To be fair, it's people capturing points that tend to mess the game up.
The maps are asymetrical, you don't want to just run around in circles capturing points, that's the trap that many players fall into, and quickly lose the game for your team.
As the maps are asymmetrical, there is usually a pair of points that are strategically advantagous to hold. On Emperors Respite for instance, if you cap C then you're funnelled through doors to B and A. That puts you at a huge strategic disadvantage at capping B, especially as it's very easy for the team that holds A, to also hold B (due to close proximity between the two, and open sightless on B from the outside. A single player running behind capping C will displace the enemy team to A, and grant them A and B for free - capping the wrong thing will quickly cost your team the game.
Generally speaking, the best strategy isn't to run around capturing points, but to pick the best two points to hold together, and focus on holding the one that sits inbetween your rear point, and the enemies only point (typically B)..