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Defiance |OT| If Borderlands was a B2P MMO with a SyFy TV-series half-sister


also when does the show that it is linked with begin?

I have it for PS3. Some others have complained about the lack of players, but as far as my personal experience, I always see several other players, and the number of players seem to be increasing.

The random groups I have joined for co-op missions have all been pretty good/fun and the random players were friendly.

The text chat system kind of sucks ass, so unless your on a mic (which, in it's current state, isn't great either), communication is limited.

so generally speaking, would you recommend it for PS3?


Looking for more people to play with:

Anyone on US servers got space in a clan/guild? If so, toss an invite to Motherboy (me).



In the Beta I was happy with LMGs. For retail I went ARs. Tried LMGs again for a bit because I'm was out of good ARs to level.

LMGs are really strong.

Made it to what I think is the last zone and found a major Arkfall. I got one of my final shots checked off now! The Arkfall achievement is pretty tough. In the final zone you only need 100 revives, but 1000 kills. Currently I have almost the same number of kills and revives.

I'm getting a real kick out of so many people feeling the same way about the game as me. It's not a great game, but it's really great fun.

It's probably my 1H/2013 GOTY :x


also when does the show that it is linked with begin?

so generally speaking, would you recommend it for PS3?
The show starts on the 14th.

If you're looking for the next great/epic game that will blow your mind in every way possible...no, I would not recommend it.

If you're looking for something that's just fun as hell to play with a TON of possible upside (free DLC, patches coming to improve some of the negatives, etc)...yes, I would definitely recommend it.


Bought this today and sunk 8 hours into it, really enjoying it so far. I don't know if this is normal or not but the big Arkfall events kept popping up. At first I ignored them because I was a afraid I was to under level but when the radio mission bugged out on me I decided to go to on. Was a fucking blast, I ended up going to each one that popped up. Tons of people were there and I was surprised there wasn't any slow down, or at least none that I noticed.

Going to have to check out the PVP as well. Kind of bummed it's not open world and the from what I saw in the matchmaking options it seems like the max amount of players is 8. I could have just been looking at the wrong thing though at least I hope I was. I also might spend a couple of extra dollars and buy my dude some clothes, the default Veteran ones are kind of shit.

And is it just me or does this game not feel like an MMO at all? My only experience with MMOs is Star Wars: Galaxies so my views may be a bit skewed. I didn't see anyone talking in the chat besides one guy seeing if it worked, whereas in Galaxies people were always talking. There also doesn't seem to be a player gathering area either, I saw people out and about but unless there was an Arkfall there was no large groups of players just hanging out.

One final thing and I'm done with my ramblings but I didn't get to pick a server, I'm on PC, and was wondering if anyone else got to. Does it just automatically assign you one after you create your character?
There's only two "region" servers, EU and NA (that you select in the patcher options).
So you're able to play everyone on either EU or NA at any given time, and you can at any time switch and play with another character on the other region server.

Yeah, it doesn't really feel like an MMO, but rather like a regular TPS in which random players occasionally pop up in your "game" and help you out in quests - and then turns into an MMO around the ark falls.
Where can cosmetic clothing be bought outside of using real money? I noticed the head gear at the starting camp, is there anything else?
The join phase option on 360 still isn't functioning properly so co-oping through the story missions is hit or miss.

it only allows 4 players to a group and from what I can tell the 4 should be able to go through the story missions if the Join Phase option were functioning properly. sometimes it does most times not and when it does seem like it works the mission usually bugs out and we have to abandon the mission.

Trion has been releasing updates daily so I have confidence they'll get things ironed out...eventually.


Bought it yesterday and played it for a couple of hours. Seems cool so far, but there is so much stuff I don´t understand.

-what do the numbers next to my guns mean?
-where are my stats?
-I´m leveling up, but what for? Does anything increase?
-where can I buy stuff with in-game currency?
-how do I open up the slots under my perk?
-I picked up modifiers - how do I use them?

Where is all this stuff explained? Did I miss something?
The number on the gun is the required ego level. I've not encountered a gun I can't equip yet though, so I think maybe that's mostly just to keep you from trading super high stat guns to a low level character.
You don't have stats in the traditional sense, but gain more proficiency with weapon/vehicle types as you use them.
Ego level unlocks things like more perk slots, more inventory space, extra loadouts, and other stuff.
There are stores labelled on the map. They basically look like dumpsters.
Mods are very confusingly handled, your gun needs to have the appropriate type of empty slot, you can eventually unlock the ability to add slots to it.


The number on the gun is the required ego level. I've not encountered a gun I can't equip yet though, so I think maybe that's mostly just to keep you from trading super high stat guns to a low level character.
You don't have stats in the traditional sense, but gain more proficiency with weapon/vehicle types as you use them.
Ego level unlocks things like more perk slots, more inventory space, extra loadouts, and other stuff.
There are stores labelled on the map. They basically look like dumpsters.
Mods are very confusingly handled, your gun needs to have the appropriate type of empty slot, you can eventually unlock the ability to add slots to it.

Thank you - that helps a lot. It´s also pretty disappointing since this means there is no grinding in this game.

So I will basically never encounter a mission that I´m not powerful enough for?

One more question: What is my "power level"? Where can I see it and how do I increase it?
When "Power level increased" shows up on screen, that means you hit a certain ego level that unlocks something. Sometimes when you log in it shows you the last milestone "power level" you hit, like if you hit 50, but are currently at ego level 59 or something. A bit confusing, and not sure if it's intentional to show up like that.

You increase the ego level by killing stuff, completing quests, leveling up proficiencies, and finishing pursuits (the achievement-like things).
Thank you - that helps a lot. It´s also pretty disappointing since this means there is no grinding in this game.

So I will basically never encounter a mission that I´m not powerful enough for?

One more question: What is my "power level"? Where can I see it and how do I increase it?

The game scales with you as you get higher up in the EGO ranks. Right now I'm Rank 1,044 and i still can get killed from enemies at the beginning of the game.
Wait a second, your selling the game due to enemies scaling level with you? Huh okay i guess. I can understand that a bit. Me personally i rather have it that way, its boring as hell running around older areas and just kill everything in one bullet.


The game scales with you as you get higher up in the EGO ranks. Right now I'm Rank 1,044 and i still can get killed from enemies at the beginning of the game.

Actually, although the outcome is very much the same you are not strictly speaking correct in this statement.

General mobs (outside of Arkfalls) do not actually scale with you. In fact unlike most MMO's your own character does not really increase in power/strength except through the increase in available perks/loadout slots which is why mobs in the "lower" areas can still pose you problems if you play carelessly. Weapons similarly don't get massive boosts as you progress but modification options etc. do.

Arkfall mobs do however scale but that is dependent on the number of player characters in the immediate vicinity.


Wait a second, your selling the game due to enemies scaling level with you? Huh okay i guess. I can understand that a bit. Me personally i rather have it that way, its boring as hell running around older areas and just kill everything in one bullet.

Becoming more powerful is what I like the most about games like this.

This game has no stats, no "levels" and enemies that scale with you.

As an MMO this game is almost pointless to me.

It´s probably just not the game I thought it was.


Unconfirmed Member
Becoming more powerful is what I like the most about games like this.

This game has no stats, no "levels" and enemies that scale with you.

As an MMO this game is almost pointless to me.

It´s probably just not the game I thought it was.

I think that's the case yeah and I don't blame you for it, even during their streams though they called this more of a shooter with MMO trappings. Personally I'd call it more of a shooter set in a persistent world.

It's not really a traditional MMO and it's all the better for it IMO. From my experience so far some weapons will make the job easier than others (for example I got a cracking pump action shotgun which fires 'fire' pellets recently which is deadly) but it's all about the skill and movement rather than just outlevelling everything. Now admittedly the enemies aren't exactly clever but basically I spend a lot of my time rolling like a mother fucker trying to take other enemies out :p Then you get the slightly more powerful enemies that take longer to kill that you have to be really careful with. I find it quite exciting myself but I can completely understand it not appealing to others.
Actually, although the outcome is very much the same you are not strictly speaking correct in this statement.

General mobs (outside of Arkfalls) do not actually scale with you. In fact unlike most MMO's your own character does not really increase in power/strength except through the increase in available perks/loadout slots which is why mobs in the "lower" areas can still pose you problems if you play carelessly. Weapons similarly don't get massive boosts as you progress but modification options etc. do.

Arkfall mobs do however scale but that is dependent on the number of player characters in the immediate vicinity.

Okay, this sums it up and makes it more clear even for me. Thank you correcting my misleading statement.


Okay, this sums it up and makes it more clear even for me. Thank you correcting my misleading statement.

Does not change what I think is a fundamental problem with this game:

In fact unlike most MMO's your own character does not really increase in power/strength (....) Weapons similarly don't get massive boosts as you progress (....)


Does not change what I think is a fundamental problem with this game:

Funny, I consider that a plus. I always thought it was silly to segregate content by level. Makes it harder to stay on par with friends and makes lowbie content a ghost town after launch.


Funny, I consider that a plus. I always thought it was silly to segregate content by level. Makes it harder to stay on par with friends and makes lowbie content a ghost town after launch.

Exactly. I'm 50 or 60 EGO levels above my buddy I play with. In a normal MMO, we either couldn't play together, or it would be no fun for one of us.

I'm really digging the way Defiance is built.


formerly "chigiri"
Does not change what I think is a fundamental problem with this game:

The game is built around group-play with friends, so that it's always positively challenging when playing together. Speccs and weapon modifications make you significantly more powerful, however not to the extent that you can effectively steamroll things.
The progression is slow but at ego level 169 I killing the early mobs at probably double the speed I was when I first started. EGO level itself doesn't make you do more damage, but it does open up opportunities to loot better gear and mods. I got my first legendary - a pistol >< but man with that I can run around the NW corner where the game starts and one shot everything. So I definitely wouldn't say the game levels with you. But I would say the levels themselves aren't big boosts. I mean you can get your ego level up in the thousands can't ya? With that I wouldn't expect a huge difference between 250 and 150, or whatever.

And for those asking earlier in the thread... I'm playing on the PS3. Plenty of players, we beat most of the major arkfalls during primetime (last night from afternoon till about midnight). After midnight we weren't beating the major ones but the minor ones were still cake.

And yeah... I played this game that long yesterday. Shit's addictive.


Funny, I consider that a plus. I always thought it was silly to segregate content by level. Makes it harder to stay on par with friends and makes lowbie content a ghost town after launch.
That's a big reason why I like this game as well. I'm not a big fan of traditional loot and progression systems.

Right now my two best ARs are a blue Votan Blast Rifle with electrical and a a purple carbine. Don't use either because they're leveled already.

I tried the Frontier SAW I was fond of in Beta.

The Frontier SAW is going to get nerfed right? It's a PvE monster. On a major Arkfall I finished with 500k more points in damage than the second place individual. I wasn't even trying for damage. I was going for kills and revives. After that Arkfall finished I found a minor Arkfall that was half-way done. Did the most damage there as well @_@ This is the cheap SAW that's available in front of Happy Pow Farms with mods from Iron Demon Ranch.


This game seems to be trying something different with the leveling, and I think it's interesting. Overall, this is a skill-based damage system. Hits and criticals are based on your shot placement, not random number generators. Yes, you don't gain raw stats as you level, but the higher level guns have more abilities, mod synergies and mod slots that do actually increase your effectiveness in combat over someone who's just starting the game.

Your skill tree also gets filled up as you level, which increases your damage output. There are a bunch of passive skills that can increase your damage:

- Increased critical chance
- Increased critical damage
- Increased "nano effect" chance (nano effects are things like igniting an enemy with a fire weapon)
- Increased chance to instantly reload your weapon (more DPS)
- Lower your grenade cooldown (more DPS)

Weapon mods can also increase stats like these, along with accuracy bonuses to help you land more shots, which increases your damage output. So there is progression in the game. Even though the damage increases aren't as drastic as traditional MMOs, you'll still kill enemies faster as you gain EGO rank.


That's a big reason why I like this game as well. I'm not a big fan of traditional loot and progression systems.

Right now my two best ARs are a blue Votan Blast Rifle with electrical and a a purple carbine. Don't use either because they're leveled already.

I tried the Frontier SAW I was fond of in Beta.

The Frontier SAW is going to get nerfed right? It's a PvE monster. On a major Arkfall I finished with 500k more points in damage than the second place individual. I wasn't even trying for damage. I was going for kills and revives. After that Arkfall finished I found a minor Arkfall that was half-way done. Did the most damage there as well @_@ This is the cheap SAW that's available in front of Happy Pow Farms with mods from Iron Demon Ranch.

Yeah, the Frontier SAW is unbelievably good. Throw some mods on that bitch and it will rip shit up. I hope they don't nerf it, but I can see why they would.

In the meantime, that's my go to secondary weapon. Snipe till they get close or outnumber me, then clean up with the SAW.


That's a big reason why I like this game as well. I'm not a big fan of traditional loot and progression systems.

Right now my two best ARs are a blue Votan Blast Rifle with electrical and a a purple carbine. Don't use either because they're leveled already.

I tried the Frontier SAW I was fond of in Beta.

The Frontier SAW is going to get nerfed right? It's a PvE monster. On a major Arkfall I finished with 500k more points in damage than the second place individual. I wasn't even trying for damage. I was going for kills and revives. After that Arkfall finished I found a minor Arkfall that was half-way done. Did the most damage there as well @_@ This is the cheap SAW that's available in front of Happy Pow Farms with mods from Iron Demon Ranch.

I love the Frontier SAW! Is there a mod to improve recoil? Rather than going for headshots I usually start shooting characters in the legs and let the recoil work its way up, lol.
Did my first major Arkfall yesterday and it was a total blast. Not sure where I recall reading this, but are there really only 3 types of Major Arkfalls in the game?

I kind of wish you could set up more than just a primary and secondary weapon. All the weapons are pretty fun to use and I would love to be able to more easily swap between them on the fly.

Still wishing this had an auto-run/auto-drive. Playing on mouse and keyboard is really making my fingers sore and cramping up my hands after long periods. I tried using the 360 controller for a while but I was already used to Mouse and Keyboard and couldn't go back to aiming with analog sticks.


2 questions:

What can I spend my salvage on other than turning it into keys?

Are the "classes" any different? I picked survivalist I believe but I can use any weapon. Am I better with snipers as I started with one?


I love the Frontier SAW! Is there a mod to improve recoil? Rather than going for headshots I usually start shooting characters in the legs and let the recoil work its way up, lol.
Overcharge does the trick nicely.

Two quick points:
A.) Lock boxes are a lie. I'm only going to buy mod caches from now on.
2.) I just topped three million points of damage in a major Arkfall.

Frontier SAW @_@

Joe Molotov

Two quick points:
A.) Lock boxes are a lie. I'm only going to buy mod caches from now on.
2.) I just topped three million points of damage in a major Arkfall.

Frontier SAW @_@

Yeah, I bought a Tier 4 box and got jackshit. Frontier SAW is pretty awesome tho, I'm sad now that I've maxed out it's XP. :(


I have the first shield (Von Bach Industries defense screen) that I've upgraded from, but I can't sell it at the merchant kiosks so it's taking up a slot. What gives?


Running off of Custom Firmware
I have the first shield (Von Bach Industries defense screen) that I've upgraded from, but I can't sell it at the merchant kiosks so it's taking up a slot. What gives?

If you can neither sell nor delete an item, you have it equipped in one of your other unlocked loudouts. Make sure you unequip it from all slots before trying to sell or delete again. :)


If you can neither sell nor delete an item, you have it equipped in one of your other unlocked loudouts. Make sure you unequip it from all slots before trying to sell or delete again. :)
This happened to me and really pissed me off for about 5 minutes until I figured this out...


If you can neither sell nor delete an item, you have it equipped in one of your other unlocked loudouts. Make sure you unequip it from all slots before trying to sell or delete again. :)

It was in another load out. Thanks.

How do you swap those, again? Haha

Edit: ah, Y at inventory. Was hoping for some sort of quick swap.

More questions! What's the bloom stat on guns mean?


Running off of Custom Firmware
You can switch loadouts by hitting Start and then Triangle on a PS3.
I imagine Forward + Y on a 360. :)

This happened to me and really pissed me off for about 5 minutes until I figured this out...

I confess that it took me a TAD longer than 5 minutes to divine a solution. Just a tad.

Joe Molotov

You can switch loadouts by hitting Start and then Triangle on a PS3.
I imagine Forward + Y on a 360. :)

I confess that it took me a TAD longer than 5 minutes to divine a solution. Just a tad.

Well, I've been playing for 15 hours and I just figured it out from reading your post.


I think it probably took longer for me too, but I just remember being pissed for 5 minutes!

Why couldn't you post this solution before it happened to me??
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