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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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The main difference between HHH and Vince is that Vince was always willing to be made to look like a jackass/get his ass kicked. Always. Even today.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How often did Vince get a stunner on someone? The few times he ever 'beat someone up' was when he had a platoon of interference. Triple H thinks he should be booked 'retired' as he was active.


Titus O'Neil had the best spinaroonie in the competition tonight.
CM Punk had the best post-spinaroonie celebration with his extended hug of Stephanie.


Just caught up on Raw.


Pretty much perfect in my mind:

-Crowd going fucking apeshit for Bryan the entire time. Mr. H literally had to stop talking those Bryan chants were so loud.

-Daniel Bryan, Yes and BORING chants during Orton's promo. Perfection.

-Serious Cena promo. He kinda used Bryan to get over with the crowd, but whatever. Kept Bryan over too.

-That brawl at the end... holy shit. Punk getting involved was awesome. I swear that was the first time he's left the punkverse in like 6 months. Then Hunter buries Orton to Daniel Bryan chants to go off the air? toooooooooo good

if bryan doesn't get some kind of push after this show, he never will.

he never will and we all know it

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

I miss heel Cole


Just finished watching RAW. Pretty legit shook I didn't make the drive down to Seattle to watch, but I would have ended up being solo anyway. Next time the WWE comes to Seattle, I'm going no matter what. GAFers that went, you all and that Seattle audience did me proud. Thank you!

Anyway. That last segment got me thinking... The main players were Orton, Triple H, Cena, Punk, Bryan and HBK.

If YOU were booking Wrestlemania and had the option of using these 6 superstars, how would you use them?

Here are the rules:

1. One on One matches ONLY

2. Why are they facing each other?

3. You are allowed to substitute HBK for any current WWE superstar

For me it would be:

Cena vs Bryan

For the Unified Title. Bryan wins the Rumble while Cena is current champ. Seems like a no-brainer, huge re-match potential. I don't know if Bryan's current popularity will last all the way to 'Mania though.

HHH vs Punk

HHH is the face of "The Authority" and Punk is the leader of the anti-establishment. Plus, who else can these guys face? Lesnar? Undertaker? HBK? I don't think so.

Orton vs KANE

I really don't think HBK is ever going to come out of retirement, so I'm substituting Kane for him. Kane will act as the Authority representative and has been tasked with taking out Orton who is back to being a loose cannon after losing to Cena at TLC.

What say you all?


Cena/Bryan II really should be their WM event. Lets them keep up the "HHH/Steph try to hold him back" storyline while giving him main stage exposure.


I watched the end part. A lot of what Cena said about Orton actually applies to him too. Orton looked like He wanted to jump in when Cena grabbed Bryan. AE Stone Cold, Rock or Triple H would have interrupted Cena and buried him at that moment.
I wish they brought back Brock, dead man and rock for tonight's finale.. Woulda been awesome. I wanna say Stone Cold and Edge but I don't know how it would work out with them two


I watched the end part. A lot of what Cena said about Orton actually applies to him too.

Of course it does but if he doesn't want to get booed.

Cena/Bryan, HHH/Punk, and Brock/Taker, are probably good enough matchups to feel Wrestlemania worthy. I think Orton is the odd man out, but honestly with the way he's been booked the crowd really has no reason to care about him. Which is sad since he was super over as a face. I bet he'll end up facing a returning Sheamus.


Austin should never be brought back if they're going to keep him PG, blur out fingers, bleep out everything he says. He also can't wrestle so it's just a big cock tease. It's for the best he has made so few appearances since the PG era started.
Miz face here

So many good expressions in this segment

He's proud of his NXT pupil.

The crowd burying this last segment is SO good. Feels amazing. I hate this feud and I hate this company for making me watch this garbage again.

EDIT: OMG but of course Cena attaches himself to the Bryan cheers so he isn't booed out of the building. I HATE HIM SO MUCH
Ugh, look at this wrestling hipster. Talon was right about you, you better watch out when his account finally gets approved.

Someday, it may be soon, it may be a ways off, but someday Bean Breath is going to get banned for hate speech.


You're about as white as John Cena.

OK, that was pretty much suddenly the best build to a PPV Main Event match than any in recent memory... Gotta give credit where credit is due. But it was about time.
Feel the same way.

John Cena is a master on the mic.
Kawakami tries to murder Sekimoto;



The main difference between HHH and Vince is that Vince was always willing to be made to look like a jackass/get his ass kicked. Always. Even today.

This, so much this. Vince always allowed himself to be the butt of jokes. His plans were sometimes Wiley Coyote-esque in the way they backfired against him and you knew it'd only make him all the more crazy the next week. Fucking Vince, guy's a legend.


Retired HHH is booked just like retired Bill Watts in Mid South/UWF.

Except Bill Watts didn't stick his nose in every week, that's the real trouble with Hunter. It's all about him and his angle and it's painfully obvious that he's positioned himself as the real focus of the feud. Also, Watts got a tennis racket beat down from Jim Cornette - no way in hell H's would allow some scrawny, four-eyed manager beat him up, regardless of whether it was "good for business" or not.


Punk/HHH at Mania would be pretty cool. I'd love to hear Punk bring up 2011 in his promos. Makes sense from a story perspective at this point, too.

Bryan/Cena II makes sense too, but I really can't see them going through with it. It'll be Bryan/HBK at Mania (which will hopefully be the 5 star match we all expect it to be), and Cena... vs. someone boring. Orton again? Sure why not.
I wonder if the three Japanese Wrestling fans here are embraced by the greater Weeaboo community of Gaf (Anime, Manga, JRPG, J-POP, J-Drama, JAV)?

Are you guys at the bottom of the totem pole? Do they even acknowledge you at all? What happens if you even bring the subject up in one of the aforementioned threads?
Woo, Global League Finals have surfaced;

Takeshi Morishima vs Yuji Nagata - Global League FINAL - (NOAH 11/10/13)

I wonder if the three Japanese Wrestling fans here are embraced by the greater Weeaboo community of Gaf (Anime, Manga, JRPG, J-POP, J-Drama, JAV)?

Are you guys at the bottom of the totem pole? Do they even acknowledge you at all? What happens if you even bring the subject up in one of the aforementioned threads?

Who knows? I see no reason why I'd talk wrestling in those threads, although I guess there's some cross-over with AnimeGAF, due to their being a pro-wrestling anime currently airing;



I think the example of "Triple H making everything about him" that sticks out to me the most is Summerslam 2011.

Kevin "Big Homie" Nash jackknife'd Punk out of the WWE Championship via Del Rio cash-in. What happened with this feud? Did CM Punk get to go over the veteran Nash? Nope! it was all constructed so that Triple Fucking H got to be the one that get's the win over Nash AND CM PUNK. Amazing work, Hunter.


Kawakami tries to murder Sekimoto;



This, so much this. Vince always allowed himself to be the butt of jokes. His plans were sometimes Wiley Coyote-esque in the way they backfired against him and you knew it'd only make him all the more crazy the next week. Fucking Vince, guy's a legend.


Except Bill Watts didn't stick his nose in every week, that's the real trouble with Hunter. It's all about him and his angle and it's painfully obvious that he's positioned himself as the real focus of the feud. Also, Watts got a tennis racket beat down from Jim Cornette - no way in hell H's would allow some scrawny, four-eyed manager beat him up, regardless of whether it was "good for business" or not.

It's more that even retired, he has no problem bowing up and putting dudes who it makes little sense to be cowering to an old, retired, and fat wrestler. I think HHH thinks of himself as Bill Watts, especially when he was face COO.


I think the example of "Triple H making everything about him" that sticks out to me the most is Summerslam 2011.

Kevin "Big Homie" Nash jackknife'd Punk out of the WWE Championship via Del Rio cash-in. What happened with this feud? Did CM Punk get to go over the veteran Nash?

Nope! it was all constructed so that Triple Fucking H got to be the one that get's the win over Nash AND CM PUNK. Amazing work, Hunter.



it writes itself

with hunter going over
Woo, Global League Finals have surfaced;

Takeshi Morishima vs Yuji Nagata - Global League FINAL - (NOAH 11/10/13)

Who knows? I see no reason why I'd talk wrestling in those threads, although I guess there's some cross-over with AnimeGAF, due to their being a pro-wrestling anime currently airing;


It's just something I've been noticing lately. Usually when weeaboos post about their obsession with Japanese culture, their fetishization of Japanese women, or itinerary advice for their pilgrimage to Japan, wrestling never ever comes up.


MY WM30 predictions:

  • Bryan VS HBK
  • Cena VS Undertaker for the title
  • Triple H VS Vince's guy (BROCK LESNARR or Sheamus)
  • CM Punk VS Randal
  • Bad News Barrett vs Fandango
  • Mark Henry VS Big E. for IC title
  • Reigns VS Ambrose for the US title
  • Cody vs Goldust (Goldy wants to know who the better brother is, both of them are faces)
  • Rey vs Sin Cara for Eddie's Car
  • Rollins vs Cesaro because Zeb found out Rollins REAL NAME is Seth Lopez AKA ILLEGAL McBORDER-HOPPER
  • Pre-Show: R Truth vs Kofi in BANDANNA ON A POLE MATCH.
It's just something I've been noticing lately. Usually when weeaboos post about their obsession with Japanese culture, their fetishization of Japanese women, or itinerary advice for their pilgrimage to Japan, wrestling never ever comes up.

Thinking about it, I don't see the stereotypical weeaboo types going on about any Japanese sports. I guess sports don't appeal to them, no matter the country of origin.

strobogo said:
I think HHH thinks of himself as Bill Watts, especially when he was face COO.

Yeah, that makes sense - when H's was a face, he seemed to relish in the crowd popping for his music whenever he had to come out to the ring to sort things out. It seems fairly similar to they way the heels in Mid-South were always a little bit terrified of taking things too far and raising the ire of the Cowboy.


Hunter needs to stay away from WM main events. Who knows how much longer Punk stays around, so if he only has a short few WM matches left, why waste them with this guy? The Lesnar and Taker feuds were hard to watch because it felt like each time they met Triple H always put himself on their level, and during the matches he would be the one dominating and losing in the end because of his own mistakes.
MY WM30 predictions:

  • Bryan VS HBK Sheamus
  • Cena VS Undertaker The Rock for the title
  • Triple H VS Vince's guy (BROCK LESNARR or Sheamus Orton)
  • CM Punk VS Randal The Miz
  • Bad News Beautiful Baron Barrett Barrage vs Fandango
  • Mark Henry VS Big E. for IC title
  • Reigns VS Ambrose for the US title
  • Cody vs Goldust (Goldy wants to know who the better brother is, both of them are faces)
  • Rey vs Sin Cara for Eddie's Car
  • Rollins vs Cesaro because Zeb found out Rollins REAL NAME is Seth Lopez AKA ILLEGAL McBORDER-HOPPER
  • Pre-Show: R Truth Ziggler vs Kofi in BANDANNA ON A POLE MATCH.



just finished tonight's Raw. what an ending. they've also done the impossible and made me want Orton to win just to shove it up Cena and The Authority's asses. of course he probably won't win.
It would've been better if they'd USED Brad and Vickie as Triple H's incompetent lackies and only had H, himself, come in once in a while to "clean up", as they say. Brad and Vickie made no sense when Hunner and Steph were always in the building to take care of shit, but they could've been the Wile E. Coyote types Senor Boots described Vince as being, allowing Bryan/whoever to get the better of The Authority without HHH having to be vulnerable or whatever. He could still come in and bury once in a while, then lose the "big one" when it counted, and it'd be more resonant to the way corporations are ACTUALLY run and would make sense as a contemporary analog to the more cartoony AE Vince.

I think alot of this stuff is probably Vince and Steph's idea, but Trips has too big of an ego to say no when it comes to making himself look good on TV.

Edit: Punk looked SUPER weird when he was muscular. He's ultimately just not a guy with a "wrestler look" in terms of body, but he makes more sense as the skinny fatass.


So not worth it
I did enjoy the crowd shitting over all the rigged votes, I am however enjoying even more reading all the rage on the internet.

It's like these people all started watching WWE last year lol.


So not worth it
Weird how the anouncers keep acknowledging Bryan's chants and the handshake between Cena and Bryan. Normally WWE ignores when shit is happening they don't want happening, which would mean that they want Bryan in this spot.

Which they obviously don't, so it's weird, why isn't Vince telling us who to chant for? WHY VINCE? He must have been sleeping, it was really late for an old guy like him after all.



TNA Turning Point 2005

Sabu vs Abyss Barbed Wire Massacre

I forgot that Sabu had a pretty significant run(s) in TNA. Sabu comes out with a bat. Six sides of barbed wire! I think my favorite thing about Sabu is how he'd just chuck chairs at people. The very first pin fall is broken up by Sabu getting thrown face first into the wire. The fans in the front row were great. They have a punch contest. Sabu goes down when he gets punched in his broken nose. The camera completely misses a snake eyes into the ropes. It was blocked by a barbed wire board. Sabu gets a spike or scissors out and repeatedly gigs Abyss' arm. Sabu attempts Air Sabu and goes leg first into the wire. Abyss' arm is shredded. Drop toe hold into the wire. JEEEZZZUS! Sabu keeps forgetting that he can't run the ropes. Chokeslam on a chair. Now there is a chair wrapped in barbed wire. Abyss puts it on Sabu and tries an Earthquake Tremor. Sabu puts the chair up. Sabu does two chair shots with the wired wrapped chair. Abyss rolls under the bottom wire. Sabu comes flying out with a crazy dive. Sabu throws a giant board covered in wire into the ring. Abyss suplexes him on to the wire from the floor. Sabu has puncture marks everywhere, his pants are all tattered up, Abyss' arm is all blood from just above the elbow down. Face first press slam on the wire board. CZFNW! Another board is brought in the ring. Abyss runs face first into it. Sabu sandwiches him between both boards and does an Arabian facebuster. ON HIS FUCKING FACE. Sabu wins. Brutal match.





We get a run down of the rest of the show.

EARLIER TODAY. Jeff Jarrett arrived in his limo. AMW arrived with him, but no Gail Kim. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!? Elsewhere, Rhino arrived in a truck.

TO THE BACK. Shane Douglas turns with the 4 Live Kru. FUCKING KONNAN. Christ. I can't get away from this cunt. The recently released Billy Gunn is now apart of this group, as Kip James. They talk about violating people. Elsewhere, Abyss is getting stitched up.

Replays from the match. We have a lot of time to kill to get the ring cleaned up and the ropes put up.

Austin Aries/Matt Bentley vs Alex Shelley/Roderick Strong

A Double! He's put on a lot of mass in the last 7 years. Fucking Matt Bentley. He was the weak link of his TWA class. By far. Yet he had a pretty long run in TNA. Stupid ass Bentley Bounce. Alex and Austin start out. I'm not into this. I turn away for a second and Roderick is doing wacky back breakers. Lionsault from Baby Bear. I don't know why, but this isn't keeping my attention at all, even when Bentley isn't in the ring. Doomsday dropkick/powerbomb/backbreaker. Austin kicks out. That should be a death move. Hot tag to HBK's cousin who does all of HBK's moves, but worse. Flatliner. Flying elbow. Alex stops all that with an enziguri. Fireman gut buster from Roddy, followed with a top rope senton from Alex. Roaring elbow into a superkick. Bentley pins Shelley.



TO THE BACK. Monty Brown is talking to a Bob the Builder doll as if it is Christian. Shane tries to stir some shit up. Christian couldn't take his spot even if he gave it to him. What? "G'd up from the feet up." Monty says some words that even Scott Steiner would call foul on, like magniliquently and rhetorician. The SWERVE is on you because those are real words. Jeff Jarrett shows up and says Monty Brown just doesn't get it. Christian is the golden child and flavor of the month. TNA management doesn't care what Monty does. Monty Brown is the face of TNA in 2006.


Raven vs Chris K.

Kanyon was a mystery opponent chosen by Larry Zbyszko, who is trying to get Raven to sign his release. Raven cuts a terribly cheesy promo before the match. Chris K, WE KNOW WHO THAT IS! Kanyon goes to work with a sweet neck breaker. He was basically retired by 2005. He had a bad injury in WWE before getting released, then another one once he was released. This is probably the last televised or taped match that he had. He definitely looks like he hasn't wrestled for a while. Raven also was fat and bloated as fuck. Second rope fameasser. Missed moonsault. Raven now does the ankle lock. They brawl to the stage. Raven hip tosses Kanyon down the ramp. Kanyon blocks the chair drop toe hold. He attempts the fameasser on it. Raven counters it into a powerbomb and hits the Evenflow for the win. Larry tries to get Raven to sign the release again. Raven won't do it and slaps Larry. Security has to hold them apart.


TO THE BACK. Shane talks with Team Canada. Bobby Roode is missing. Apparently, Petey was slapping EY a lot back then. He blocks a slap and says he's sick of Petey hitting him. So Coach D'Amore slaps him instead. Jeff Jarrett walks in with Bobby Roooooo and wants to know what management meant by the face of TNA changing in 2006.

4 Live Kru vs Team Canada

Fucking Konnan. Why do the wrestling gods insist on making me watch Konnan matches? I'm not even going to dignify this match. Konnan SWERVED Billy Gunn with a chair shot. Team Canada wins. He also hit Road Dogg after the match. He gave Truth a hug, though.


. Shane talks with the Diamonds in the Ruff. Prime Time BUILT THIS HOUSE. This is wrasslin, not baseball. A New Age Outlaws chant drowns out most of the promo. I love baseball puns in promos.

Chris Sabin/Sonjay Dutt/Dale Torborg vs Diamonds In The Rough

Bobby Heenan does commentary for the match. AJ Pierzynski got into a scuffle with these guys and now we have the BASEBRAWL with the Demon. Johnny Damon is also in the crowd. Bobby is already bumming me out. This was before he got really sick, but he sounds like Dick Clark after the stroke. Skipper and Sabin start out. Did you know that Prime Time is a grandpa? Isn't that fucking weird? Bobby puts TNA over huge saying this is the best wrestling promotion he's seen in 10 years. Prime Time falls on his head getting rid of an arm bar. Bobby tells some stories about his time in Chicago as Tenay doesn't pay attention AT ALL to the match. Not a single bit. It's minutes in before he even calls a move. Lol, The Demon is on fire! He press slams Sonjay into the Diamonds. "We'll smarten West up sooner or later, right?" "No." Lol. Brain still had great timing even if he was hard to understand sometimes. The VIPs are here tonight, such as the former guitarist for Creed, and a high school teacher. Elix tries to break Sonjay's neck so he won't be alone in the hospital tonight. Spinebuster from David West. Bobby popped for it. Demon hits a terrible falling chokeslam on Simon Diamond. Assisted Asai DDT from Sonjay and Sabin. Hesitation dropkick from Sabin. Double dives. Simon hits Demon in the diamonds. Demon is hit with a shin protector. AJ pulls the ref out. Brain distracts the ref. Johnny Damon gives AJ a home plate, which is used to hit Diamond with. Sabin hits the Cradle Shock and Sonjay wins with the Phoenix Splash. All the players celebrate and waste time.



TO THE BACK. Shane Douglas talks with Christian about his upcoming match with Monty Brown. Christian tries to get a chant going. It starts. Eventually, but dies out seconds later. He thinks he's Rock or something. He's just a dot faced CLB. That's how I roll, you're going to get served...so very mid 2000s.

Christian Cage vs Monty Brown Number One Contender Match

A lot of attitude to start the match. Lol, Tenay says something about ow you have to prove yourself in TNA and don't get title shots based on promo ability. Christian dodges the POOOOOOUUUNCEEE and does Monty's taunt, which makes Tenay do a fake laugh worse than every Cole fake laugh ever. Christian gets out of a press slam and sends Monty to the floor. Big cross body. Monty counters the Unprettier into an electric chair. He then press slams Christian to the floor. A short bit on the floor before heading back in the ring. Flapjack Norton. Christian blocks a t-bone, but couldn't block the belly to belly. High knee in the corner. Christian holds on to the turn buckle as Monty tries to pull him out of the corner. The buckle came off. Christian does the Bret corner bump on the other side. Bow and arrow around the ring post. Monty is posted. Christian makes his come back. Crushing tornado DDT. Frog splash. Monty kicks out. Ref bump. Alpha Bomb! Monty would have won if the ref was in place. Monty goes into the exposed buckle. Unprettier. Christian wins and is the number one contender.


TO THE BACK. Shane talks with Team 3D. Lol, Bubba was so fat. Fuck, Devon looks fat as fuck, too. They've been in Japan. Bubba says AMW are going to tastes SOME MOTHER EFFEN DUDLEY 3D WOOD.

AMW vs Team 3D Tables Match

3D attack on the stage. I really hated 3D at this time. Super, super stale. They had been since 2002. They would be until Bully Ray. Braden Walker had a terrible mustache at the time. Fuck the match. It's every Dudley tables match you've ever seen. 3D won. James Storm was injured during the match and was still in the ring after the Joe/AJ promo package.

Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles X Division Championship

Oh shit. I was just watching this for Kanyon and had no idea I was getting AJ vs Joe and a barbed wire match. AJ attacks right away, pissed that Joe tried to kill Chris Daniels on Impact. Joe had random bleached spots in his hair. Looks terrible. AJ hits the great dropkick right in the jaw. AJ has studied Joe's war crate and knows how to doge everything. Joe unloads some kicks and sends AJ to the floor. Joe Cesaro's AJ into the guard rail. Joe was a bad mother fucker in 2005. Flying kick thing out on the floor. Didn't look very good. King Kong knee drop. Joe knocks AJ around for a while. Flapjack Norton and senton. Remember when Joe was fat, but it was a good thing? AJ gets pissed. Joe shuts him down with a slap to the face and brutal face wash. Joe continues to knock the shit out of AJ like he's trying to get money. AJ does a springboard something, countered into a powerbomb. Joe goes for the STF, which AJ rolls out of, but is then locked into a Boston crab. Then that high angle crab where you grab a dude under his knees. A desperation back drop sends Joe to the floor. AJ does the Fosbury Flop. He follows it with a springboard forearm to the back of the head. AJ flips out of a German suplex. Backflip into reverse DDT. Joe hits a powerslam that looked dangerously close to AJ getting spiked on his head. Joe starts throwing as many bombs as he can. AJ dodges most of them. Spin kick. Joe is rocked. Both guys are bleeding from the mouth. Full on powerbomb from AJ. LARIATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. JEEEEEZUSSS. AJ is dead! But he kicked out! Tiger Driver. AJ kicks out! Pele! AJ attempts a muscle buster. He instead did a terrible Styles Clash. Joe kicks out. AJ went up top. Joe shoves the ref into the ropes. AJ still manages a roll up, which Joe turns into a rear naked choke. AJ passes out. New champ! This match was rad. It's weird seeing Joe being awesome and giving a shit. It's been so long. Joe attacked AJ after the match and laid out some security members. He continues until Chris Daniels makes the save. Security eventually breaks it up before Joe can give Daniels another concussion.





. Shane talks to Rhino. He's going to GORE GORE GORE Double J to death. Literally.

Jeff Jarrett vs Rhino NWA Championship

Jeff does a great dropkick in the opening moments. The story of this match is Jeff is the experienced "superstar" while Rhino is the every day guy with less experience but a never say die attitude. Rhino does the Backlund lift. I'm a mark for that move. Pescado from Rhino. It quickly heads into the crowd. It then heads near the backstage area. Jeff is down. Now he's bleeding. I guess this is no count out or DQ. Rhino is using a chair and they've been outside of the ring for 4 minutes. They fight up some scaffolding. Rhino gets knocked off, landing on a table. Back to the stage. Suplex on the I think heel ramp. Rhino seems to have recovered just fine from that huge fall. He sets up a table near the entrance and GORE GORE GORES Jeff through the table. Kind of. The table didn't actually break, but instead slid. Team Canada attack Rhino and throw him down the entrance hole. They help Jeff back to the ring. The ref is counting now, even though 90% of this match has been outside the ring. Lol, Rhino is totally fine and runs back to the ring. Petey and EY get thrown out. Spinebuster. Petey interferes again and is ejected. Superplex from Jeff. Rhino hits a TKO. Jeff kicks out. The ref gets GORED in the corner. Stroke is countered into a belly to belly. Bobby Roooooooo comes out. A1 gets GORED. Rooooooo hits the Northern Lariatoooo. Rhino still kicks out. Jeff gets his guitar. He hits Rhino. Rhino kicks out! Jackie Gayda comes out, giving Jeff the business. GORE! Jeff kicks out. Rhino sets two chairs up. He attempts a super Rhino Driver. Scott D'Amore hits Rhino with a flag pole. Jeff does a super Stroke (lol) onto the chairs. Title retained. Lol. 5 men, 1 woman, 2 tables, 2 chairs, a guitar, and Jeff kicking out of the GORE. Sounds like TNA. The lights go out. Sting's music hits. When the lights come back on, a duster, boots, and bat are in a chair in the middle of the ring.



DQ Count: 0 out of 9 matches.

AJ/Joe was pretty dope. The rest was hit and miss, but most of the matches had one or two decent spots. Monty/Christian was decent, but was sorely lacking in POOOOOOOOOUNCE. The main event was typical over booked fluff for Jarrett to go over.
WWE really needs to address the number of main event level heels. This is the current crop of over upper echelon heels:

HHH: Wrestles once or twice a year
Orton: Is more over on name value, his current heel run hasn't been very good
Lesnar: Has three of four matches a year

That's it, one full timer. Yes, I know Cena is a "heel" in many places, but he's not booked as one and doesn't do "bad guy" stuff, so he doesn't out. After that, you have The Shield who are about ready to split, and everything points to Reigns getting a huge babyface push. With Cena, Punk, and Bryan already as main event level babyfaces, things are out of wack. Sheamus HAS to come back as a heel, plus they could still use another two big heels. Ambrose needs to be pushed as a huge heel right along opposite Reigns


So not worth it
Oh, that's why, Bryan is jobbing at the Rumble again.

This is just to get our hopes up that he loses via screwjob at the Rumble and then goes on to win the Rumble for another shot at Orton at Mania. Just so Cena can win that by eliminating him.

Fuck you WWE.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Oh, that's why, Bryan is jobbing at the Rumble again.

This is just to get our hopes up that he loses via screwjob at the Rumble and then goes on to win the Rumble for another shot at Orton at Mania. Just so Cena can win that by eliminating him.

Fuck you WWE.
It's like you started watching WWE last year lol.

you set yourself up


Should TNA not have ditched the six-sided ring? Has it even made a difference?

I think they should have kept it just for a clear visual difference. Also, the best thing about TNA PLUS is that all of their PPVs are 360P, even the ones that were filmed in HD.
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