Seriously, some Bernie supporters needs to step out of that weird Reddit bubble where Hillary is some sort of conservation republican in liberal clothing.
Thankfully, Reddit doesn't contribute many votes. I mean, I'm a Sanders supporter, myself, because there's a LOT of anti-Hillary sentiment around here and I fear she'll fall victim to the same trap Obama did by trying to compromise with the uncompromising Congress. Except she may not get a second term.
So, if neither candidate could get something through Congress, I'd rather the one that aims much higher and can safely compromise without...compromising the purpose of the bill.
If Sanders doesn't win, I'll vote for Hillary with no qualms. But that brings us back to what I see on Reddit -- people unironically feeling that we should "Feel the Bern or burn it down."
The only thing I'm really worried about is lower Dem turnout due to Voter ID and polling places being overrun for 15 hours straight, and the latter is only an extrapolation from what we saw last time, with 8 hour waiting times to vote in some areas if I remember right.
All told, Clinton is a neoliberal, but so were Obama, Kerry, Gore, Bill Clinton... Pretty much everyone after the McGovern disaster.
Anti-establishment sentiment is a fickle thing, but I don't think it'll be enough to crush the Hilldog, this time.