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Destiny 2 |OT3| The Token King


Mrs. Harvey
It's a way different context. You will see reskins in a game like this through out it's overall lifespan, not 1 month after the game released. Literally the 2 live events have been reskins of coin slot machines LMAO.

It makes the whole loot problem even worse, this game has been in development for years and can't even get unique items for an activity? really? And they fucking introduce the activity WITH A RESKIN MAP.
They don't even have a lore tab, literally just a paint job.

Rise of Iron had unique weapons and sounds models for iron banner, it was developed in a single year, apparently doing the same for the game's sequel IS WAY TOO HARD BUNGIE.

I'm sorry for all the swearing but i'm goddamn done with this, what's their excuse now?

Between the changing of people during development and all that and having to release the game on time without question I was expecting the worse. It is what it is. Just like I am waiting until SFV reaches it's final form I'm waiting for Destiny 2 to reach that point first before I make final judgement. I was hardcore defending D1's contents, I can't really say anything to defend D2 against those who said told you so.


Anyone else notice it being harder to get fireteams for raids etc?

A lot harder. I would blame it on iron banner since a lot of people are going to that but I feel people don't care much for it anymore. Sucks for me cause I still enjoy playing The raid but I know a lot out there don't.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Anyone else notice it being harder to get fireteams for raids etc?

People are steering to players they trust

So now player pools are shrinking and some becoming static or people just want to play with like-minded players

The mechanics of this Raid are unforgiving and people do not want to be stuck now on runs or encounters or even teach

Like sorry if you want to go in Blind, but now, it's really difficult to get 5 others in the same way as you
Most request to watch and figure out how the encounter work and will work refining those with you if you join them

I've beaten the Raid every week since release x3 on all Guardians
So for me I don't need to run it, it's just stuff to do now.
Others gave up, no reason to get full set when other sets outperform Raid sets
Why would you as a Hunter run anything but Io set and get 5/5/5 in your abilities

I get invites everyday from players I've played and that search out for me (Even when I'm playing a different game or literally offline)
Sorry for humble brag, but I'm a little no-nonsense player to get shit done but also have fun along the way
So some will be in demand

Some have their cliques or crews or inner circle (nothing wrong with that), that just removes some of the more oriented base players wanting to get it done and not waste time
Anyone else notice it being harder to get fireteams for raids etc?

I think we're reaching that moment in time where people who run it every week several times a week will only do it with people who also run it every week several times a week. Most of them will be in predetermined groups of friends who they always run it with and the only way for someone else to get in is if one of them can't run it as scheduled for whatever reason. But they'll want someone who also has a lot of experience.
And then there's people who already did it and don't care to do it again.
So people who haven't raided are going to have to find the ever gracious sherpa or other elusive people who have never done it either but want to.

Seems kind of shitty, but the reality is that one single inexperienced player can hold back a team for hours or indefinitely. One person can easily turn a calm and chill 2 hour raid into a shouting and hair pulling 5 hour raid. Especially in this one.

Good luck to you.


Finally got the last strike I was missing to show up in matchmaking today, so think I finally wrapped up all the proper 'story' content with the big exception of the Raid. Did enough off the crucible and flashpoint/public event stuff to get the weekly engrams, which got me up to a 278 light level.

I know I could keep going to inch closer towards that 305 light level, but I feel I've hit a point of 'loot satisfaction' in the game. I think my main issue is the power level just seems very flat now. I could get better weapons, but it just doesn't feel like it makes a huge impact on public events and strikes, which would be the main content I'm running now that I finished the story stuff. I'm guessing the the higher light items have a bigger impact in the Raid and Nightfall content, but as someone who plays this game primarily as a solo player, I think I'm pretty satisfied with my current exotic/legendary weapons and armor.

I also liked the amount of story content in the game between the main campaign, adventures, planet side quests, and 6 strikes. I've put about 35 hours into the game, which has been $50 well spent for me. Probably about time for me to take a break, but I do look forward to seeing what new content the upcoming expansions bring.


Has anyone here managed to complete the Nightfall solo? It seems achievable. I had the final boss at around 50 per cent health on my second or third attempt. The time penalty on death is pretty harsh, so I suspect a flawless run is required.

Anyway, it's a fun challenge. Recommended for anyone who enjoyed the more challenging solo content in the original Destiny. Destiny 2 is really lacking in this regard, I think.


People are steering to players they trust

So now player pools are shrinking and some becoming static or people just want to play with like-minded players

The mechanics of this Raid are unforgiving and people do not want to be stuck now on runs or encounters or even teach

Like sorry if you want to go in Blind, but now, it's really difficult to get 5 others in the same way as you
Most request to watch and figure out how the encounter work and will work refining those with you if you join them

I've beaten the Raid every week since release x3 on all Guardians
So for me I don't need to run it, it's just stuff to do now.

I think we're reaching that moment in time where people who run it every week several times a week will only do it with people who also run it every week several times a week. Most of them will be in predetermined groups of friends who they always run it with and the only way for someone else to get in is if one of them can't run it as scheduled for whatever reason. But they'll want someone who also has a lot of experience.
And then there's people who already did it and don't care to do it again.
So people who haven't raided are going to have to find the ever gracious sherpa or other elusive people who have never done it either but want to.

Seems kind of shitty, but the reality is that one single inexperienced player can hold back a team for hours or indefinitely. One person can easily turn a calm and chill 2 hour raid into a shouting and hair pulling 5 hour raid. Especially in this one.

Good luck to you.

Man that sucks for players like me. I have beaten the raid every week since the second week of it's launch but never played with the same groups. Guess I should have tried to but changing life schedules always made that difficult.

I enjoy playing with new groups as well and trying to teach them the mechanics. That feeling of completion is always great to share. I understand what is being quoted though... Many people want to get it over with quick and move on to the next thing.

I enjoy the raid so really sucks it is difficult to find groups.
Man that sucks for players like me. I have beaten the raid every week since the second week of it's launch but never played with the same groups. Guess I should have tried to but changing life schedules always made that difficult.
Look to join a clan perhaps? Speaking from experience we raid each week but are still focusing on getting people in ours up and experiencing what it has to offer before we're looking to PUG or GG. We will later on but for now it's a combination of either doing it efficiently to both practice and get loot, or focusing on teaching people who haven't done it inside the clan how everything works and witnessing their first experience of raids.
Man that sucks for players like me. I have beaten the raid every week since the second week of it's launch but never played with the same groups. Guess I should have tried to but changing life schedules always made that difficult.

I enjoy playing with new groups as well and trying to teach them the mechanics. That feeling of completion is always great to share. I understand what is being quoted though... Many people want to get it over with quick and move on to the next thing.

I enjoy the raid so really sucks it is difficult to find groups.

Hey if you know what you're doing I'm sure you can join any clan that needs more people who can raid. There's always need for backups.


Just barely miss killing boss a few times.
Finally kill him with ~1:48 left on the clock.

Head back to the tower to collect my loot.
Destiny 2!

Thank you Deku and Uff for the Prestige Nightfall. Learned a lot of good strat tweaks.

Does this mean you'll be down to run the prestige again on the weekend ;)?


Post milestone went from 269 to 284. Feeling pretty good.

I did the Sturm exotic quest solo. That last mission was rough, was that intended to be soloable?
urgh why is it always so empty doing public events? i'm having to solo them. at least i got the flashpoint done but could've been done way quicker if people actually appeared.

i'm starting to get real tired of the game now. i'm just trying to get to 305 then i'm done until the expansion. probably gonna pass on PC now.

Post milestone went from 269 to 284. Feeling pretty good.

I did the Sturm exotic quest solo. That last mission was rough, was that intended to be soloable?

it's a strike so it was meant for 3 players but you don't need to do the strike to get Sturm. you just gotta kill that servitor before the boss room. exodus is probably the worst strike in the game imo.


Is there any way of checking my character stats online like in D1? The app has inventory management but I can't find my character and I can't find anything of value through the website any more...

Fuck Guided Games if what I just did is the normal experience

15 minutes to get in, nobody talks, leader quits after one failed attempt
If the system works, behaviour like this should fuck their rating and ultimately remove them from the GG pool.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Been waiting a raid helm along with my raid robes, and got an IB helm last night.

Mixes well once I got the Battalion shader on the whole getup.



So, I finally got my first exotic engram from a PE today, and you know what? The dude sent the chest flying right as it appeared. I think there might be something to making it fly far away..

It's just coincidence. Loads of people have been trying it ever since one guy got two exotics from the same chest, after shoulder charging it. I've seen loads of people do it in game recently and get nothing.


Having a great time with IB.

Maybe even the best time I had so far in D2 and that´s specifically because of the grind-y nature of it.

80 tokens for my first armor piece.

Love it.
Anyone gonna be raiding today and have room for somebody who hasnt done it yet?

I'm up for the nightfall too, especially an attempt at the rat king
Does anyone know if the milestone for getting 10 packages on IB this week is on a character or account limit?

My concern is if it counts regardless of what character gets the engram, of does it have to be 10 engrams on that one same character. Helps to know if I save all tokens so only one character claims them versus just anyone can claim tokens and it still counts towards the overall 10 engrams goal.
Having a great time with IB.

Maybe even the best time I had so far in D2 and that´s specifically because of the grind-y nature of it.

80 tokens for my first armor piece.

Love it.


Does anyone know if the milestone for getting 10 packages on IB this week is on a character or account limit?

It's account wide and tracked by that IB emblem you get from Saladin.

The reward is.....some shaders and another emblem.



Neo Member
I’m gonna be playing all day today! 288 Warlock. Raid or Nightfall is my thaaang but I can do crucible as well.

Add me on PSN! It’s “Nikwhatsup”
Was playing Iron Banner last night, alone, and every match just seemed so unfair. I think I won one or two, out of maybe 20 games.

It wasn't as though I felt I was playing badly either, it was just the opposing teams were better than us as a whole, and they'd kill us, then we'd be stuck in a spawn loop. It wasn't uncommon that I'd be in a situation where I was being shot by two players as soon as I spawned.

The radar really makes this kind of nonsense possible, because it gives you no chance to hide or escape. Because situational awareness is a given thanks to the radar, everything is down to the amount of damage per second your team can fire out at the targets in front of them, which means if your own team are off dying all of the time, then you don't stand much of a chance.

I managed to make top of my team in all but one game played, often with 2.0 KDR, or higher, but it didn't matter in the end. In many instances there were players doing horrendously on my team. I remember one game where I had three people that were sat on 0.20 - 0.30. Hopeless, and for it to happen so frequently makes it feel that the matchmaking is intentionally curating these scenarios. It's deliberately putting me with awful players, or at least, there are so many people playing in parties that playing alone guarantees you always face a stacked party.


My experiences with IB Last night were mostly positive, queuing solo. Still can't work out how best to play control though - had mixed success with both rotating and trying to hold points.

One of the games I was matched with a FT or 3 against a FT of 4 so I stuck with the team and we basically rotated between points but the number of engagements was low so we ended up see-sawing on the scores. Decided to stick at B for a bit (this was on Fortress) to force some encounters and got some points on the board to tip the scales (thanks nova bomb!).

Everying running in circles to cap the three points like that seems stupid - shitty map design in that particular instance? On Altar of Flame I didn't seem to have that problem.

Getting tokens as a reward is still boring, but I did get the warlock helm and fusion.


Not being able to load into the tower is starting to get stupid. Missed out on claiming my daily IB tokens because it took my 10 minutes to load in after getting booted out the game a number of times.


Neo Member
This weeks nightfall was much easier then the last one.

Last one took 3-4 tries with a tight fire team and we communicated well and had tactics.

This one I got on the first try with 2 randoms and we did not even have a voice chat.

Endo Punk

Is there any other difference between, say for example level 16 weapon and a level 20 weapon besides the the attack power? I can infuse a weapon into the level 16 weapon to increase its attack power above the level 20 and that should make it better, right?


Should I even bother doing the Cayde chests this week?

Pretty sure these are randomized, but I got an Exotic out of one today. It's possible you get nothing of value, but it's about 5 minutes of work (especially since you can go on Youtube and find a video with the precise location of each chest for that week) to potentially get a decent reward.


Is there any other difference between, say for example level 16 weapon and a level 20 weapon besides the the attack power? I can infuse a weapon into the level 16 weapon to increase its attack power above the level 20 and that should make it better, right?

I think it raises the level. I'm sure while I was leveling an alt I infused a weapon and then could no longer equip it.
Pretty sure these are randomized, but I got an Exotic out of one today. It's possible you get nothing of value, but it's about 5 minutes of work (especially since you can go on Youtube and find a video with the precise location of each chest for that week) to potentially get a decent reward.

Cayde's chests have a higher than normal chance of exotics and can give non-standard legendaries (e.g. the faction-specific guns).
They aren't great, but what else are you going to spend glimmer on?

I think it sucks that you can get empty chests though. I got an empty one as my first chest after flying in from the Tower, so it wasn't some anti-farming code.

This week I got 2 blues, 1 purple, one exotic, 2 mods, some shaders and about 1000g of trash for the cost of 24,000g.
Not great, but not terrible (and yes, the exotic was a duplicate)

What are the IB daily challenges today?
I hope we don't get the bullshit stuff like killing 5 guardians during their super.
I got all 3 yesterday on my main but failed on the alt since I couldn't get the 5-kill streak.
You know you're already dead when your team pose looks like my 5-year old has been playing mix-n-match with his city/space/ninja/superhero Lego figures, while the other team is all green and gold with horned helmets or Shaxx's fur-collar armour.

I also got my first base-300 item last night from my clan raid engram (thanks mysterious Gold Warriors). Now 305'ed with a legendary arc mod. It was the rocket launcher too, so I'll actually use it (plus it looks really nice and I've been neglecting my fashion-game).

Deku Tree

So how do you get a 300 PL engram from Lord Salad when you are 304?

Also omg I tweeted my platinum trophy image and MrSTeamKK gave it a like.


I’m one point away from 305 and I hate that I have to wait one more week for the milestones, because this week everything dropped out of engrams but the gauntlets I need, stuck at 304.

Any reason why even though I’m at 304, all my vendor engrams decode at 294?
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