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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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He talk about the internet just like my Grandpa does. "The NeoGaf," "I could have that place shut down", etc. To equate changing a tag to cyberstalking, just wow. It sounds like he is the guy who clicks on pop-up ads and sends advance payments to foreign princes. His general tone and pretentiousness made him really difficult to listen to as well. Being pretentious and being a liar also goes together very poorly (re: kittonwy, star wars kid, probably many other things he said that weren't as blatantly obvious).

I hope he's not on the 1up show again, especially if Shane is going to be his sycophantic PR sidekick.


brokenwatch said:
He talk about the internet just like my Grandpa does. "The NeoGaf," "I could have that place shut down", etc. To equate changing a tag to cyberstalking, just wow.
I think he was trying to be smart in recognizing the fact that "GAF" stands/stood for Gaming-Age Forums. So, he's being grammatically correct, as it reads: "the neo gaming-age forums".

jax (old)

BorkBork said:
A blast from the past, nice. It's interesting to listen to Denis' comments back then and compare it to the product now.

I hated that podcast too when I heard it - whinging about previews + mark - I cannot believe how much airtime 1up give this clown. How about we get some talented developers or different people for once.

some ken levine/cliffy/insominiac people/kojima/etc etc would really really help the show. Dyack's constant Too Human pimpage is revolting. It all goes one way with dyack and his game.

* just read shawn's blog and :lol :lol :lol never really liked him on the 1up podcasts but damn, respect +1. Nailed it.


Kittonwy said:
Then he shouldn't show his game until it's ready to be judged, but then we're only one month away from the release date.

It's just a bad way to respond to criticism, the whole "you haven't played the final game" argument is just lame because people don't have to play the final game, because they don't have to buy the final game upon release if they don't feel like it.

Did Naughty Dog resort to that kind of bullshit when people criticized the shooting mechanics after they showed the game at E3 and various events? No, they went and took the criticisms seriously and IMPROVED THEIR GAME, resulting in a polished product and a great game for the PS3, a much improved shooting mechanics that will stay with the game and benefit the series in the long run. Did Insomniac do the whole "for or against" bullshit when the game's visuals got criticized after a few screenshots came out? No, they went and explained that they just implemented the shadowing system and they will continue to work on making the game prettier, if I was a game director (granted I have no interest in being a game director or being in the game industry at the present time), I would be feverishly trying to address any concerns and polish my shit up during this final stretch instead of trying to use 1UP Yours as a vehicle to attack GAF and the people who run GAF.

I don't believe people at GAF are just here to shit on games indiscriminately, I sure don't, we give a shit, we won't be so critical if we don't really care. The problem is Dyack and his team haven't really addressed any of the problems people here have mentioned, like the crappy animations and collision detection, they haven't shown any new levels, they've just been trying to push that loot thing, and to be honest I just don't give a shit about loot because I'm simply not a loot guy, I like action games, I like good combat, I like a bit of puzzles and platforming, I didn't play PSO for the loot either, I played it for the boss fights, I played it for the challenge, I played it for the community.

this needs to somehow be represented as a gif...hmmmmmmmmmm


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
At least Shane is being consistent, I forgot how he was finishing Denis' thoughts last year as well. :lol


they should make Denis Dyack: the Game where you take on the role of a video game exec on a noble crusade to stop the tyranny of The NeoGAF who corrupts teh societiez. Then I would go on GAF and be all like "Denis Dyakc is a pretty cool guy, eh pwns The NeoGAF and doesn't afraid of anything."
This is what I see from this.

Denis is simply a mediocre game designer with low self esteem, he simply likes to blame everybody except himself from the negative previews. JUST FUCKING GROW UP MAN,

and instead wasting all that time researching the internet society/message boards and all that shit, you should have took a second look at the previews and read up on some game design books to fix your game's flaws.


agrajag said:
they should make Denis Dyack: the Game where you take on the role of a video game exec on a noble crusade to stop the tyranny of The NeoGAF who corrupts teh societiez. Then I would go on GAF and be all like "Denis Dyakc is a pretty cool guy, eh pwns The NeoGAF and doesn't afraid of anything."



Iaido Sword said:
Listening to the old EGM podcast. :lol

"This game will represent the company"
"100 hour game"

Jesus christ!

I thought it was confirmed the game took roughly 10 hours to complete?
LakeEarth said:
I knew he said 100 hour game before.
Well to be fair, he said his trilogy is 100 hour game.

So he's still 70 hours short if the pattern continues. :lol
Cirekiller said:
Well if it is really a Diablo-esque game you can't really finish it unless you get all the best gear.
Untrue. You just need decent gear and level 30.
I can list 200 gaming websites that will crumble (or should be shut down) before neogaf is ever touched.

This place rocks. It's the only fanboy free gaming forum on the net!



aka Ryder
I really didn't want to get involved in this thread, but I'm thinking he's referring to "the GAF" as in "the Gaming-Age Forums". Still sounds weird as hell though.

And props to FartofWar on the blog, really well written. Listening to the podcast, I really want to give Dyack the benefit of the doubt and give him a fair shot, but I can't help but feel like none of this would ever be happening if his game didn't "suck", as it were.

If he's so confident in his game, why is he even doing this? Why doesn't he let his game do the talking?

As a side note, the way he spoke about some things pertaining to the forum oddly reminded me of some old Jack Thompson rants ("hurting society", etc.)

My two cents, anyhow.

Edit: I have not read this entire behemoth of a thread, so if someone already mentioned "the GAF", apologies.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
permutated said:
I can list 200 gaming websites that will crumble (or should be shut down) before neogaf is ever touched.

This place rocks. It's the only fanboy free gaming forum on the net!


slow down, slo....slo...slow down!
permutated said:
I can list 200 gaming websites that will crumble (or should be shut down) before neogaf is ever touched.

This place rocks. It's the only fanboy free gaming forum on the net!


I prefer to look at it as the most balanced in terms of fanboyism, but definitely not fanboy free. :D
Ryder said:
I really want to give Dyack the benefit of the doubt and give him a fair shot, but I can't help but feel like none of this would ever be happening if his game didn't "suck", as it were.

That's exactly how I feel about it.


When the reviews come in, I wonder if Dyack will still say the game speaks for itself. It just feels like he's sandbagging now.


permutated said:
I can list 200 gaming websites that will crumble (or should be shut down) before neogaf is ever touched.

This place rocks. It's the only fanboy free gaming forum on the net!


Yeah, hold it. I'm a Sony fanboy.

On topic though, I have much more respect for people that take criticism to heart and use it to improve their games, rather than channel the negativity back onto the consumers. Examples: Naughty Dog and Insomniac, (as mentioned above), Incognito (Warhawk), and Kojima Productions (for the most part, especially with Ryan there). I'd mention some 360 developers but I don't know enough about them and I don't have a 360.


ianp622 said:
On topic though, I have much more respect for people that take criticism to heart and use it to improve their games, rather than channel the negativity back onto the consumers. Examples: Naughty Dog and Insomniac, (as mentioned above), Incognito (Warhawk), and Kojima Productions (for the most part, especially with Ryan there). I'd mention some 360 developers but I don't know enough about them and I don't have a 360.

I don't remember anyone calling those games "shit" before playing them.

Fact is, there wasn't much legitimate criticism of Too Human. Just rampant trolling.


duk said:
so shane agrees with dyack?

Shane is the enabler of the podcast. I'm GLAD that he didn't debate, since Garnett provided the minimal resistance needed to keep Dyack going. If it was supposed to be a verbal brawl, people should be mad at Shane. It wasn't, so they shouldn't.
FightyF said:
I don't remember anyone calling those games "shit" before playing them.

Fact is, there wasn't much legitimate criticism of Too Human. Just rampant trolling.
The main criticism that GAF jumped on is the animation. You watch the opening cutscenes and say try to say they are awesome.

No one's calling the entire game crap, but animations are damn important to the game.


"This particular thing (Too Human, terrible) probably is gonna change the industry (in a negative way)." - Denis Dyack

Wow Dyack, you seriously think your game is like the saving grace of the entire industry.
I still don't see why gaf thinks the graphics are sub par or "crappy." The game looks pretty smooth, and for a dungeon crawler I think it looks pretty damn good. Compare the most recent ign and gametrailers video's with Marvel Ultimate alliance(which you can barely even see you guy). I think Denis is going off the deep end and should not read GAF but this game looks like it will be a good time if you enjoyed PSO 1 on the DC. I just wish it had 4 player co op.


ianp622 said:
Yeah, hold it. I'm a Sony fanboy.

On topic though, I have much more respect for people that take criticism to heart and use it to improve their games, rather than channel the negativity back onto the consumers. Examples: Naughty Dog and Insomniac, (as mentioned above), Incognito (Warhawk), and Kojima Productions (for the most part, especially with Ryan there). I'd mention some 360 developers but I don't know enough about them and I don't have a 360.
Well, Bungie..kinda.. :p
Halo (1) at E3 back then..was nearly a disaster (to many)..with the game crashing a lot, lots of bugs, etc..even more salt to the wound, when it was supposed to be "the" game..

Flash-forward to now, Halo is a well stablished franchise, multi million seller, recognized my many gamers, "non-gamers", media, Hollywood..

Yet, I don't remember the guys at Bungie coming here ..and asking forums users to take a side.. :p


FightyF said:
I don't remember anyone calling those games "shit" before playing them.

Fact is, there wasn't much legitimate criticism of Too Human. Just rampant trolling.

Hey, plenty of people trash plenty of games before playing them. It's all over the place, all over the net, BIG DEAL. Same thing happens with movies and gadgets and Apple and Microsoft and everything.

There's no reason for some CEO or whatever Denis is to become obsessed over criticism from some gamers, especially not of one specific forum. It's ridiculous AND POINTLESS.

Make your game as good as you can and release it so you can make some money or cancel it if you will end up with a bigger dept, and in either case once all is done MOVE ON!!!


Iaido Sword said:
No one's calling the entire game crap


In fact, that was the whole reason why Dyack made a thread here!

If you don't know the basic facts, why are you posting in this thread?

Ether_Snake said:
Hey, plenty of people trash plenty of games before playing them. It's all over the place, all over the net, BIG DEAL. Same thing happens with movies and gadgets and Apple and Microsoft and everything.

True, but the reason why Dyack took offense is because of the double standard applied to his game. This forum usually doesn't allow for people calling a game "shit" without even touching it. People get banned for trolling games here. Yet there was one exception, in the form of Too Human.

How many Too Human threads have you visited Ether_Snake? How many have you participated in? Again, I ask, you should probably learn the circumstances of the situation before posting about it.
Whipped Spartan said:
I still don't see why gaf thinks the graphics are sub par or "crappy." The game looks pretty smooth, and for a dungeon crawler I think it looks pretty damn good. Compare the most recent ign and gametrailers video's with Marvel Ultimate alliance(which you can barely even see you guy). I think Denis is going off the deep end and should not read GAF but this game looks like it will be a good time if you enjoyed PSO 1 on the DC. I just wish it had 4 player co op.
Go compare the slash animations of Too Human to the latest Dynasty Warriors. Which one excites you more? And quite frankly, DW isn't even the standard.

And take a close look when Baldur does his lame finisher where he jumps on the robot and slams it. He's off the robot for crying out loud. He's floating!
FightyF said:

In fact, that was the whole reason why Dyack made a thread here!

If you don't know the basic facts, why are you posting in this thread?

True, but the reason why Dyack took offense is because of the double standard applied to his game. This forum usually doesn't allow for people calling a game "shit" without even touching it. People get banned for trolling games here. Yet there was one exception, in the form of Too Human.

How many Too Human threads have you visited Ether_Snake? How many have you participated in? Again, I ask, you should probably learn the circumstances of the situation before posting about it.
Go listen to the EGM podcast.

He's saying the exact same thing as you are.

He tells the EGM guy that they're labeling his entire game is terrible. EGM tells him they're only criticizing Too Human's build at E3.

It's actually what you're doing. GAF judges based on what he shows us, and if it's terrible, then it's terrible. Presentation is everything. If Too Human has on element that extremely unpolished, then it doesn't bode well for the rest of the game.

Want to change my mind? Then Dyack will have to show me a real and talented production quality cutscene of today's standard for the intro in which an intro is suppose to be the front cover for the rest of the game.


GhaleonEB said:
When the reviews come in, I wonder if Dyack will still say the game speaks for itself. It just feels like he's sandbagging now.

Sure, the game will speak for itself. Denis isn't probably going to like what it is telling most people, though.


Reviews will come and will prob be avg. but most people already have decided. Some previews were not previews, but pseudo reviews.


FightyF said:

In fact, that was the whole reason why Dyack made a thread here!

If you don't know the basic facts, why are you posting in this thread?

True, but the reason why Dyack took offense is because of the double standard applied to his game. This forum usually doesn't allow for people calling a game "shit" without even touching it. People get banned for trolling games here. Yet there was one exception, in the form of Too Human.

How many Too Human threads have you visited Ether_Snake? How many have you participated in? Again, I ask, you should probably learn the circumstances of the situation before posting about it.

So what is the solution? Go and police those German forums, French forums, etc., cause hey maybe they've been saying MUCH WORST stuff than GAF has? There is NO POINT in freaking out over GAF. There is only a handful of people here when you take the whole market in consideration, like a fricking head of a needle in a giant stack of needles.

If he feels GAF is immature he could stop reading the site you know, there's plenty of other forums out there if he really wants feedback, and previewers, etc.

I visited no Too Human threads, and it worked great for me! Maybe Dyack could do the same!
f_elz said:
Listened to the podcast. Makes good points.

I dont think this is the appropriate place to say such a thing even if he did make some great points and was pretty spot on with alot of the criticisms he leveled at society and to a lesser extent NeoGaf.


FightyF said:
True, but the reason why Dyack took offense is because of the double standard applied to his game. This forum usually doesn't allow for people calling a game "shit" without even touching it. People get banned for trolling games here. Yet there was one exception, in the form of Too Human.

How many Too Human threads have you visited Ether_Snake? How many have you participated in? Again, I ask, you should probably learn the circumstances of the situation before posting about it.
*cough*Mortal Kombat*cough*
Boon has been reading a lot of forums for years, yet he prefers not to say anything..usually..an exception was at Gamespot a few weeks ago, when he admitted being surpised at the amount of forum users that started assuming things about the new MKvsDC game (no blood, no Fatalities, etc)..and started spreading it as the absolute truth..yet, he took all that as "constructive criticsm"..


FightyF said:
I don't remember anyone calling those games "shit" before playing them.

Fact is, there wasn't much legitimate criticism of Too Human. Just rampant trolling.

For realz? So you're telling me that the animations and collision detection are not legitimate concerns?


HallucinatingElvis said:
I dont think this is the appropriate place to say such a thing even if he did make some great points and was pretty spot on with alot of the criticisms he leveled at society and to a lesser extent NeoGaf.

your right.
Iaido Sword said:
Go compare the slash animations of Too Human to the latest Dynasty Warriors. Which one excites you more? And quite frankly, DW isn't even the standard.

And take a close look when Baldur does his lame finisher where he jumps on the robot and slams it. He's off the robot for crying out loud. He's floating!

All this talk about it in recent days has caused me to watch a number of recent video's and I am just not seeing it. If you would've said it before I would've agreed it looked a little rough but the recent batch of movies it looks fine. You guys are being snobs or I am just turning in my graphics whore card on this.

Go play other games in this genre. This is easily the best looking in the genre.


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
That EGM podcast is a must hear (for anyone interested in this).

He just hypes this game up no end. Says how great it is and how other people/companies say how amazing it is, yet still no demo? He says to the interviewers that they will love it if they played it now... how hard would it be to show it to them?

All this talk and no action makes me think he's got something to hide.
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