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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
a tag saying: "Destroying the Fabric of Society since 2000" would be nice ;P

Destroying Society?

Futami, is that you???


GAF's Bob Woodward
firehawk12 said:
I hope most of you are not basing your kneejerk opinion strictly on the news posting?

TBH, it only gets worse (IMO) when you actually listen through the discussion he meandered his way though on the show.


Though it's difficult to explain in a succinct news post, Dyack's ideas about NeoGAF and other forums are based on a lengthy thought process inspired by various sources of philosophy, science fiction, and social theory that Dyack has been reading and exploring of late.

Fallout-NL said:
Tell me more.

scientology confirmed?


(more a nerd than a geek)
The internet/fidonet/BBSs have always been filled with folks who are antisocial idiots.

Now, perhaps, they are more open for more people, but it's still just antisocial idiots who are being, well, antisocial idiot jerks.
Oh God. And you guys wonder why Ubi sends producers with PR skills to promote their games?

Despite how the final game turns out, this game will forever be remembered for Denis' incessant whining about everything - his publisher, the media, online forums, his engine. He's let his ego become bigger than the game itself, and it's a disservice to everyone else on the project.

I'm still buying Too Human, but sorry Denis, MGS should've put a gag order on you two years ago.

Doc Evils

panda21 said:
'Whoever fights monsters should see too it that in the process he doesn't become one himself' - Frederic Nietzsche

(from the too human opening cinematic on gametrailers)

irony lol



gofreak said:
TBH, it only gets worse (IMO) when you actually listen through the discussion he meandered his way though on the show.

I think it gets better when you realize all he's saying is that internet people are douchebags.

People here are making it seem like he was just saying random words that made no sense, but he was just citing a bunch of books and defining terms that were really unnecessary in the context of the discussion.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Garnett am the new mangod.

"I bet you 50 bucks we don't see the second game in the trilogy" :lol

Dude just is totally honest and totally awesome. And I can't not love someone who hums Aerosmith on a podcast.



Denis is right. Neogaf is a nightmare, a cesspool of immaturity in all forms, and full of toe-deep knee-jerkness.

But, Neogaf IS entertaining in its own way, although not a place for gaming-science and news with a healthy perspective.

So it's a good thing it's narrow, and only shared among a relatively small group of elitists. The massive majority of game-buyers don't care about this place anyway, so Denis is safe no matter how much he riles Neogaf up. And that is something he knows but Neogaf forgets.


I listened to it.


So this was calculated, Denis?


"I decided to make that thread the instant I knew I was going on the show"

Liar liar pants on fire!

What a manipulative little worm.

And if there's anything I can add that hasn't been said it's that the staff did exactly what I would have done. If Denis where sitting there undoing himself like that I would not have interefered except to has him clarify the stupidest parts. Except for Shane. But I got the impression that Shane was actually stringing Denis along rather than yessing him. Idk... does he have that in him?


CoG said:
If you are in business you need to know how to take punches. Lashing back at the critics is not the answer.

Well OBVIOUSLY, i've noted my opinions on that part..but put your self in his shoes. Its easy to say what you've said, since you haven't experienced what he has.

You do something thats been 10 years in the making and then come back with smiles and flowers after being flamed and called stuff.

but yes, he shouldn't bother..just saying.
So the first half hour of this is Dyack talking endlessly, but can easily be dropped into a few simple talking points. He is the king of needless waffle.

1. People on the Internet are dicks.
2. This leads to a low level of discourse on forums.
3. This is bad, forums should be like ethical businesses.
4. If they fail at becoming like this, they should be shut down.

He fails to understand that this problem has been attempted to be solved numerous times, across hundreds and thousands of sites with zero results. If he thinks he is likely to succeed, then he's delusional.

He also completely fails to recognise that forum anonymity, or relative anonymity has numerous benefits, and fails to say what benefit shutting down forums would have, as if everyone would simply permanently Log Off rather than find a new home.


bj00rn said:
Denis is safe no matter how much he riles Neogaf up. And that is something he knows but Neogaf forgets.

So irl are you like literally backwards? I mean do you drive to work in reverse and eat thru your butt and stuff?


sext0n said:
Dyack is a piece of shit. Any chance I had of playing Too Human is now gone. Fuck him and his shitty company.

you probably never were going to play the game, just you being a hater in disguise. Shoo!

and ONLY idiots go by what developers say, its the actual product that should be judged.


Crayon said:
What a manipulative little worm.


You're only proving his point by padding this thread with these disgraceful ad hominem attacks. As if we all know everything about Denis Dyack from listening to him on a bunch of podcasts. Yeah he must be terrible to work with because you listened to him on a podcast and now you know that!


Wow, Dyack had one single point that people don't take accountability for actions on the internet, and then rambled for about an hour on the subject. Thats impressive.


Wow, the contrast at TeamXbox is amazing.


Much respect to Dyack, who clearly cares about improving not only 'videogaming' but society as a whole. I'd like to comment on everything he brought up but it'd take much too long - there's so much great stuff in there! Seriously, if only everyone had the intelligence and passion that this man has. I'm gonna have to check out some of those books, oh, and send a job app to SK...

Even if Too Human just comes out to be an average to above average game, it doesn't even matter anymore. The insightful analysis and heartfelt discussion on 1up has garnered you my respect; even more so than before.

Agreed, that was a very inspiring podcast. I'm not really sure what to say. I'm going to have to hit that puppy up more than a few times and definately look into some of the topics referenced within. Very cool Denis, thanks.

It's actually an amazing talk...the gist being: "rehumanize the forums - remember that there is another human on the other side of the keyboard"

Whether he's a good game designer is irrelevant; he is clearly a very thoughtful and intelligent man and his heart is in the right place. But I think his words will fall mostly on the deaf ears of kids who are obnoxious and negative on the forums to let out aggression.

Talk about two sides of the story.


I'm sorry, his argument on the podcast is that of a crazy person. He wraps a very simple concepts behind buzz words and buzz concepts (his basic argument is gabriel's internet fuckwad theory), he constantly gets facts incorrect (star wars kid and Jeff Bell), and he is constantly contradicting himself (he says forums are meaningless and then the next sentence he says the forums are a major influence).

Doc Evils

Y2Kev said:
Garnett am the new mangod.

"I bet you 50 bucks we don't see the second game in the trilogy" :lol

Dude just is totally honest and totally awesome. And I can't not love someone who hums Aerosmith on a podcast.





TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Shane behaves like a skinless cat that sits in Dyack's lap and purrs whenever Dyack says something retarded. I'm completely disappointed he was behave in this manor; he has done this every time Dyack has appeared on the podcast.

I wish John or Shawn or anybody was there. There are times that I believe "keeping Shane in check" is kind of unnecessary, but this was kind of unlistenable.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I can't believe 1up gave him an hour to waffle on and on when his point could of been summed up in five minutes.

I don't have Photoshop so I can't photoshop Dyack's face in there (feel free to add)

It reminds me of Se7en because a lot of angry people in this thread are proving Dyack's point.
Doc Evils said:
:lol Manho!

jax (old)

Malik said:
you probably never were going to play the game, just you being a hater in disguise. Shoo!

and ONLY idiots go by what developers say, its the actual product that should be judged.

fair enough but too human seems like generic action adventure # xxxx. Almost everyone in the podcast talking about their play experience didn't seem to have a good time with it. Garnett's comments were gold. CRIMSON SEAS. :lol :lol and John Davidson's comment were hilarious, the disdain and displeasure is palpable in his voice.

If it weren't for Dyack's constant ranting about this/that ... would this title had gotten as much attention as is has?

Garnett am the new mangod.

"I bet you 50 bucks we don't see the second game in the trilogy"

actually, John was the one who had the go first by saying that we won't see TH2. but Garnett's followup quip was/is GOLD. :lol


tak said:
I'm sorry, his argument on the podcast is that of a crazy person. He wraps a very simple concepts behind buzz words and buzz concepts (his basic argument is gabriel's internet fuckwad theory), he constantly gets facts incorrect (star wars kid and Jeff Bell), and he is constantly contradicting himself (he says forums are meaningless and then the next sentence he says the internet is a major influence).
Yep, that's how I felt. It was very hard to follow his points and then you realize "oh, he's talking about that". He overcomplicates things and when he references people he doesn't talk about substance but their importance and why I should be amazed without going into depth. He's all over the place and hard to follow.
It's like the exact opposite of when Shawn talks about a book he just read on gfw.


I have zero tolerance for pretentious dicks who, just by having read a few books, start making grandiose statements about the state of society. Please respect those who spent 10 years getting their Ph.Ds, while you only spent 2 weeks reading loose literature on broad reaching concepts.

As for Too Human and Denis Dyrack FUCK YOU. I'm going to be that precise cesspit of human negativity you've so callously labeled an entire forum for. As Warren Buffet said, "No matter how talented a manager is, if we don't like his personality, we won't work with him." Ditto for you, acting elitist, condemning free speech, condemning criticisms that is a pillar of evolution (oh crap, you didn't know that Dyrack?! Which brand of philosophy did you study?), and afraid to evolve due to said criticisms is a hallmark of a coward and a bully using the mask of pretentious intellectual capacity to incite controversy.

Here, I'd say it again, from a liberal who values free speech. F-U-C-K Y-O-U. I'm officially placing sanctions on all of your products until a formal apology is made, with admissions to your insidious attempts at censorship being acknowledged.
trolling on my neogaf? No Way! I think Dennis is giving neogaf too much credit for being a "mature" forum. Why doesn't he do the same stunt on Gamefaqs?


Even after all of this I still wouldn't be opposed to trying out the game. It is, after all, a group effort and not the work of one single, slightly deranged individual. I will say though, for the good of the company, someone at SK needs to put Dyack on a freaking leash. Head honcho or not.

At some point the dude is bound to drive the company to the ground. And then blame someone else for it.

Kintaro said:
Come back Jaffe, I must ______ you. :_:

The world must know! :O


Crayon said:
So irl are you like literally backwards? I mean do you drive to work in reverse and eat thru your butt and stuff?

So irl are you like literally backwards? I mean do you drive to work in reverse and eat thru your butt and stuff?


:lol :lol :lol

Love the backpeddeling. As for the decline, yeaaaa, GAF and messageboards in general keep gorwing in popularity, GAF's going to be alright (as long as people keep making fuck awesome GIFs that is)


probune said:

You're only proving his point by padding this thread with these disgraceful ad hominem attacks. As if we all know everything about Denis Dyack from listening to him on a bunch of podcasts. Yeah he must be terrible to work with because you listened to him on a podcast and now you know that!

I'm pretty sure I just gave the guy an hour of my uninterrupted attention and he used it poorly to represent himself as a personality and a game designer.

For one hour he pointed fingers contradicted himself, attempted to re-write history with the social experiment, dragged out his heroic victory over Kittonwy yet again and yet again with the same transparent faked regret....

Yeah he sounds like a manipulative little worm to me. Look at the way he's dealing with these problems... nothing but a stream of excuses, buck-passing, tantrums re-styled into experiments all in the guise of "just doing the right thing even if it's against his interest" and all for what?? Because apparently he'd rather go thru all of this rather than just take responsibility for his words and actions?

You can gtfo if you think I'm proving his point. His point was way the fuck over your head. It had nothing to do with the good of the internet or society it was about him wanting to get what he wants at the expense of my right to make a post in my own words and yours to follow it with some bullshit about his point?

Forest thru the trees, man. See it.


Listening now. I have no fucking idea what's going on. He was supposed to explain the thread he made, but he's talking about business ethics and videogame stories. Maybe I'm just too dumb to understand or whatever


So basically Denis you're saying that neogaf needs to be moderated better? I can respect and understand that, but to go and say that we shouldn't be posting on message boards is ridiculous. And do you really believe that we take everything we read on here as fact? We know what we're coming in for when we sign up here, a message board is a collection of opinions so we can expect that.


GAF's Bob Woodward
CoG said:

I don't want to be too patronising here, but..it's reasonably easy to be blinded/impressed by pseudo-intellectual ramblings and book citations when you don't dig too deeply beyond the surface. When you actually cut through the incoherence and list his arguments, they're trivially easy to pick apart (as has been done here already, for the most part)...same with folks who get up on soapboxes with speakerphones on street corners, except most people really don't have the patience and couldn't be arsed to put up with people like that (usually).

He could have made the same points in 5 minutes. I'll even take his only real point of merit and make it in one sentence:

Knowing the likelihood that some members may be overawed by moderators and administrators, GAF moderators should be more careful of their influence on threads with regard to topic renaming.

There. End of.


After listening to the podcast, I'm really disappointed in the 1UP crew. Shawn would have been great on this show. I feel like the crew got a little intimidated by Denis' verbosity and got a little gun shy. I'm really looking forward to Shawn's blog post on this matter. Also, why didn't anyone ask Denis to explain his hypocrisy on multiple points ranging for invasion of privacy (he rightfully pans a GAF mod for revealing the identity of a poster but then goes on to admit tracing down Kittonwy and locating where he lives?) to "Letting the game speak for itself" which is exactly what he isn't doing by all these posts/rants etc.

He does raise valid points, but at the same time, the timing of his comments in relation to the date of release of his game, along with the recent release of previews of near final build make me feel that Denis Dyack isn't interested in the well-being of the gaming community, devs and fans included, but actually just acting as a hype man for his product. Its sad that the game will never get judged on its own merits as I think every review from here on out will be influenced, or at least mention, this whole mess.


CoG said:
Wow, the contrast at TeamXbox is amazing.


Talk about two sides of the story.

Teamxbox lol. They have no credibility, and love opportunities to defend Microsoft/the 360. These are the same guys that reported that the retail version of NG2 didn't suffer from the load time and frame rate issues the review copy did (lie!), spread all that fud about a Sony PS3 hardware fault that they tried to make appear on the same scale as the RroD (lie!) and were pretty much the only one's to give Too Human an overly positive preview. They've pretty much always been 360 bias, and it shows, not only in their site name, but with how they run their site too.

So this response of theirs does not surprise me in the slightest.
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