I bring it up because this comes up in every thread; people start piling on posters who dare not vote for Hillary, as if their vote makes a difference in the end. People should be encouraged to participate in local races where their vote carries more weight - the presidential election is meaningless in most states. The moral indignation people work themselves into over some person on the Internet voting for someone other than their candidate is just bizarre. Will him voting for Trump actually do anything? I understand the moral outrage people feel about someone that would vote for Trump, but I think you have to account for the fact that our electoral system is about as useful as tossing votes into the void in most places. Would he still vote for Trump if we didn't have an electoral system?
I've stated that I will not be voting for Hillary (in my blue state) in other threads, and I've been called a spoiled child and condescended to about how I'm working against minority (of which I am one) interests, because obviously Trump will win if I vote for Jill Stein. If I lived in a swing state, sure I'd vote for Hillary. But I feel disenfranchised by a system where voting for Hillary is as helpful as me not voting for Hillary. She still wins my state either way, so what do I get out of voting for her? What is the "real impact"? That's why I don't see Wreav voting for Trump (even if he disagrees with Trump's policies) as a big deal; his presidential vote has as much impact as mine does (read: none) other than some sort of moral victory for Internet points on message boards.
Ever thought that maybe others feel the way that you do but realize if they don't vote blue the state won't go blue? It seems like a cop-out to essentially state it's fine for you to vote with your conscious because there are others willing to do the dirty work for you.