Never played a soulsborne game, so looking forward to this hugely! I have a question though... I've heard the "lore" and game mechanics are both pretty vague in the game - presumably by design. So the question is, for my first play through is going in blind better? Or should I do a bit of reading up on the lore/mechanics first?
People will say blind, but if you have never played a soulsborne game before, I would honestly go and at least read how to build a character.
Sure, if you had played any other souls game you would have the building blocks to go in blind, but you will have a miserable time otherwise.
Remember, when this game first came out it took thousands of people a few week swapping notes to understand this game.
Lore wise it doesn't matter if you go in blind or not.
I suggest a quality build so you have access to as many weapons as possible and learn what suits your playstyle.