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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date
If you're gonna use an ex Suzuki-gun member, Tak would be a good choice. Would he turn on Suzuki, though? He's on the Suzuki-gun tshirt and everything.

Black Tiger, maybe?


Yeah. The "You hate me because you know I'm right" style of writing articles doesn't work when the readers have been saying the same thing all along.

Mark Madden is one of the shittiest things that pro wrestling has produced in the past 15-20 years.

I really wish Gifcam had been around when I was doing the 2000 reviews.


Writing scathing articles about the state of pro wrestling may or may not be easier than actually writing wrestling TV. The shit writes itself in both cases.
I'll be at the Raw event in Seattle on Monday - what should I expect? This is the first Raw I'm actually going to and we've got some good seats!

Last time I went to a WWE event here in Seattle was a PPV called No Way Out back in 2009, which was awesome!

Sorry to break the bad news to you, but going to Raw is an awful, miserable experience (unless it's the Raw after Wrestlemania). Prepare yourself to sit through long commercial breaks where absolutely nothing happens, only for the show to come back "live" for a backstage segment, quickly followed by another eternal commercial break. To make things even worse, the middle two hours (8:30-10:30 Eastern) will be full of Diva's matches, and exciting WWE superstars like the Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and Kofi Kingston.....barf. Come the third hour, you are begging for the show to be over.

My personal preference of attending WWE events:

1) PPV- goes without saying. The most happens, not as much filler (usually) and the best matches (usually)
2) House Show- The guys are usually lose and these can be real fun.
3) Smackdown taping- No eternal commercial breaks (there is like 20-30 seconds down time during the "commercial" breaks), but you are going to be missing some of the big names like Punk and/or Cena.
4) Raw- Just WAY too much down time, which leads to a LONG night.


So not worth it
I've known Creed/Woods for about seven years now. Trust me, that's really him. Dude has Ninja Turtles shit all over his apartment.

People in this thread tell me wrestlers all just like geeky nerdy stuff because of gimmicks and not because they're people and geeky nerdy stuff is kind of what our generation grew up with.
Can't remember who it was, but last week someone was asking about the most successful Japanese wrestler in the US - there's a similar topic on the Observer board and Meltzer replied with this;

"Giant Baba, and not even close.

I think he headlined against Destroyer (WWA champ), Bruno (WWWF champ) and Thesz (NWA champ) in the same month.

Rikidozan was also very successful, always winning and lots of main events, but it was more that he was a worldwide superstar and treated as such, he wasn't necessarily that over in the U.S. But Baba was."

Man, Naito ruins everything!

I know, right? This should have been Okada's first chance to main event on the big stage of Japanese wrestling.

In hindsight, Naito wasn't ready for this push. It was too soon after his injury. Perhaps Tanahashi should have won the G1 - I know we've seen Okada vs Tanahashi a TON, but at the Tokyo Dome? That would have also have allowed Naito to feud with Nakamura for the IC title.



WWF In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies 4/28/96

This is the last televised appearance for Hall and Nash before they left for WCW.

123 Kid vs Marc Mero

Free For All match. Vince McMahon really marked out for Johnny B. Badd. My guess is because he loved the idea of a Jew pretending to be an ambiguously gay black man. But when he hired Mero, he found out that Mero ONLY knew how to work as Johnny B. Badd, which he couldn't use in anyway in the WWF. Really awkward head scissors in the corner. Mero follows this with A Double's heat seeking missile, but with none of the impact. He goes up top and gets crotched. Kid kicks him right in the face. Superplex is dodged as HHH strolls out to hit on Sable. The match grinds to a halt so Hunner can be a creep. HHH distracts Mero, allowing Kid to baseball slide him. As he's walking out, HHH flashes the Kliq sign. That was some Illuminati looking shit. KO punch to Kid. HHH runs back down and causes a DQ. Mero fights them off, but ends up in the Pedigree. While this wasn't Kid's final WWF appearance, this was his last PPV appearance before going to WCW.



TO THE BACK. Dok talks to Warrior. Warrior says he doesn't care for the IC Championship and instead is coming for Goldust to get the spirit of the Warrior or something. Marlena shows up, blows smoke in his face, and Goldust throws gold dust. Warrior snarls and pounds his chest.

The show officially starts.

British Bulldog/Owen Hart vs Jake Roberts/Ahmed Johnson

I don't know what the fuck is going on with the water mark, but it keeps moving all over the place. The rest of the screen isn't, so it's really weird. Maybe the file was really shaky and was treated to Youtube stabilization. I guess the snake is banned from ringside. Jake doesn't give a shit and gets a disgusting beast out of his bag. Cornette faints. Unsurprisingly, Ahmed has an injury coming into the match. He throws Owen around. Diana Hart Smith is in the crowd. Owen avoids a few DDTs. Bulldog is definitely scared of Ahmed. He was probably scared of getting injured. Ahmed goes HAM on Owen in the corner. Press slam. Jake gets tagged in and is hit with a second rope dropkick. Jake plays FIP for a while. Hot tag to Ahmed. Just for him to do a spinebuster and tag back out. Bulldog attacks Jake's knee with the tennis racket. He wins via knee bar.



Goldust vs The Ultimate Warrior WWF Intercontinental Championship

Warrior wins via count out, but the match never actually started. It was all Goldust stalling and Warrior smoking a cigar. No match at all. The closest thing to a move was Warrior giving Goldy a clothesline while Goldy was sitting in the director chair. Warrior did beat up a fat body guard after the match, though. I'd be pretty pissed if I bought a ticket or the PPV for this and got 7 minutes of stalling, 1 move, and a count out.

TO THE BACK. Bulldog is outside of HBK's locker room, pissed about something.

Vader vs Razor Ramon

Vader gained so much weight between 1994-1996. They lock up and Razor goes flying to the floor. Vader isn't fucking around tonight. He's knocking the shit out of Razor. Hall tries the Razor's Edge near the ropes. Of course he's back dropped out, but gets right back in and pounds Vader down in the corner. He knocks Vader down 3 times before sending him to the floor. He's then crushed in the corner and hit with a lariatooooo. Big splash. Vader Rush in the corner. He goes for the short arm lariatoo, but it is countered into a back suplex. Vader Bomb! YOU WANT VADER?! Razor kicks out! Hall tries to fight back. Another Vader Rush. Vertical suplex from Razor. Vader wipes him out with a lariatooo. He goes up for a second rope splash. Hall turns it into a powerslam. Diving bulldog. Saber attack! Vader goes back up for a Vader Bomb. Hall tries to do the Razor's Edge, but just drops Vader as he can't support the weight. Vader goes up again, this time for a moonsault. Hall does an electric chair drop. Vader wins with an ass drop. I think this is actually one of Hall's better WWF matches.



The Godwinns vs The Body Donnas WWF Tag Team Championships

Bleh. Godwinns have never been in a good match. Not in WCW, not in WWF as faces or heels. I have no idea what Vince/JR saw in them to bring them over from WCW in the first place. Sunny can't save this. The champs win with Twin Magic. Titles retained.

TO THE BACK. Dok talks with Marc Mero. He challenges HHH to a match.

HBK vs Diesel WWF Championship No Holds Barred

Nash throws his vest at Vince, who wasn't happy about it. Mad Dog Vachon was shown in the crowd. It starts right away, no bullshit dancing and prancing. I AIN'T NO SEXY BOY. Shawn knocks Nash to the floor and comes right out with a moonsault. HBK takes Vince or King's shoe to hit Nash with. He is quickly sent into the guard rail from the apron. Short arm lariatooo. Vince is pissed at Nash. Nash occasionally talks shit to him. Side slam. The wrist tape comes off. Nash chokes Earl Hebner with it and takes Earl's belt. HBK is being taken to the woodshed! Nash literally tries to hang HBK from the ropes with the belt. He throws Fink and gets a chair. This is getting pretty intense. A few chair shots later, HBK ducks, with Nash bouncing the chair off the ropes back into his face. HBK tries to use it, but Nash low blows him. Jackknife through the announce table! WHATAMANUVER! Nash celebrates with the title as HBK gets pissed and crawls back to the ring. Fire extinguisher! Flying forearm. HBK gets a chair and unloads on Nash. Big boot stops all that nonsense. Shawn fights out of another powerbomb and hits the flying elbow. Nash blocks the superkick and spins it into a lariatoo. Vince is getting worried that Nash might leave with his title. It's really interesting how the seeds of the Mr. McMahon character really started with the Diesel tweener/heel run in 1995-1996. That was really the first time it was more than a wink wink nudge nudge thing that Vince was the boss, and Nash was kind of doing worked shoots at a time when that was unheard of. Those few months of Diesel were in a lot of ways the start of the Attitude Era. I know Nash loves to give himself more credit than he deserves, but I think he's got a pretty valid claim when he talks about being the start of that whole boom. Not in terms of drawing money, but in terms of pushing the creative envelope in a way that it really hadn't been to that point. If Nash hadn't been doing the character he was doing in his last few months in WWE, I'm really not sure the nWo angle would have worked as well. Anyway, Nash grabs Mad Dog and BY GOD HE RIPPED HIS LEG OFF! He takes Mad Dog's leg into the ring and tries to hit HBK with it. Shawn low blows him and uses it himself. Superkick. HBK wins! Title retained. Definitely one of the best leaving a territory matches ever.




DQ Count: 1 out of 6 matches.

HBK/Diesel is an unqualified great match. It's awesome. No bullshit comedy and prancing around. It's a serious, no bullshit fight. Nash is mean as fuck, HBK is on his A game and is also in dick head mode, which is the best HBK. It's Nash's best match, but I think it is easily in the top 10 HBK matches as well. Maybe even top 5. It's for real awesome. One of my favorite WWE brawls ever. It also had a lot of subtext going on with Nash and Vince during the whole thing. I feel like in a lot of ways, this is really the match where Vince started changing gears in the company. It was a hardcore brawl with chairs, tables, HBK literally being hanged, a dude getting his fake leg ripped off in an era where that stuff just didn't happen. Compare this to the last IYH, where HBK was doing comedy spots and dancing with kids. On top of all that, Nash's whole angle at the time was how he was pissed at the corporate structure dicking him around and making him be someone he wasn't. Think Batista's promo on John Cena, but in 1996. He singled out Vince regularly in an era where Vince was still just an announcer, although there were more references to Vince being the boss in general. I think that angle really played perfectly into the nWo angle. As much as Nash is a straight up carny and egomaniac, he really is a very pivotal person in the way the businesses change in the 1996-1998.

Razor vs Vader was also pretty good. I've been saying recently that I think Nash might actually be better than Hall, so I was surprised to see Razor having a really good match with Vader. I think that match was better than the Razor/Kid match from the last IYH. But IYH 6 and 7 have two of Nash's best matches back to back. In my opinion, the Bret/Nash cage match and Nash/HBK NHB match are better than any HBK/Bret match.


Cage match is good. One of Nash's best. HBK/Owen is probably the most disappointing match possible considering those two could have an amazing match and instead HBK works it as a comedy match, sells for a little bit, then pops up and wins with no problems. Then dances with some kid.
Sounds like a typical mid 90's HBK move. The only thing he gave a shit about was his buddies and trying to embarrass Bret and his family.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Heard through the grapevine that Htown is going to be a mod! Congratulations for another one of our own (y2kev kind of doesn't count, thanks to the Miz)
I could be wrong, but I think that was the first table spot WWF did. I don't recall seeing any prior to that?

Hogan/Harley had a table spot on SNME in the late 80s. Story goes that the spot gave Race a quite serious injury, that eventually led to his retirement but I don't know how true that part is.

Few years later, Hogan and 'Quake had a table spot in Philly also.


Heard through the grapevine that Htown is going to be a mod! Congratulations for another one of our own (y2kev kind of doesn't count, thanks to the Miz)

My day will come. You will all see when I get my push, alexa rankings will soar like it's the Attitude Era.

Hogan/Harley had a table spot on SNME in the late 80s. Story goes that the spot gave Race a quite serious injury, that eventually led to his retirement but I don't know how true that part is.

Few years later, Hogan and 'Quake had a table spot in Philly also.

I'll be damned, I didn't know that. I've probably even seen that SNME match and can't recall, too.


So not worth it
Fucking Total Divas. I'm gonna have to hug my cat half to death tonight. :(

Bo Dallas appearing is a highlight though, it's combining my two favorite WWE programs in one big package.

Jamie OD

I know, right? This should have been Okada's first chance to main event on the big stage of Japanese wrestling.

In hindsight, Naito wasn't ready for this push. It was too soon after his injury. Perhaps Tanahashi should have won the G1 - I know we've seen Okada vs Tanahashi a TON, but at the Tokyo Dome? That would have also have allowed Naito to feud with Nakamura for the IC title.

I think if it was any other year, Naito's push would have clicked with the fans. But in 2013 and in the G1 specifically, he was outshined by a large chunk of the roster. We wouldn't have this problem if we got Okada Vs Nakamura or Shibata or Goto or even Tanahashi again.
I think if it was any other year, Naito's push would have clicked with the fans. But in 2013 and in the G1 specifically, he was outshined by a large chunk of the roster. We wouldn't have this problem if we got Okada Vs Nakamura or Shibata or Goto or even Tanahashi again.

Yeah, you're probably right - I have to wonder if Goto's injury screwed up their plans. A lot of people are down on Goto, but he always seems to get a good reception from the domestic crowd. I reckon Okada vs Goto as the Dome main event would have gone down better than Okada vs Naito.

bjork said:
I'll be damned, I didn't know that. I've probably even seen that SNME match and can't recall, too.


Good god, the devastation!


Does that Mark Carrano guy on Total Divas have any real decision-making power? The guy seems like an incredible cunt and a perfect example of whats wrong with creative. A complete product of Stephanie's corporate family values centered direction.

Unless it was all played up, this episode actually gave a nice insight in to how angles are formed in WWE. They call Naomi is and tell her they are going to put her in to a storyline, but don't know who anyone else involved will be. It shows they're just trying to push some shitty concept with no regard for whether it will be good or make sense.


Future WWE Champion Bo Dallas is on Total Divas! Don't stop BO-lieving!

Hey, Nattie, TJ is clearly super upset about Gismo's death, why don't you say his name like fifty more times.

My wife likes Nikki more than Brie now because Brie seems like a total bitch.

Missing the finale next week because of TLC and Psych the Musical!

And Nikki...doesn't? As portrayed on the show, she's a complete gold digger and self-absorbed moron.


So not worth it
Nikki meets Brie after losing the four-way against AJ.

"You did freaking amazing. You should totally be champ right now by the way. You looked really freaking hot on TV. You looked really pretty. And this blue (refering to her outfit) was awesome."

*random storyline bs*

(as Nikki presses down on one of Brie's breasts) "These are really small." "You know you stare at these and want them."

This is why Nikki Bella can't and will never learn how to wrestle properly.



Good god, the devastation!

This was before they figured out to use the ones with the rubber band around the edges and remove it for added breakability, apparently. I bet that hurt like hell, even though it didn't look as bad as modern table spots.


Yeah its pretty obvious she only gives a shit about being on camera. Hearing someone refer to themselves as a brand is pretty sickening. After Nikki was told she wasn't being a valet I'm guessing the person she was on the phone with was Cena, trying to get someone fired.

Also, are all chicks with implants as obsessed with their tits as hers? She brings them up constantly, but they look god awful.


Also, are all chicks with implants as obsessed with their tits as hers? She brings them up constantly, but they look god awful.

It depends on the level of self-assurance they bring, I think. I have a cousin who got some and never talks about them, but I know a couple of girls with them and you'd think implants cured cancer or something.


Yeah its pretty obvious she only gives a shit about being on camera. Hearing someone refer to themselves as a brand is pretty sickening. After Nikki was told she wasn't being a valet I'm guessing the person she was on the phone with was Cena, trying to get someone fired.

Also, are all chicks with implants as obsessed with their tits as hers? She brings them up constantly, but they look god awful.

She can't go a single conversation on the show without talking about sex, dicks or her tits. She's just plain weird at this point.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, you're probably right - I have to wonder if Goto's injury screwed up their plans. A lot of people are down on Goto, but he always seems to get a good reception from the domestic crowd. I reckon Okada vs Goto as the Dome main event would have gone down better than Okada vs Naito.

Good god, the devastation!

I still think they were going to have Goto as G1 winner, but the injury...I dunno. Naito still feels like a quick fix to a big problem, instead of "IT WAS NAITO ALL ALONG" - kinda bummed about the voting, but Nak vs Tanahashi is absolutely going to tear the roof off, and Tanahashi will win. I'd stake my life on it, uguu~

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't bet on Styles making it to WWE. MAYBE as a trainer. He's too old and has nothing to offer.

Also yes Bootaaay I am confident we will see Bob Sapp.


Naito is too dull in comparison to Tanahashi, Okada or Nakamura. Great wrestler, but he hasn't really got any character.

Goto isn't as charismatic as Tanahashi or Nakamura by any means, but I think him vs Okada would have main evented regardless. He has the samurai thing going anyway, so he'd have a cool entrance for WK.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Naito is too dull in comparison to Tanahashi, Okada or Nakamura. Great wrestler, but he hasn't really got any character.

Goto isn't as charismatic as Tanahashi or Nakamura by any means, but I think him vs Okada would have main evented regardless. He has the samurai thing going anyway, so he'd have a cool entrance for WK.

2014 is gonna be the year of the CHAOS implosion and Goto's year*. Mark my words!

* barring injury
It's pretty much make or break time for both Goto & Naito. More so for Goto. He NEEDS that IWGP win.

Also yes Bootaaay I am confident we will see Bob Sapp.

I just hope it isn't as Yano's mystery partner - I'm OK with seeing Sapp, but I'd rather it not be a 'surprise', lol.

Speaking of, surely Mutoh has to win 'Troll of the Year' award? Puts on an awesome W-1 debut show, then for the main event his mystery opponents are...Rene Dupree & Zodiac? UGH. And Mutoh's mystery partner is....holy shit, is that Ric Flair's music? Oh. No, no it's not Ric Flair. It's Bob Sappuuuuuuu.


Most anticlimactic end to a show, ever.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's pretty much make or break time for both Goto & Naito. More so for Goto. He NEEDS that IWGP win.

I just hope it isn't as Yano's mystery partner - I'm OK with seeing Sapp, but I'd rather it not be a 'surprise', lol.

Speaking of, surely Mutoh has to win 'Troll of the Year' award? Puts on an awesome W-1 debut show, then for the main event his mystery opponents are...Rene Dupree & Zodiac? UGH. And Mutoh's mystery partner is....holy shit, is that Ric Flair's music? Oh. No, no it's not Ric Flair. It's Bob Sappuuuuuuu.

Most anticlimactic end to a show, ever.

This is why you're getting Bob Sappu. Plus he was here for WK7 so might as well...Just be prepared.
bjork posting in Wrassle-GAF again? I feel like it's 2007 again.

Maybe I should start posting serious wrasslin' shit again that won't be pushed aside by stupid AJ pics and shitty WWE fanart by people who have had actual contact with women not using the Transitive Property of Mathematics.
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