FAQ taken from Reddit
Do I need to take any action?
Can I play all content on all platforms?
- On PC: Yes. Since Destiny 2 will move to Steam on Oct 1st (with the release of Shadowkeep), you need to link your Battle.net & Steam account. You can do so on this page now. If you additionally wish to play on other platforms, you can enable Cross Save on this page now.
- On Consoles: If you plan to stay on your platform, no. If you want to switch around, you can enable Cross Save on this page now.
I'm playing on multiple Platforms. Which Guardian will I have when enabling Cross Save?
- Until Oct 1st: No. Licences are platform specific. If you haven't purchased the game (and didn't get it for free as part of PS Plus / XBox Games with Gold), you can't play.
- After Oct 1st: Destiny 2: New Lightwill be Free-to-Play on all Platforms. You can download it on any platform, link your account on Bungie.net, and have access to:
- Patrol on all Locations (including Tangled Shore, Dreaming City & Moon)
- The Campaign up until Forsaken (D2 Vanilla through Warmind)
- Strikes Playlists, Crucible Playlists & Gambit (Prime)
- Leviathan Raid, including Raid Lairs (Eater of Worlds, Spire of Stars)
- Some select Shadowkeep content
- NO ACCESS to the Forsaken Campaign, exotic quests, any Y2 Raid or Dungeon (Last Wish, Shattered Throne, Crown of Sorrow), Forges, Menagerie, most Shadowkeep content (including the new raid).
- Please see also this image.
- In the words of /u/Roketsu86:
- Cross Save is what you have. Gear, guns, consumables, shaders, Collection. This all transfers to any platform.
- Platform licenses are what you can do: Raids, Forges, Exotic Quests, The Menagerie. This is specific to any platforms you purchase licenses on.
Can I matchmake with players on other Platforms?
- When enabling Cross Save, you have to choose which platform is your current "main account", and it will take all data from there and make it available to other platforms. As detailed in the official FAQ, characters on "left behind" platforms won't be deleted - you can disable Cross Save to access them, though there is a 90 day grace period to enable it again.
Can I play with one character on multiple platforms at the same time?
- No, Cross Save does not equal Cross Play.
(PC) When can I play on Steam? Where do I have to buy stuff?
- Most likely not, no. You can however log out on one platform (there is an option for this below "Change characters" since forever), boot up another platform and sign in there and have all data readily available.
Common Scenarios
- You won't be able to play on Steam until Oct 1st. You need to buy stuff in the Battle.net store until then. Coming Oct 1st, you won't be able to continue to play Destiny on Battle.net, and HAVE to play on Steam.
I'm playing on Console and want to switch to PC
I'm playing on PC, but want to use my console account
- If you do not own anything on PC, buy Destiny 2: Forsaken - Complete Collection on Battle.net (example in the US store). It includes everything up until now.
- Go to this page and link your Battle.net & Steam account. Don't worry if your just bought content doesn't show up - known issue. It WILL transfer over!
- Enable Cross Save on this page, choose your console account as your main account.
- Log in on Battle.net and play.
- Starting Oct 1st, you need to continue to play on Steam. If you want to enjoy Shadowkeep, make sure to buy it on Steam!
I switched to PC a while ago, and only want to import my Hunter from console while keeping the other PC characters
- Go to this page and link your Battle.net & Steam account.
- Enable Cross Save on this page, choose your console account as your main account.
- Log in on Battle.net and play.
- Starting Oct 1st, you need to continue to play on Steam. If you want to enjoy Shadowkeep, make sure to buy it on Steam!
I own the base game on PC/PS4/X1 (from the Battle.net giveaway/PS Plus/Xbox Games with Gold), and want to try it out.
- Account merging is not supported, this is not possible. You have to choose to continue either with your console or PC account.
I just want to try out other platforms, but do not own the game on other platforms.
- If PC is among the platforms you own the game on, go to this page and link your Battle.net & Steam account.
- Enable Cross Save on this page, choose your main account from whichever platform you want.
- Start playing on all platforms! Note that you may be unable to access some activities that require other purchases, see FAQ above. Way more content will be available on Oct 1st with Destiny 2: New Light.
- Wait until Oct 1st. With the launch of Destiny 2: New Light, some content (see list in the FAQ above) will be Free to Play everywhere. Then follow the steps above.
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