to Axelback. He's still the same self-centered dick from last May and StepHHH even called him out on it. I figured they were building up to a switch back to the heel persona soon, so the nomination makes sense.

Well the difference is that Punk is a dick to heels now and isn't outright nasty or talking about boxing with God. Plus he's smiling alot.

That poop stain is really gross, BTW. Edit: Eh, removed because gross and kinda unnecessary.
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