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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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duckroll said:
I'm listening to it now, it's pretty weird even for Dyack...

It seems he's just sitting there and... pontificating. It's just boring. I don't see why so many people here are taking it seriously. Nothing will happen to NeoGAF because of one disgruntled developer.


bhlaab said:
I wonder which excuse he'll come up with when the game sells like shit and gets straight 7.0s? I'm willing to bet he blames the consumer instead of himself!

Personal guess: "They didn't really understand it"

They'll send out Reviewer Guides.


I find that Dyack lacks any sort of charisma whatsoever. He should work on that before he wants people to take him seriously.


Zeenbor said:
I just read the other thread.

Wow. Denis, you are contradicting yourself by posting that thread, even if it was a so-called 'social experiment'.

What thread ? D:


I kind of agree with him about the lack of responsibility for one's actions on the internet..

but.. His "social experiment" thread and hijacking of 1up yours (the fact that 1uy allowed this kind of thing is a topic for another time) with his rambling, name dropping argument just make me want to hate him.

If we're going to be real about damaging society, people wasting $60 on videogames like too human that do nothing but distract them from their real lives and tell poor versions of stories that already exist, are much more damaging than The Neogafs. The entire gameplay concept of TH is to grind for loot, one of the biggest possible wastes of time. What's your contribution to society, dyack?

NH Apache

Fuck it. Never mind....

I spent 20 minutes typing up this long post when I can cut it down to one sentence.

GAF is an informal discussion board, therefor we have no social responsibilty to be held accountable for our opinions.

Wow, that was easier.:D


Orlics said:
It seems he's just sitting there and... pontificating. It's just boring. I don't see why so many people here are taking it seriously. Nothing will happen to NeoGAF because of one disgruntled developer.

I was actually interested in what he has to say, but this is.... not what I expected. It's just weird and random.
Red Scarlet said:
Thanks. I've never posted in any of these Too Human/Dyack threads, but I'm curious about whatever this is about.
I find it hard to listen to for two reasons.

1: I'm from New York, and in order to go about your business here you have to develop a reflex for ignoring the naked homeless dude on the subway platform jerking off while rambling incoherently about having been the the left testicle of George Washington in his former life. So whenever Dyack starts talking, my brain automatically wants to go into that mode and I end up missing huge (ultimately pointless) chunks of whatever the fuck he's going on about.

2. I'm very much a combative asshole when engaged in discourse, so when I force myself to focus and actually hear Dyack's ramblings the fact that it's a one way street and I can't immediately start ripping into his high-school sophomore, pseudo-intellectual deluge of bullshit; compounded by the complete and total embarrassment that is the fucking 1upYours crew sitting there doing nothing but smiling and nodding letting a goddamn cartoon character walk all over them and their show for what seems like an eternity, I just get fucking aggravated and stop listening since that's not why I fucking like listening to the show.

Dyack is a joke, that's one thing, but I'm disappointed in the 1up guys for their pathetic handling of the whole thing.


I thought I was just posting my thoughts and reading other people's thoughts on an online forum. I didn't realize I was volunteering for the Internet version of the Peace Corps.

Thanks for straightening me out, Denis.

White Man

My contribution is that Dyack shouldn't try to be the PR arm of his company. Not only is he awful at it, but he is godawful. Both Eternal Darkness and the Twin Snakes would have been envious cult hits had there not been a dolt talking them up like they were world records,while on the hype circuit. Those two games are the very reason I've been negative on Dyack, but cautiously hopeful on Too Human for the past 3 or so years.

I'd love to be a defender for Dyack since I am something of a contrarian, but the man has never been able to back up his talk. His past 2 games have shown his talkin' to be a complete and absolute joke in relative comparison to the final products that he releases. I'm almost pitying the dude right now. Here's some advice, Debis: You are HORRENDOUS at PR. If you get the chance to make another game, keep your mouth shut and you will probably have a nice cult hit.

Dyack's blamed the development cycle, how PR works, and now, the game fans themselves. He's completely insane. I hope nobody here is pitying him.


MickeyKnox said:
Dyack is a joke, that's one thing, but I'm disappointed in the 1up guys for their pathetic handling of the whole thing.

Garnett did speak up a couple of times, I think he did well, I don't get what's going on with the rest of them.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
I don't take the message board seriously but I have to agree with Dennis about how the forums are though. It's a little too extreme to shut down Neogaf but good podcast
MickeyKnox said:
Dyack is a joke, that's one thing, but I'm disappointed in the 1up guys for their pathetic handling of the whole thing.
Well Garnett did throw his mind out at Dyack for a good point that Dyack couldn't respond to.

I feel like Garnett really wanted to shut Dyack up, but you don't really shut up guests. If it was a set debate, then you would.


Orlics said:
I find that Dyack lacks any sort of charisma whatsoever. He should work on that before he wants people to take him seriously.

whatever he has is actually the antithesis of charisma, if that's possible.

Red Scarlet

MickeyKnox said:
I find it hard to listen to for two reasons.

1: I'm from New York, and in order to go about your business here you have to develop a reflex for ignoring the naked homeless dude on the subway platform jerking off while rambling incoherently about having been the the left testicle of George Washington in his former life. So whenever Dyack starts talking, my brain automatically wants to go into that mode and I end up missing huge (ultimately pointless) chunks of whatever the fuck he's going on about.

2. I'm very much a combative asshole when engaged in discourse, so when I force myself to focus and actually hear Dyack's ramblings the fact that it's a one way street and I can't immediately start ripping into his high-school sophomore, pseudo-intellectual deluge of bullshit; compounded by the complete and total embarrassment that is the fucking 1upYours crew sitting there doing nothing but smiling and nodding letting a goddamn cartoon character walk all over them and their show for what seems like an eternity, I just get fucking aggravated and stop listening since that's not why I fucking like listening to the show.

Dyack is a joke, that's one thing, but I'm disappointed in the 1up guys for their pathetic handling of the whole thing.

Well, I listened to it from about minute 118 to the end, but it seemed pretty rambling about various random things. I heard a handful of things that I've heard of, but it seemed that about 98% of it was just..random stuff. Oh well, that's what I get for peeking into this thread without glancing at any of the others. You folks that know..anything..about what's going in here have a good time I guess! If Denis is going to post, um..hello! I don't really know what you said for most of that interview and you seem okay as a person, but you randomly talk about stuff a lot.

I will say that I found it odd that you brought up the Jeff Bell and 'no internet detective' things together, since the internet detective policy is about 1 month old and the Jeff Bell thing happened many months ago. Check post dates next time!


"We decided to let Too Human speak for itself."

Wow, Denis, if that were true, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


has this guy ever made a decent game?

he has spent how long making too human and its already getting slated and it's now gafs fault?


Anyone else have their interest in Too Human drop like a rock because of this? I deleted the game out of my Amazon.com wishlist. Doesn't Dyack get pecked at by a PR department? This display of his is a little sad.

Edit: Is Dyack on his way to becoming the next Derek Smart?


Ah boo forgot to grab it before work. Now gotta wait hours for the hilarity.

Got to say that ive never really been fussed about Dyack before but the quotes in the OP make him sound like the biggest loser. Forum causing the downfall of society, talk about internet serious business :lol
I'd like to hope that Shane was just nodding along and being a yes-man hoping that Dyack wouldn't flip his shit and start stabbing people with his headset mic. If not, he's an ultra-douche.


Teknopathetic said:
I'd like to hope that Shane was just nodding along and being a yes-man hoping that Dyack wouldn't flip his shit and start stabbing people with his headset mic. If not, he's an ultra-douche.
He seems to be a big fan of the game. He's been a champion of it since he first went up to see it. I thought Skip would have commented though, when he talks on the podcasts, he is quite articulate and opinionated.
Teknopathetic said:
I'd like to hope that Shane was just nodding along and being a yes-man hoping that Dyack wouldn't flip his shit and start stabbing people with his headset mic. If not, he's an ultra-douche.

sorry, man.

White Man

arg2bad said:
has this guy ever made a decent game?

The first Legacy of Kain was kinda decent for its time if you made your eyes go cross-eyed. Eternal Darkness and Twin Snakes were incredibly flawed, at best.

Dyack makes C list games, but unfortunately, he does SK's own PR, where he talks up his mediocre games as if they were Beethoven's lost symphonies. The dude just needs to learn to hire other people for PR.
Red Scarlet said:
I will say that I found it odd that you brought up the Jeff Bell and 'no internet detective' things together, since the internet detective policy is about 1 month old and the Jeff Bell thing happened many months ago. Check post dates next time!
Yeah, I was going to bring that point up but the 500 killed my post. ;_;

just tray

The sad thing is that I always ignored double d until now. But there comes a time when you have to say enough is enough and STFU!


He does have good points, but obviously his delivery of those points is...different...But there are 2 points that everyone seems to be ignoring in amongst all the personal insults.

1 GAF does matter, it is widely regarded as the place where industry and gamers mingle meet and call each other "Twat's" why do you think we have so many virals? :lol

2 It is a Mod led culture, whereby if you say something about one game its cool but in others it’s an issue. Which would lead to the impression that the biases of people (cause mods are people too) are the things which control opinion in this place.

I'm not saying there is some big conspiracy or anything, but you can see how it might look a little bad?

I love this place, Lurking here is like listening to my geeky college friends rip each other, but it’s got to be equal, it can’t be one rule for one game and change that rule for another.
NH Apache said:
Fuck it. Never mind....

I spent 20 minutes typing up this long post when I can cut it down to one sentence.

GAF is an informal discussion board, therefor we have no social responsibilty to be held accountable for our opinions.

Wow, that was easier.:D

yeah, because he is accountable for his opinion about everything he hates.
Well this is a fine way to start the day. Doesn't SK have a PR department for stopping this kind of thing? This is almost as bad as that other flame wars fiasco a few years ago, I can't recall the name of the game and the developer though.


I'm just getting to the part where the crazy starts and I think the reason they don't really challenge him aside from Garnett is that they don't know what the fuck he's talking about. I really wish fartofwar was there to take him apart. He loves dropping names and talking about the stuff he reads that no one else has heard of.


why does microsoft allow him to do this? after that debacle last week you think they'd keep him on a leash, but no they let him go on podcasts instead. dyack going 'dont worry i'll just ramble about ethical management philosophy and people on the internet being bad. that'll sell everyone on my hack and slash videogame for sure'. hell, why not! what more damage could he possibly do, right?


Sometimes you've gotta learn how to work within the system. If your game looks like shit don't put it out there hoping the faceless masses will understand. Other "AAA" developers don't have a problem with this. Bad pre-release videos of Bioshock, Mass Effect, COD4, etc don't exist. When people make judgments on the material you give them to judge, don't call them irresponsible for doing so. If it's Microsoft's fault you had to show Too Human, downplay it instead of turning it into a spectacle. You claim that the NeoGAF has this immense power in the game industry, but instead of trying to use it to your advantage you try to lead a crusade against it. Surely if forums have the ability to kill they might also have the ability to give life. There are tons of games that gained traction with the hardcore types and then went on to do well. It's the reason most devs that visit these forums use them for feedback, not to troll the people that are potential customers.

I think the concept of personal accountability on the internet is a lost cause. If that's a good thing or a bad thing, is up for debate. But if someone says your game sucks on the internet, chances are that's what they think. You won't get that kind of honesty face to face. If I knew you in person I'd probably just tell you I was looking forward to playing it, but I don't so I don't mind saying that the gameplay looks like crap. The difference here is that I'm not worried about what you think, NOT that I don't think the game looks all that good. Now maybe most of the hate the game gets is hive mentality, but it has to start somewhere. And the somewhere for this game was shitty looking videos and a vocal developer not willing to own up to it.
White Man said:
The first Legacy of Kain was kinda decent for its time if you made your eyes go cross-eyed. Eternal Darkness and Twin Snakes were incredibly flawed, at best.

Dyack makes C list games, but unfortunately, he does SK's own PR, where he talks up his mediocre games as if they were Beethoven's lost symphonies. The dude just needs to learn to hire other people for PR.
I believe I played Blood Omen, but I can't recollect it. I definitely played the two awesome Soul Reavers in which he had no part of.

It's actually kind of funny about the part he points out about the litigations between Silicon Knights and Crystal Dynamics. Now we can't be certain it was a complete Silicon Knight work.

Well, gotta recheck out Blood Omen for the hell of it.

NH Apache

Teknopathetic said:
I'd like to hope that Shane was just nodding along and being a yes-man hoping that Dyack wouldn't flip his shit and start stabbing people with his headset mic. If not, he's an ultra-douche.

I think that since he is one of the higher ups at 1up, he felt a responsibility to mediate between the oppositions. On most of the other podcasts he seems like a pretty astute guy.

I always enjoyed him because he had a shot in one hand and a chaser in the other in previous episodes.:D


milkham said:
I'm just getting to the part where the crazy starts and I think the reason they don't really challenge him aside from Garnett is that they don't know what the fuck he's talking about. I really wish fartofwar was there to take him apart.
I'm disappointed he isn't doing Yours anymore, he said he's going to post a blog about Dyack's appearance on the show, which he did with Payton. But it'd be much more interesting to hear him address his thoughts directly to the guests.


So after hearing about the Star Wars kid...I thought hey, why not look it up myself because I was a bit curious to see if what Dy said was true. Kinda. I never knew the origins so I took a jonder of looking it up. I already posted it up on the 1UP boards but I'll post it here too. Interesting read really.

"On November 4, 2002 the boy made a video of himself swinging a golf ball retriever around as a weapon. The video was filmed at the studio of his high school, and the tape was left forgotten in a basement. The original owner of the videotape discovered his recorded acts and immediately shared it with some friends. Thinking that it would be a funny prank, they encoded it to a WMV file and shared it using the Kazaa peer-to-peer file sharing network.
Within two weeks, the file was downloaded several million times. An adapted version of the video was created, adding Star Wars music, texts, and lightsaber lights and sounds to his golf ball retriever.

As of 27 November 2006 it has been estimated by The Viral Factory that the videos had been viewed over 900 million times, making it the most popular "viral video" on the Internet."

In July 2003, his family filed a CA$250,000 lawsuit against the families of four of his schoolmates. The lawsuit stated, in part, that he "had to endure, and still endures today, harassment and derision from his high-school mates and the public at large." and, he "will be under psychiatric care for an indefinite amount of time."[2] Legal proceedings against one family were quickly dropped.[3] The lawsuit had been scheduled to begin trial on April 10, 2006; but on April 7, the boy and his parents reached an out-of-court settlement with the defendants.[4] Previous court proceedings had included discussions about whether the defendants had liability insurance. In 2006 the boy finally came to terms with his classmates and received CA$351,000 in a lawsuit between three of the four classmates. (Associated Sun Press).


stuburns said:
Honestly, it's excuse after excuse with Dyack.

"It's E3's fault, E3 is a joke, there were worse games on the floor"
"It's Mark McDonalds fault, labeling it terrible"
"It's Epic's fault UE3 wasn't finished three years before we wanted to ship"
"It's NeoGAF's fault, they're influencing the negative previews"

Grow the fuck up man, you're not a great game maker, stop making excuses for your piss poor work. Not everyone can be Valve, Irrational or Kojima Productions. Silicon Knights are a b-level developer, that seemingly can not handle a massive next gen project.

It's just so childish to blame everyone else, because it's too hard to admit you might have just wasted 10+ years of your teams time and companies money on your pet project.

People think DNF is bad? I think Too Human is worse. They admit they've fucked up, you think it's our fault. Twat.

To put it simply, Dyack's psyche:

E3 vs Dyack
Mark McDonald vs Dyack
Epic vs Dyack
NeoGAF vs Dyack
Dyack vs Dyack


I haven't listened to all of it yet. However I have to say this. I find it extremely funny that in his thread he desperately tries to rally people together to defend his game. Not only that but to justify his own PR for it. Then he turns around and friggin well bites them on the ass moreorless. He's not just complaining about ''negative gaf'' this is everyone, we're all in the same pool.


Azelover said:
It seems like the viral marketers from over at Microsoft are working even now, interesting. It still amazes me some people get fooled, it's like a press release, no other company would ever do it this much.

I said this was a marketing campaign (horrid one at that) for a while now and...

i still can't read the title of this thread and believe in its accuracy. i feel like i should buy dyack's game just to say 'thank you' for one of the sillier internet spectacles in recent memory

...it's starting to work!!!

Munchkins 1 NeoGAF 0


Does he comment on the Benny Hill edition of his trailer at all btw? :lol
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