Sometimes you've gotta learn how to work within the system. If your game looks like shit don't put it out there hoping the faceless masses will understand. Other "AAA" developers don't have a problem with this. Bad pre-release videos of Bioshock, Mass Effect, COD4, etc don't exist. When people make judgments on the material you give them to judge, don't call them irresponsible for doing so. If it's Microsoft's fault you had to show Too Human, downplay it instead of turning it into a spectacle. You claim that the NeoGAF has this immense power in the game industry, but instead of trying to use it to your advantage you try to lead a crusade against it. Surely if forums have the ability to kill they might also have the ability to give life. There are tons of games that gained traction with the hardcore types and then went on to do well. It's the reason most devs that visit these forums use them for feedback, not to troll the people that are potential customers.
I think the concept of personal accountability on the internet is a lost cause. If that's a good thing or a bad thing, is up for debate. But if someone says your game sucks on the internet, chances are that's what they think. You won't get that kind of honesty face to face. If I knew you in person I'd probably just tell you I was looking forward to playing it, but I don't so I don't mind saying that the gameplay looks like crap. The difference here is that I'm not worried about what you think, NOT that I don't think the game looks all that good. Now maybe most of the hate the game gets is hive mentality, but it has to start somewhere. And the somewhere for this game was shitty looking videos and a vocal developer not willing to own up to it.