Isthe final area of the main game?Winter Eden
Isthe final area of the main game?Winter Eden
What's the best way to get Muramasa? I've found Big Muramasa attwo times already with Nameless + Gold + Gold + Increase 2, but the normal one just won't drop.God's Eden
Can I go back toI actually got the Muramasa with that gem combination the third battle in that area. D: The big one dropped when I was trying to get theitems for Fran's post-game quest
Can I go back toto farm equipment again after beatingGod's Eden, or is there an even better place?Quasar
Good to know. I was confused because those gem spawn things kept disappearing after each battle.You can go back.
Can someone explain what everything means on the Equip screen? I've read the help but it still doesn't make sense.
Ex: I have a short sword. It says S 26X 1. What does that mean?
Also, what do the icons to the right of this stand for?
Final question, what level do you need t be to defeat Mars? I'm level 3 and died to her. I also died in the swamp pretty easily.
Thank you much for answering my beginner questions.
S is it's range, meaning short. M means medium and basically says how far that weapon can hit.
26 is the weapon's strength.
x 1 is the number of hits.
I assume the icons are the G, F, P, etc which means what classes can equip it.
For Mars, I would say grinding enough money for a 3rd character (either a paladin or a healer) will make it a lot easier.
Wonderful, thank you so much!
I stop playing for a week and I forgot what I'm supposed to do now, where should I go after I beat plant hydra thing?
Ah found it, so re-upping the pic with all 3 together.
I never looked into if the Xth series made it over to the US. Hmm dont think it did.
For those not familiar these were titles originally done by parts of the what is now Experience Inc. So semi-related to this thread lol. Would be more fitting if I made a thread about Meikyu Crossblood Infinity though and threw this in there. As this series is what became the Generation Xth series which is what Crossblood is a part of.
Keep your fingers crossed that the west gets Tokyo New World Record: Operation Abyss. Hopefully Demon Gaze sold well enough to tell Exp. Inc. to bring over other titles with their chosen partners in the West. Though truthfully hope they stick with a single one to keep quality stable.
Those are awesome covers. If Demon Gaze did well enough for Experience and/or NISA to be interested in localizing more games, I'm sure Operation Abyss would be next. That leaves plenty of time before the Vita version of Stranger, since I doubt NISA would bother with the 360 or PC versions.
On a kind of related note, I should be getting Moero Chronicle early next week. Hoping the dungeon crawling is solid.
It sounds like your Samurai is in the back row with a short range weapon.I feel really dumb asking this. But randomly, my second party member can only defend. The attack option is greyed out, and she can't use her special skills either (Samurai class). I have no idea what I did. I'm going to guess I've auto set a party tactic or something? I have no idea it's doing this.
Hmmm. On a good note, I've put 15 + hours into this. I'm really loving this game.
It sounds like your Samurai is in the back row with a short range weapon.
So I just got Uranus and was going to grab Pluto but her final spot doesn't spawn. I cleared the area earlier prior to going to Uranus' dungeon. Could I have possibly broken my game?
Did you open the way to her spawn?Secret area and such?
Did I fudge up =[
So, I was wondering. I heard that Agility below 25 means you get a penalty (reduced damage) with your second hand weapon. I'm just starting out in the game, but I have both my Gazer and Samurai with a weapon in each arm. Should I be leveling up Agility then? I mean, isn't it a moot point to only focus on strength?
I know you shouldn't focus on just one stat regardless. But early on, I needed my attacks higher when I fought the demons (so far, I've slayed 2 + the hydra), so I'm not doing too bad. Basically, on the short gain, I've been trying to boost my attacks. But I'm wondering if I should be focusing on Agility more so than strength.
I know for Gazer, I think I read the focus should be more on VIT and AGI if your party is more attack based, since you will be summoning Demons. And Samurai is Strength/Agility/Vitality.
BASICALLY: Does Agility strengthen my second hand weapons damage (just wanted to confirm that). And should I be focusing a bit more on it early on in the game than Strength (or should I just balance it and put one in each every other level up, so switch back and forth between the two).
Another thing, why can't a spear (which is Long) reach if you are in the back? What is the point of "long" then? I feel really dumb. Because everything was going perfectly. But now, my attacks aren't hitting with my Gazer. In my left hand I have throwing stars, so those connect. But my right hand Spear won't connect.
And I currently can't have my Demon Gazer in the front, because then my Samurai won't be able to attack (I guess because she has short weapons)? All in the matter of an hour, I've fucked everything up.
SO, what weapons should I be using with Gazer?
Well, it depends.
You should only be dual wielding if your a Samurai class or have the Dual Wield Artifact which is one of the first three artifacts you can get.
In terms of which weapon choice it depends on what you want to accomplish.
Sword is a good all around weapon while a katana is more geared toward critical hits.
Heavy weapon have consistent higher damage but most sacrifice hit and protection.
My gazer has a dual wield set as well as a nice shield if I think the fight is going to need me to play defensive.
Also, upgrade your weapons until you find a weapon that is a class up.
Well shit. I didn't get the dual wield artifact. I got Divine Body, Rush Attack, Magic Weapon and Shadow Step.
So I guess I better switch to a 2H weapon? Or are you saying if I switch to 1H spear and 1H shield the attacks will reach?
SO, what weapons should I be using with Gazer?
Seriously if you want to use melee weapons dont stick your character in the back row...
Am I too far in the game to only have a 2 person party? (Gazer/Samurai)?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Go buy more party members.
Go buy nameless gems and then use them on portals, sell the unneeded proceeds. Rinse and repeat until you have the money.
Highly suggest either a Paladin or Healer. Healer for some great buffs at an early level, divine shield at 12 or so, and Paladin to have a high VIT tank.I appreciate the help. I'll be honest, I've never been that skilled of a gamer (especially when it comes to dungeon crawlers). I was proud that I got through Sin Megami Tensei IV on my own. I just think with this game, I need to read up on how all the stats/system works. I went in blindly without really paying attention. So I apologize if I'm annoying.
LAST question.
I have a Gazer/Samurai. What would you guys recommend for the next 2 people in my party? I know that answer can depend on various factors (like artifacts and play style). In terms of Artifacts I only have:
Rush Attack
Shadow Step
Divine Body
Magic Weapon
Killer Edge
I also have like 40 nameless gems, and $30,000. I'll go spam those now.
Highly suggest either a Paladin or Healer. Healer for some great buffs at an early level, divine shield at 12 or so, and Paladin to have a high VIT tank.
Tanking in this game is awesome. I'm 6 demons in and the only ones who really messed my game up were Hermes with his speed and Ast. They both killed my Paladin and from there it was a race to the finish.
Hermes is unnaturally difficult due to his high SPD and changing formation.
Damn, okay. Thanks for the heads up. Hermes was wrecking my day with just two people (his speed/evasion/messing up my order). Paladin sounds like a good idea, since I definitely need to tank.
So when you get a new character, they start you at level 1? Is it just going back to all the old places and grinding till they get boosted up?
If you're having a hard time against the enemies in the area you're in, or they're hitting you with a lot of multi-row damage spells, you may want to go back. Otherwise, just put your new character in the back row and they'll level up pretty quick. Never had a problem doing so.
Great advice, I'll do that.
Party size most def is an issue. Pretty crazy not to have a full party by now truthfully lol.
Yeah follow the advice about sticking them in the back row to get em some levels quick and just pray that they dont get hit
Yeah, I'm an idiot. I know.
Thing is, I didn't want to rent out any more rooms until I absolutely had to. Was told by some folks that it was a mistake to do so early on (because of the rent). However, waiting this long was definitely stupid.
So im a few hours into the game, i just got to the forest and my party has my gazer, wizard, pally and healer. my gazer has been pumping str, anything i need to put into it other than str?