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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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NH Apache said:
I kind of agree with you here, but to play the flip side, you can not tell how good a movie is going to be from a trailer
except for The Dark Knight:D

If a preview is bad, then most likely the movie will be bad. There are exceptions on all sides. But that's why they have scores of marketing people making sure that previews DON'T look bad. It's what sells the product.

It's interesting, because Dyack wants gaming to work like the movie industry, yet by his own comments, he doesn't seem to want to play by even those rules.

Look, Dyack, speaking as a developer myself, there's ALWAYS going to be some people that talk negatively about your game. There's no way to please everyone. If you have a vision, and you really think that vision is worth sticking to 100%, then by all means do it. But don't have a hissy fit and claim that people don't understand it or aren't giving it a chance. Last I checked, most people don't want to be screwed out of $60 just to "put up or shut up". Consumers need confidence in a product before they will buy it. These tantrums are NOT giving consumers (at least the ones on GAF and those who read various blogs and sites) the sort of confidence you need to sell a game.

Games can be art, but games are usually often products. Don't be surprised when art doesn't sell or click with the majority. And if you're just trying to make a product, be prepared to play by the rules.


robor said:
To put it simply, Dyack's psyche:

E3 vs Dyack
Mark McDonald vs Dyack
Epic vs Dyack
NeoGAF vs Dyack
Dyack vs Dyack
Dyack: "Denis had no idea what he was doing but went along with the project anyways"

Denis: "Hey Dyack you're the very definition of what's wrong with society!"


Denis...:lol GAF...:lol Too Human.........Hmmmmmm. Too Early to tell....But I'm betting this will be one of the most interesting years as far as game releases go.


that gif of the kitten with the ball of thread is awesome

he thinks this place is going to get shut down for being negative about a game? neogaf doesnt work for gamespot. what an ass


Adumaha said:
Do people really care about their tags that much? I always thought they were for fun, but as a form of currency?
I'm a giant space lesbian!!


buy Party Animals


OP said:
According to Dyack, the infamous NeoGAF thread was started as an experiment to expose the lack of accountability in online forums [...]

The question I have to ask the moderators of GAF: Are you going to follow your own rules? With people making GIFs of myself that are, I would say, attacking me.... Why haven't 180 people been banned now?

Another entertaining Denis Dyack thread but I'm starting to feel for the other guys at Silicon Knights. If I was in their shoes, I know I wouldn't want to be working on a game that's had its reputation dragged through the gutter by a mouthy boss who doesn't know when to shut up.

OP said:
Though it's difficult to explain in a succinct news post, Dyack's ideas about NeoGAF and other forums are based on a lengthy thought process inspired by various sources of philosophy, science fiction, and social theory that Dyack has been reading and exploring of late.

Honestly, I originally thought that was supposed to be mocking Dyack for how pompous he can be, didn't realise it was genuine.


If I may.

I’ve been on NeoGAF for over a year now and I have to say that this message board is a great place for a humble college student like myself to come and talk with fellow video game enthusiasts, whether they be other humble college students or big time game developers such as Mr Dyack. For the most part discussion on this message board stays civil, but when someone gets out of line they are quickly called out by other posters or handled by the moderators.

As far as you waxing poetically about how NeoGAF reinforces social attitudes and behaviors, well that’s just not true. I would like to think that most of the people here at NeoGAF are self aware enough to know who they are, and what posting on NeoGAF means to them. I’d like to think that we don’t have to prove ourselves on a message board, because we have our jobs, girlfriends/boyfriends, friends and family to take care of that.

We come to NeoGAF because it’s a place where we can all get together to talk about a hobby that we love. And while I guess everything we do effects who we are, writing a post on whether or not I want to play Too Human isn’t really shaping who I am as a person.

When your game comes out I plan on playing it and giving it a fair shake. I understand that this Too Human is a game that many people helped to create and you feel a responsibility to stand behind your product, but let the game do the talking. That’s what great developers do, they don’t get all worked up when a few message board posters say some bad things about a game the public hasn’t even had a chance to play yet.

I don’t really feel it’s your place to preach to NeoGAF about what is fair and what isn’t. You should be smart enough to know that there are people in this world that will criticize you just get a rise out of you and others. That’s just life my friend, we all get it. Please stop acting as if you are a special victim then quote themes from a few books to make it seem as if GAF is what is wrong with the world in the 21st century.

Perhaps what is wrong with the world in the 21st century is that we are blaming technology for most of our problems when we should be taking accountability for are own faults as human beings. The great thing about technology is that we can choose whether or not we use it, and by what manner we choose to chose to use it in. You made that decision by sniping at NeoGAF from the safety of a podcast. You can also make the decision of not coming back to NeoGAF to be held accountable for what you said.

Perhaps it’s time to do a little more reading in order to better understand the themes you brought up on the podcast, and here’s a little more food for thought....

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” Alexander Pope

Now there’s a thought I can get behind.
I have not read this twenty page thread and I have not listened to 1up yours. I don't need to. It should already be obvious to everyone that Denis Dyack is a clown who regularly trips into his own rancid custard pies.


Also was anyone else really really annoyed by his whole 'I'm for social justice and pay my writers well and outsourcing is bad' spiel at the beginning?

His whole rant reeked of bleeding heart 'think about the effects on society' BS, but that part in particular really had me gagging.

I don't even think that argument makes logical sense though, as we all know the it doesn't take nearly as long to write a game as it does to actually make the thing, so having a writer on staff all the time is a total waste, both for the studio, and since presumably being on contract limits the opportunity for outside work, the writer as well.

I also didn't like how he seems to think technology needs to be 'managed' to ensure that it is positive for society. Bullshit. Who's the manager? Who decides what is positive? What society are we talking about for that matter society is not some homogeneous whole where you can take things and look at them and say 'this is good' or 'this is bad'? Denis needs to relax, take a chance, let things evolve organically, we don't need bureaucratic micromanagement of technology so we can ensure that someone doesn't use it to say something bad about someone else on a videogame message board.
I can't even know what to say. I'm not even 100% sure who this guy is or how this all started, but I can already tell his first mistake is putting any stock into what message boarders have to say. I mean, you don't see me stressing over what those heffers at FOMM are saying.


''I didn't snap ...I did it in hopes of reforming the way people think about forums
and technology...'' ''That affects society in very negative ways''

''We're a big believer in ethical business practices, that supports people''

I could put up a long argument, but all i'm going to say (and not meaning to be rude) is he works with Microsoft...

As for his other points whilst interesting has hardly anything to do with his original points. He compares some book that he has read ''in parallel'' (because thats important and shows something important...) to posting on gaf. That has characters that live in a society that learn a game when they're born from another culture, and no one believes they can win. The winner of the game rules the empire. Oh but there's one more thing he finished ''simultaneously''...


Hurting society ?? But what about our contributions to it ?

the infamous NeoGAF thread was started as an experiment to expose the lack of accountability in online forums.


"You thought you'd owned ME but actually I OWNED YOU ! Ha !"

How pathetic is that. What's the point for him to sound like a "no you" dick? I never wanted to hate him, he's been forcing me since his "put up or shut up".

Interesting how he answered that in 1up yours, instead of just showing up in the thread (or creating one, heh) to tell us.
Already feeling less sure about you Denis ? Well I can't blame you.


Just listened to this. The internet is serious business? WAT. It's the intershits, they are just words, you take shit personally on the net then you should go see a fucking shrink and learn to TRANSDUCE your emotions. Understand that some people are in certain personas that do NOT represent who they are in physical reality, if you're aware of this, then there should be no problem.

It just seems like Dyack might not have confidence in his product, I just don't understand the unnecessary attention. If it's all negative to him then he should just ignore the entire thing and wait for the arrival of release where people can ultimately judge his game. GAF isn't THAT big, it's not THAT detrimental to the total sales of the game itself, so I just don't understand all the defense, there is definitely some sort of internal affliction from Denis, otherwise this would not exist, there would be no drive to PROMOTE negativity towards a certain forum, especially if that promotion is against members of this forum promoting negativity of said game. That is hypocrisy and hypocrisy BLINDS.


Ramenman said:
Hurting society ?? But what about our contributions to it ?


"You thought you'd owned ME but actually I OWNED YOU ! Ha !"

How pathetic is that. What's the point for him to

Interesting how he answered that in 1up yours, instead of just showing up in the thread (or creating one, heh) to tell us.
Already feeling less sure about you Denis ? Well I can't blame you.

I find it worse than Psychology students that do ''social experiments''.

Wife: ''Honey not meaning to be rude but dinner was terrible''
Dyack: ''Ha! but it was an experiment from this book I read *Insert author* that has these characters that...*9 months later* and in the end they say ''I wish we had listened and never be negative ever, because by being negative we never saw the many positives''. I thought some people on here were pedantic or just verbose but he takes the biscuit big time.


Xapati said:
Dyack is just feeding Gaf. Drama like this is what fuels us :lol

He said on the show his post caused a meltdown and he knew that what he said on 1up yours was just going to cause another, this is just what he's expecting.


G-Fex said:
He said on the show his post caused a meltdown and he knew that what he said on 1up yours was just going to cause another, this is just what he's expecting.

What annoys me though is how supportive they all seem with his argument, i've kind of lost respect for them.


Nolan. said:
I find it worse than Psychology students that do ''social experiments''.

Wife: ''Honey not meaning to be rude but dinner was terrible''
Dyack: ''Ha! but it was an experiment from this book I read *Insert author* that has these characters that...*9 months later* and in the end they say ''I wish we had listened and never be negative ever, because by being negative we never saw the many positives''.

Exactly the scheme. I really don't see why he really wants to make himself look like an ass. It makes me feel kind of bad for him.


Nolan. said:
What annoys me though is how supportive they all seem with his argument, i've kind of lost respect for them.

I hated that too but I expected it. For my first episode of 1up yours. I mean I should've known it would've happened as hosts never really stand-up/argue with their "guest". I mean the one guy tried to say something but Denis just shut him up. Man, it's believable.


G-Fex said:
I hated that too but I expected it. For my first episode of 1up yours. I mean I should've known it would've happened as hosts never really stand-up/argue with their "guest". I mean the one guy tried to say something but Denis just shut him up. Man, it's believable.

It's Shane in particular that just comes across as a lapdog in every meaning of the term.

Bust Nak

Games get judged based on screen shots all the time. Every game is subject to this. I remember a few cases with unfavourable previews followed by pulled ads and lawsuit threats, but I don't remember any developer blaming and trolling public forums. If GAF is as influential as you claim then pissing us off is the last thing you should do.

GAF: Come for the news, stay for the drama. All the best public meltdowns happen when I am asleep.
It's crap like this that really drives home the point that game "journalists" are just fanboys with an affinity for typing. What is this, some Internet soap opera?


Even though this will be buried into obscurity: some of us (I'd wager a lot of us) saw exactly what you were doing Denis. You're a transparent tool who's throwing his dolly out the pram because Gaf is vocal and critical. Fuck you.


Nolan. said:
It's Shane in particular that just comes across as a lapdog in every meaning of the term.

Yeah I mean did they had to completely agree with everything he babbled on about?Such tools. God.

Tamanon said:
Would this be considered the definitive "shots fired"?

NeoGAF now important enough to influence developers!

We're NEOGaf, we're out there now.

Jedeye Sniv

If this is now the official 1upyours thread, can we have some linkage in the OP? Took me ages to realise it was out already!


G-Fex said:
Yeah I mean did they had to completely agree with everything he babbled on about?Such tools. God.
Garnett did call him out a couple of times.
I guess Skip wasn't hooked up to talk.
Shane is a raving yes-man nodding dog fanboy that shouldn't have been there.


Does he believe he is important or something? (hint, no you are not...until you prove yourself in something else than talking)


stuburns said:
Garnett did call him out a couple of times.
I guess Skip wasn't hooked up to talk.
Shane is a raving yes-man nodding dog fanboy that shouldn't have been there.

Could've tried harder than that. God forbid he actually cause some conflict on the podcast.
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